Ron: This excellent video explains how treason by Australian governments, Parliaments & bureaucrats have sold out the interests of their constituents to foreign entities for money. In effect, Australia is under belligerent foreign occupation with all parliaments, governments and governance organs like the judiciaries, Police forces, the RBA & the IDF, being privately owned corporation whose executive officers take orders from foreign shareholders.
This video explains how governments covertly GIFT our natural resources to foreign corporations & even subsidise their profit making operations while pretending that those corporations are vital to our economy because they create jobs. That specious propaganda is obvious BOLLOCKS & becoming ever more so every day as AI & technology replace ever more human labour needs, forcing governments to foster creation of ever more part time jobs & bureaucratic supervision of that process & of the welfare handout arrangements needed to conceal the truth.
To give you some idea of the corruption involved & the incredible profits being made by multi-national corporations at the expense of the Australian population this video lists the prices paid for our gas in various foreign nations and the price Australians pay:
Internationl gas prices per gigajoule:
US: USD $2.50
Europe: USD (?) $8.70
Asia: USD (?) $I0.50
Australia: AUS: $II.73
These figures may be distorted because of varying currency values.
Tax rates:
For instance Chevron paid one billion dollars for the right to extract oil, made $79 billion in profit (which was no doubt reduced by transfer pricing & other mechanisms) BUT THEN the government paid AUS$500 million to assist with the clean up cost of the environment that CHEVRON destroyed with its mining processes.
As regards gas, 90% of Western Australia’s gas is exported mostly royalty free.
Be aware also, that Australian governments have also enabled the trans-national Mega oil companies to force Australians to pay world parity prices for oil by allowing them to cap & not produce oil from oil discoveries in ueenslnd and elsewhere in Australia. Such decisions must be deliberate. Politicians elected to manage the economy & bureaucrats employed to arrange contracts for that purpose MUST know what they are doing & the results of their decisions. Incompetence, even if unlikely but true, is no excuse & the fact that politicians & bureaucrats operate in an “Open door” environment in which they get jobs in Mega trans-national corporations that they have gifted with incredibly favourable contracts evidenced corruption.
THIS is another major reason why the Triodity of presidents, Trump. Putin & Xi and their Global Military Alliance supporters are currently removing the Khazarian Mafia (KM) globalist cabal from power in Australia & the rest of the world. See eg:
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