Australia is under belligerent occupation governance which is deliberately enslaving, impoverishing & destroying the nation
Ron: Ever wonder how & why life in Australia gets steadily worse year after year so that today most young people are burdened with debt for their government mandated “schooling” (which is a stultifying indoctrination process from cradle to adulthood that produces “graduates,” including school teachers & university professors who don’t know what a woman is etc) & cannot get employment that enables them to afford to buy a home or raise a family so that the birth rate is abysmal. I have.
An early indication that Australia had a belligerent occupation federal government was the introduction of the Family Law Act I975 which encouraged & incentivised divorce, undermined the nuclear family & favoured single parent female dominated child raising. See e.g:
This was done to formally assist the breakup of the natural bond between men & women which the Talmudic Feminist campaigns launched by the CIA in the I960s were designed to create. Today those policies are flourishing & destroying societal life in the West. See e.g:
In fact our governments are involved in a slow motion genocide of the existing Anglo-European based Christian population by breeding out Australia’s indigenous white Christian derived population & importing people from foreign cultures to replace us. To conceal their intentions & hasten the process they are importing 600,000 or more foreign asylum seekers & migrants annually to replace our failing birth rate & exacerbate the poverty, scarcity & want causing it. This has the added effect of increasing the already inadequate existing national housing & infrastructure shortages.
Thus our belligerent occupier governments are foisting societal & cultural suicide upon Australians which will morph into physical suicide of the founding national population in due course as they fail to replace themselves & die out. Soon there will be no one left who remembers or cares about the nation’s culture & history or what it was like to live in conditions having at least a semblance of free association & mateship, let alone some inkling of natural law, the rights of sovereign human individuals & the divine message of Christ Jesus. Talmudic atheism & transgenderism will be the dominant religion.
Economic implications & outcomes:
From a social & economic perspective Australia’s current situation is ridiculous in a nation having much greater & far more varied natural resources & climatic & environmental endowments than nations like Saudi Arabia where income tax & other personal taxes are nonexistent. The reason for that is the fact that in addition to enslavement of the population to the private banking cabal (discussed below) our governments GIFT our natural resources to foreign bankster controlled private MEGA corporations that are controlled by Jew controlled MEGA investment corporations like Blackrock, Vanguard & State Street.
In this context be aware that iconic, ostensibly Australian corporations like BHP, are essentially owned by foreign interests with a small shareholding by Australians.
What happens is that our Governments subsidise ( public resources) to private owners of companies by giving those companies free licences (as they do with banks) or cheap, low royalty with minimal taxes, licenses to sell to Australians their own resources at global parity prices. Often they also GIFT foreign corporations with free or unduly cheap land & infrastructure &/or cash subsidies, ostensibly because the corporation says it will create employment. IN FACT this nation would be better off just giving cash payments to Australians to do nothing. Then, at least our governments & communities would not have to pay for clean up & remedial costs after mining companies cease operations.
Oil companies also rip us off but do it by capping oil wells in Queensland & elsewhere thus preventing us from using our own oil; thus forcing us to pay inflated world parity prices for fuel refined in Singapore so that Australians do not even get the work, & profit, from refining it.
COMPARE the price of power & fuel in Australia with those in the US, let alone Saudi Arabia or other oil rich nations. Our power & fuel costs are more than FOUR TIMES those in the US & even much higher than in other oil & gas producing nations. WHY? The reason is that we are under US dominated belligerent occupation governance which is a gigantic EXTORTION RACKET that is sucking this nation & its people dry & refusing to allow us to mine, refine, distribute & use our own resources.
Private corporations also sell huge quantities of our natural resources to foreign nations. Those companies are selling our nation’s abundant natural resources to foreign nations making enormous profits in the process YET our federal & state governments require them to pay very little in the way of royalties, acquisition costs & taxes for what they TAKE & SELL overseas. In effect, our belligerent occupation governments have been stealing us blind on behalf of their foreign owners for a century & using our taxes to pay for the Police & Judiciaries needed to enforce their control & enslavement of the population.
