As banks provide NOTHING in return for their clients’ promise to pay principal and interest, the so-called money (currency) banks purport to issue is not only “cashless”, it doesn’t exist. * The quantity of coins issued by Treasuries is almost infinitesimal compared to the trillions of phantom dollars circulating in the ether as “money” and bonds and derivatives. Similarly the quantity of fiat currency notes issued by Treasuries is tiny. So, most Western economies are virtually cashless now and the ability of banks to DE-BANK people as exampled by the Nigel Farage case, already exists.
The money/currency the bnk pretends to provide from its own resources doesn’t exist BUT ntionl Tresuries do provide money/currency for loans,
When you get a loan from a bank the bank doesn’t sign your application because it isn’t a contract. It takes your signed request for a loan & presents the paperwork to the national Treasury (which is ‘in on’ the fraud) and receives from the Treasury the full amount of the stated loan from your Cestui Que Vie Trust Account.
The bank then proceeds to demand (with menaces and full support from the government and its judicial and police organs) the full mount of its pretend loan amount from 'you' the so-called borrower, (who is really the CREDITOR ) PLUS compound interest on the loan amount until the loan is paid. That is fraud and highway robbery. It is also EXTORTION by the banks aided and abetted by the government.
This process started in England in I666. See:
‘Democracy, Deception, Deceit - they're all the same’:
It's operation in the US is spelled out in:
An Investigative Report From the desk of Barton Albert Buhtz:
The“fractional reserve” bank lending system is held out by governments as our money creation and distribution system. However, the system doesn’t create money or lend it. So the banking system is cashless already. Government Treasuries issue a relatively tiny quantity of fiat notes in order to enable the banks to pretend that their electronic debt tokens constitute money when they don’t.
Bank loans are cashless because banks DO NOT lend out the deposits they get from customers and the debt tokens the banks PRETEND to create have no substance and only exist as bookkeeping entries in the electronic ether. However, loans drawing on individual’s Cestui Que Vie Trust Accounts are backed by Treasury issued digital currency. Given that the global banking system creates and manipulates many, many trillions of electronic dollars, monetary bonds and so-called derivatives, the piddling sum of coins and notes actually physically created and circulated by government Treasuries evidence that Anglo-US and Western nations already operate a near cashless economy already.
ALL of the money/currency “borrowers” provide to banks in relation to their bogus loans legally belongs to the “borrower” who is actually the CREDITOR. That means that, for instance, in cases where a bank forecloses on a property, the banks should repay all of the money paid to it by the “borrower”, including interest; together with the title to the mortgaged property guaranteeing quiet enjoyment thereof.
Having been brainwashed from cradle to grave by governments, religions, the MSM and educational systems, Western populations have already mindlessly embraced virtually cashless economies. Government Treasuries don’t purport to create and issue their nation’s money supply (although covertly they do via the Cestui Que Vie trust mechanism) but actively gaslight electorates into believing that banks do. But banks don’t create or lend money at all to their so-called “borrowers” who are really CREDITORS) Governments, banksters, economists and commentators euphemistically label as “money” the banks’ bookkeeping loan entries used by banks when they pretend to create money out of thin air, as “Money Magic”. Wouldn’t we all like to be able to be “Magicians” typing digits into computers, calling the result “money” and having everyone pay us, with the fruits of their labour, the equivalent amount of ‘money’ those bookkeeping entries are said to represent?
Stupidity is its own reward. Endless public grandstanding and criticising of banking activities, as typified by Nigel Farage’s limited hangout in the UK, is pointless. In fact by pretending the banks are merely infringing individual freedoms and privacy, complaints by Farage and others validate the major crimes being committed by banks namely their pretending to issue money in collusion with governments that facilitate and enforce the banks’ systematic pillaging and impoverishment of entire ‘captive’ populations.
A critical mass of the population needs to realise what’s happening, overcome their cognitive dissonance and admit to themselves that they’ve been comprehensively screwed all of their lives by treasonous politicians and government officials, and rapacious Ashkenazi (Khazarian Mafia aka KM) Central Bank controllers who have surreptitiously enslaved and impoverished most of our world. Fractional reserve banking is not “Money Magic” it is a fraudulently imposed EXTORTION RACKET that has stolen the wealth of sovereign populations on a global basis.
