Ron: This video commentary brilliantly explains how Australian governments treasonously GIFT the right to mine, TAKE & SELL Australia’s material resources, & especially our natural gas resources, to foreign owned corporations for almost nothing. Not satisfied with that, the criminals in our federal government (which is in fact a private corporation owned & controlled by foreign individuals who also own the huge mining corporations that are GIFTED with our natural resources) and the members of their political parties in Parliament, use Australians’ tax funds to SUBSIDISE the operations of those mining corporations in Australia while at the same time allowing those corporate exploiters of OUR natural resources to sell to us our own resources AT WORLD PARITY PRICES.
Many Australians live in poverty & many young Australians are unable to afford to buy a home and/or have children & raise a family* because of this treasonous behaviour by our Parliaments & governments. WHEN are Australians going to WAKE UP & smell the corruption & treason rampant in Australia’s governance & do something bout it?
* Australians have failed to reproduce the population for many years. That is social suicide. Our treasonous governments have concealed that fact for many years by importing millions of refugees & immigrants from incompatable cultures. Those people ‘imports’ do not culturally intergrate into our society which creates disunity & division which exacerbates our economic problems. In effect our excessive immigration policies not only create huge housing & infrastructure shortages but also constitute societal suicide as our culture disintegrates.
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