The Worldly Pain Of Young Americans:“... Barna and his colleagues suggest that addressing those conditions may not require counseling, hospitalization, drugs, or other common remedies.
“The research instead indicates that those are often symptoms of an unhealthy worldview ...” Ron: WHY am I not surprised?
Ron: It’s often said that if an adult thinks s/he’s the opposite sex s/he has a mental problem but if a child thinks s/he’s the opposite sex his/her MOTHER has a mental problem.
The Worldly Pain Of Young Americans
by Tyler Durden
Thursday, Nov 07, 2024 - 11:15 AM
Commentary by Mark Bauerlein via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),
A survey by the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University reported findings that won’t surprise anyone who’s been paying attention. Among Millennials and members of Generation Z, fully one-in-three individuals suffer from some kind of mental disorder. Anxiety, depression, substance abuse, and suicidal thoughts afflict them, and the mental problems frequently manifest in physical symptoms.
That’s not the evidence of the Research Center study, though. The mental health numbers above come from federal government agencies, which the Center cites in order to set up its attachment of these emotional pains to another factor, a cause rarely considered by public officials in charge of data collection and population surveys. Here is how the Center and its staff led by George Barna put it:
“... Barna and his colleagues suggest that addressing those conditions may not require counseling, hospitalization, drugs, or other common remedies.
“The research instead indicates that those are often symptoms of an unhealthy worldview ...”
That’s the assumption, a close relationship between a person’s general worldview and a person’s emotional state. A 20-year-old who thinks the world is a cruel habitat, that the world doesn’t care about individual human beings, that people are selfish and life is hard... that 20-year-old will feel the effects of that pessimism. He embraces a nihilism about the world that will recoil upon him and bring him down, that will include him in the negative judgment. If he thinks that climate change will bring devastation to the earth in the next 30 years, he loses hope and wonders what to do with his life. If he doesn’t trust other people, he can’t form solid and affirming relationships. Emotional agonies are inevitable.
Data that the Center has gathered add support to the assumption. Consider these results:
Seven out of ten individuals under 40 years of age who responded to Center questionnaires stated that they “lack a sense of purpose and meaning in life.”
Only 13 percent of Generation Z and 22 percent of Millennials believe that “absolute moral truth exists and is an objective reality.”
Given those dispiriting beliefs, we shouldn’t shake our heads at the malaise and panic of the young. In former times, thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche and Martin Heidegger described such regrettable attitudes in terms that combined the philosophical and the psychological, for instance, “ontological insecurity” and “metaphysical discomfort,” which they understood as peculiarly modern diseases. Those traits are still with us, Barna et al. insist, and they run in two directions, outward and inward. That life has no purpose slides smoothly into “I have no purpose.” To think that moral truth is a relative or subjective thing only is to deny oneself a reliable foundation of judgment and conviction. Young Americans are fractious and fragile, and who can avoid that condition in a world so utterly careless and capricious.
The daily experience of average 16-year-olds only reinforces the negative worldview they bear. The videos they watch, the music they hear, the texts and photos that flood their phones, the movies and TV shows they favor—it’s a wave of entertainment that shows people behaving badly with no moral accounting. These media allow for no transcendence and no organized worship, no prayer or devotion. They are the bricks of youth culture, which doesn’t revere the past or envision a happy future. No deep meanings and profound truths. The producers of it purvey shallow ideas and emotional chaos. We have handed the rising generations an environment hostile to their souls.
The mental problems of 21st-century youth are real. Our methods of treating them are pharmacological and therapeutic, wholly individualized. These procedures are often incomplete.
We should add to the mix the exploration of a wayward youth’s worldview, and the modification of it should that worldview prove discouraging and depressing.
What a teen assumes about human existence at large affects daily mood and will, the head and the heart. It’s a warning to parents. Give your children a stable moral habitat. Teach them a meaningful past and a hopeful future. If they rebel against your vision, so be it, but you will make that rebellion itself meaningful by presenting to them something meaningful to oppose.
The depression and anxiety, in some cases at least (a not insignificant portion, I believe), are a sane response to bad influences and cynical perceptions. Youth culture is itself unhealthy, and Americans coming-of-age need to be cured of it.
Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times or ZeroHedge.
Jordan Peterson Calmly HUMBLES Woman Who Says Men & Women Aren't Equal Yet
You can lead a human to knowledge but you can't make it THINK. IF White men WERE in power there would be laws against being anti-White male. There aren't, BUT there are laws against being anti-Jewish.
Ron: IF White men controlled Western nations there would be laws against criticising White males. There aren't, BUT there are laws against criticising Jews and being anti-Jewish. White boys and men are discriminated against and vilified as being “toxic” etc in educational and all other Western institutions This indicates that non-white Ashkenazis control the US and all Western nations as evidenced by the fact that they have created laws marginalising white boys and men and favouring Jews and women.
In this context ‘Feminism’ is really just another Talmudic Jewish shtick. If women want equal pay shouldn’t they have to do equal work?
For instance, ignoring for the moment that the Williams sisters are not females, even if they were, WHY should prize money for winning a women’s Grand Slam tennis tournament equal the amount of the men’s prize money when women’s matches are played over best of three sets whereas men’s matches are played over best of five sets? Prima facie, women therefore get the SAME PAY for doing approximately three fifths of the work. HOW IS THAT EQUAL?
Perhaps men should just take a leaf out of the Feminists’ book and opt to become female trannys? That would eliminate the problem entirely. For instance if all biological male tennis players were to choose to gender transition that would also lighten their workload and they could just play best of three sets in Grand slam tournaments for the same prize money. If all the male tennis player “transitioned” the prize money could perhaps even be increased since there would only be one tournament.
The Feminists’ desire for equality of outcomes could thus be achieved. That result would be both equitable and very appealing for men. If all men embraced the full rainbow kaleidoscope of ‘Feminist’ thinking they could “flexibly” embrace gender fluidity and become tranny’s in all activities. That would create a great increase in social harmony too, because once everyone in the workplace (and society generally) chooses to be “female” all inequalities based on “gender” will disappear.
The “Glass ceilings” that preclude more men than women from reaching the pinnacle of vocational success (because more men than women remain permanently in the wage slave work force created by Talmudic Ashkenazis globally) would then disappear because preferment for top management positions could no longer be said to be based on gender bias. The discrimination against the bulk of the workforce getting the limited number of top jobs would then be seen to affect everyone equally, AS IS THE CASE NOW. As a consequence kvetching feminists would need to find another target for their dissatisfaction and aggression.
Female sports stars appear to lead the charge for equal pay and equal rights. see eg:
For instance the US Women's National Soccer Team has used its platform to champion a number of social causes, including race, gender and LGBT rights. The team has also been vocal in its fight to be paid the same as professional men's soccer players. The US women soccer players desire to further the cause of gender and LGBT rights and equal pay can be easily fixed; all that is needed would be to have men choose to gender transition which is apparently something the woman soccer players ostensibly support.
That would eliminate any future embarrassment like the US Women’s Soccer Team kvetching about getting less pay than the US Men’s Soccer Team (See eg: ) when proper analysis of the provisions of their different collective bargaining contracts indicated that they may have gotten more, over all, than the men. Anyway, once everyone’s on the same team inequalities will vanish. HOORAY!!
And may the BEST ‘WOMEN’ WIN!
Another advantage of men “gender transitioning” en mass is that all the current political and industrial effort to “deconstruct” White Male privilege would be achieved immediately and without effort. HR departments could he halved over night and confine themselves to enhancing pro-Jewish anti-white discrimination without worrying about the rights of females.
Tranhumanism: The End Game: Laura Aboli
Ron: Laura Aboli tells you the truth about Talmudic Transhumanism in a nutshell Pilgrims. IF you don't discuss this with your family, friends and colleagues YOU are part of the problem.
Nov 17, 2023
Laura Aboli explained at the Better Way Conference in the UK in June this year just how the transgender movement, contrary to claims that it’s a grassroots movement based on self-expression, is actually a top-down globalist initiative to break apart the nuclear family. She said:
“…the final goal is to eradicate humanity as we know it.” Once you know the final destination, it becomes much easier to look back and identify the psychological conditioning, the biological tampering, the cultural grooming and the educational prepping that we have been subjected to for decades in preparation to make us accept a post-human future.
Most, if not all, that has transcended over the past 60 years was designed to get us closer to accepting such a dystopian reality. “Whether you care to accept it or not, we live in a hyper-controlled matrix where our perception of reality is meticulously planned, managed and executed in order to control and steer us in whichever direction they wish”.
“And the direction is a post-human world.”
“For this they first needed to destabilize, dehumanize, and demoralize humanity through every means possible: the destruction of the nuclear family, children being indoctrinated by the state, abortion, the eradication of God and spirituality from education, life in megacities and away from nature, toxic food, air and water, social media replacing real human connection and interaction, engineered financial crisis, taxation, endless wars and massive migration, stress, anxiety, depression, drugs and alcohol, constant fear-mongering, moral relativism as the new religion, and I could go on and on about how humanity has been influenced and forced to move away from all the things that give us strength, security, purpose and meaning.
A weak, immoral, disconnected, ignorant and unhealthy population is an easy target for the next stage: the creation of an entire generation of androgynous beings. Masculinity is under attack, psychologically, culturally and biologically. Women are being replaced in sports, entertainment and politics by men pretending to be women. And children are being indoctrinated at school (1) to think that gender is a choice.
The transgender movement is not a grassroots movement. It comes from the top. It has nothing to do with people’s freedom of expression, sexuality or civil rights. It’s an evil psy-op with a clear agenda: to get us closer to transhumanism by making us question the most fundamental notion of human identity, our gender.”
If you don’t know who you are; if you already identify as a hybrid between a man and a woman, you will be easily convinced to become a hybrid between human and machine. Gender ideology is the two plus two equals five from George Orwell’s 1984 dystopia novel. It’s the final test to see whether we follow the most absurd party line towards our own extinction. But two plus two equals four. And no matter how you choose to dress, call yourself or change your physique will not change that.
The sad reality though, in the gaslighting process to get us closer to a post human future they have mentally, and physically harmed an increasing number of children and young people and it’s only getting worse.
This must be stopped.
End Note 1
Ron: The basic building block for indoctrinating and gaslighting the human population is the18 years of government controlled infant and preschool childcare and schooling which largely eliminates parental influences AND children’s ability to think critically and to trust and love themselves, value family, nature, friends and neighbourhood, as the central treasures of a good life.
Government pre-schooling and schooling effectively inculcates CONFUSION (everything is out of context and disconnected). Absence of father, mother and siblings for the bulk of the day: age segregation, lack of coherence in curriculum and constant changes in activities and focus inhibits coherent thinking and magnifies disconnections and contradictions.
At best schooling teaches a tool kit of superficial jargon derived from faux history, economics, sociology, other pseudo sciences and fables and so on. The process destroys curiosity, concentration, genuine enthusiasm and morality. Constant time sequencing of activities and obsession with (often false) facts and theories like Darwinian Evolution, destroy mentation and the desire to discover MEANING. Schooling is a gigantic, fragmented, secular catechismic process which is the opposite of truth, cohesion and morality. Today it’s ability to destroy mentation and morality is only exceeded by electronic misdirections encapsulated in TV programming, constant use of electronic devices and the internet.
The schooling process teaches EGO-CENTRICITY, INDIFFERENCE, SOCIAL & INTELLECTUAL DEPENDENCE and PSYCHIC INVALIDISM (good people wait for an expert to tell them what to do, as typified by the COVID-19 scamdemic and acceptance of vaccines injecting unknown foreign substances into the human blood stream); the result being mass formation psychosis and ever increasing mental and physical illness). The final product is lack of thinking ability, self esteem and morality. Schooling produces a population that hasn’t learned to think and has to be told what to think which inevitably means NOT THINKING.
Schooling removes children from active participation in community life by segregating them from society for the first 18 years of life and forcibly occupying their time and energy in segregated, emotionally isolating and unreal factory conditions under the control of certified experts who are themselves puppets whose actions are dictated by faceless bureaucrats and their own schooling as children and in tertiary indoctrination institutions.
Schooling systems ostensibly spend 15-18 years teaching children reading, writing and arithmetic that John Taylor Gatto says most people, if motivated, can learn in 100 hours. See eg: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Institutionalised Schooling (1998)
Obviously schools are intended to do something else during those 18 years.
Aristotle taught that without a fully active role in community life you could not hope to be a real human being. The Talmudic systems under which we teach children and operate our societies preclude most people achieving fully human status making us ideal subjects for the Khazarian Mafia’s (KM’s) transhumanism project.
The antidote is to decentralise governance and all aspects of life in order to re-humanise society by restoring MEANING and encouraging genuine family and community life. We need to focus upon nature, the passage of the seasons, simple ceremonies and rituals; the stimulation of curiosity, generosity, compassion, service to others; personal independence and privacy.
Institutional teaching is destructive to children and hence society. Like all centralised societal systems, schooling breeds mental and physical enslavement and reduced self confidence and creativity. Along with fraudulent fractional reserve banking it is the basis for the dystopia which engulfs our planet.
To ensure a viable future for this planet and her population after the Triodity and the Global Military Alliance it directs, frees us from control by the KM and their governance, monetary, banking and schooling systems, we need to eliminate all centralised governments and develop decentralised governance arrangements under which all aspects of societal life are decided and operated by consensus locally. Government schooling needs to be replaced by home schools, neighbourhood schools, small entrepreneurial schools, spiritual schools, dance and performing arts schools, craft schools, farm schools and the like. Every ensouled human is unique and his/her education needs to be personally chosen and assisted by his/her family and community throughout his/her life.
For a video of Laura Aboli’s speech see:
Some Additional Observations:
Almost everything we are told by authorities about everything from cradle to grave is bullshit, the opposite of the truth. That’s why humans generally, and especially people in Western nations, think they are “educated” civilised and self-directed when they are not. At best, most are abysmally ignorant to the point of stupidity. For instance, any society that lauds Ashkenazis, i.e. self described “Jews”; and condones their control of governments, banks, mass media, religions, culture and everything else, is masochistic if not suicidal.
As a collective, ”Jews” are a parasitic incubus on any nation in which they settle. They suck the life out of every host society which they infest. Using ill gotten gains from fiat fractional reserve banking, they OWN governments and almost everything else.
Apart from the Bolshevik destruction and genocide of Imperial Russia; Mao’s KM directed genocide of the Chinese nation and the Ashkenazis’ repeated occupation, destruction, genocide and exploitation of Germany in the 20th century, the best recent example of Ashkenazi parasitism is Palestine where “Jews” have murdered, ethnically cleansed and supplanted half the Semitic population, stealing their identity in the process; while literally enslaving, impoverishing, incarcerating and periodically decimating the other half in order to periodically indulge in genocidal sprees during which they kill tens of thousands of Gazans in a procedure similar to shooting fish in a barrel.
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In other news…
Ron: Perhaps the women should have let Emily play.