KM banksters have stolen a larger percentage of the fruits of our labour than medieval Kings and lords managed to extract from their serfs. (1) They have done this not only by stealthly stealing us blind using their banks, but also by convincing us that free range serfdom is desirable (1); combined with convincing females that their participation in wage slavery and income taxation, is preferable to child rearing and home making.
(1) The underlying justification for the free range serf ideological mechanism was enunciated in the British bankers’ Hazard Circular' to US bankers in 1863 during the American Civil War, which they created. The Circular stated that British and European bankers considered chattel slavery should be replaced by free range wage slavery because it relieves owners of the responsibility to house, feed, clothe and care for slaves and their families, including the sick and elderly. Lincoln’s freeing of slaves ushered in free range wage slavery globally as the US then acted like the Pied Piper of Hamelin by modelling the change ideologically and practically.
But I digress.
Criticisms by Farage and others that focus upon de-banking, privacy and interest rate hikes are at best ignorant and in some cases ‘limited hangouts’ designed to distract the population and to get everyone to “look over there, not over here” so that they fail to see the truth that the current Western banking system is a gigantic EXTORTION RACKET operated by governments in cahoots with private banking corporations. The system is predicated upon the fact that governments REFUSE to perform their duty to create and issue their nation’s money supply. A modern society cannot function without a money supply. At humanity’s current limited level of spiritual development societies cannot function without a tangible means for facilitating the exchange of goods and services. That function requires a generally accepted methodology for doing that. Governments have been suborned and corrupted to refuse to create and issue the nation’s money supply AND to fraudulently authorise private, FOR PROFIT, corporations to pretend to do it.
To ensure that private banks STEAL the wealth of their nations, Anglo-US and Western governments not only allow them to pretend to issue bogus debt tokens AT INTEREST, but also they use their governmental monopoly of the use of force and violence to enforce the banks’ fraud by directing government police and judicial organs (that are also subsidiary private corporations) to enforce fraudulent bank claims for payment of their imaginary loan principal sums and interest thereon.
Non-bank counterfeiters only steal the face value of their bogus ‘money’, they don’t demand that those they defraud by passing counterfeit money must also pay them compound interest thereon for years thereafter.
In effect, existing UK and Western governments are gigantic criminal enterprises controlled and used by KM banksters to enslave and impoverish whole nations.
The result is that governments like the UK’s Westminster government, collude and connive with banks to enforce the enslavement, immiseration and impoverishment of their captive populations. That also explains why the UK and Western government policies in respect of health, welfare, schooling, immigration and war-making etc are so anti-social, anti-Christian and anti-human. The UK and Western nations are under hostile occupation and have been for centuries. For instance the secret unlawful enslavement of Britons began in 1666. See eg: ‘Democracy, Deception, Deceit - they're all the same’:
The hostile occupation of Australia is discussed in:
USans have been put in a similar situation since 1933. See: An Investigative Report From the desk of Barton Albert Buhtz:
Australian and many other national governments also implemented the Strawman mechanism during the Great Depression in 1933 with the result that every time a living man or woman creates CREDIT by, for instance, taking out a mortgage or loan, the money/currency specified in the contract is simply a draw-down on his/her Cestui Que Vie trust account with the relevant Treasury.
In effect banks not only defraud “borrowers” for the amount of their loans and interest thereon, they obtain a double payment because they ‘draw down’ the amount of the loan from the relevant government Treasury using the “borrower’s” fraudulently obtained signature on the bogus loan document fraudulently called a contract although the bank doesn’t sign it.
As in Australia and elsewhere in Western nations, the UK monetary and banking systems are a gigantic criminal EXTORTION RACKET enforced by Westminster style governments and private banks. Pretending that interest rate increases, debanking and privacy issues are the only issues needing reform is GASLIGHTING and part of the cover-up of the primary crime.
In this respect, Nigel Farage and anyone else that pretends that the fractional reserve banking loan process is legitimate, is a limited hangout.
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