See e.g:
Australia has no lawful Constitution. The Commonwealth of Australia is a private corporation and every individual purporting to sit in Parliament & to govern Australia does so unlawfully.
A private cabal of lawyers & others pretend to sit in Australia's federal parliament & to govern Australia. That constitutes treason against the Australian people. Anomalies abound. Below is one example.
It is over a century since Australia became a sovereign nation when Australia signed the Treaty of Versailles. Yet the ruling self proclaimed elite & their supporting legal, academic & corporate classes have yet to state the bleeding obvious?!
Australia has had no valid Constitution since signing the Treaty of Versailles. ‘Gentlemen’ pretending we have a Constitution, rule Australia under unwritten and variable “conventions” and “rules” as Scomo’s escapades during COVID-19 illustrates.
Before 1901 Australia was a British colony ruled by a Governor General under part of a UK imperial statute allegedly signed by Queen Victoria but whether she signed it or not is seriously in doubt. But in any event that Constitution was a colonial document created under an imperial statute that could be rescinded at any time by the Westminster parliament. Moreover, it ceased to have any lawful or legitimate application to Australia’s governance when the nation became sovereign after WWI.
However, the cabal of politicians & their supporters running the nation failed to inform Australians of the situation or to obtain popular approval to acceptance of the colonial Constitution or any other constitution for the governance of the nation.
Colonial laws and governments ceased to have valid authority once Australia became a sovereign nation. All governments and laws imposed since Australia became a sovereign nation are ultra vires.
Current Australian governments, instrumentalities, judiciaries and laws are unlawful. We’re ruled by unaccountable individuals masquerading as legitimate ministers, officials, judges and Police et al. Those individuals generally live unfettered by sham Australian laws while the general population is oppressed by them. Elite“gentlemen” walk free while defrauding and screwing Australians and molesting children. See eg: Senator Heffernan’s claim that 28 Judges and prominent politicians et al have been named as pedophiles in a report to Police. See eg:
Senator Heffernan alleges the Wood Royal Commission wouldn't examine allegations of child sex abuse by judges because the public would lose confidence in the Judiciary.
Australians are imprisoned and many lives are ruined for allegedly defrauding ‘the Commonwealth’ (a private corporation unlawfully remitting enormous profits overseas) or failing to pay unlawful taxes to the Taxation Department (another privately owned corporation) while political and official ‘gentle persons’ like the “Governor-General”, create those impositions and walk free.
Criminal politicians running the Australian federal government are key perpetrators in the enslavement and impoverishment of the Australian population via their authorisation of private banks (whose owners also own the Commonwealth of Australia corporation - however described) to pretend to create and issue Australia’s money supply, at interest. THAT is gross treason.
For how the EXTORTION RACKET used to control Australia works see eg:
The Governor- General (a colonial title) allegedly represents King Charles, a foreign Head of State. That is also treason.
A private cabal of lawyers & others unlawfully pretend to sit in Australia's sham federal parliament; & to purport to govern Australia. That constitutes treason against the Australian people. Other anomalies abound. Hereunder is one example which demonstrates that lawyers sit in Australia’s federal parliament contrary even to the sham constitution they pretend empowers them to do so.
For some of the chicanery used to engineer the current unlawful situation see the discussion in
BE AWARE though, that the discussion seems to assume that Australia’s colonial Constitution is extant. It isn’t. That means that the discussion simply highlights the subterfuges used by our current belligerent occupiers to manipulate Australia’s political processes to maintain their unlawful grip on power.
Other examples of belligerent occupation by our governments are gun control & the COVID-I9 scamdemic.
Gun control laws enable Australia’s unlawful governments to coerce & control everyone using their exclusive right to exercise force & violence via heavily armed private corporate Police forces.
This was achieved by using the Port Arthur False Flag massacre.
See eg: