Trump Destroying Woke Culture for 10 Minutes Straight
Ron: The Talmudists created Feminism to pave the way for Woke Culture which they intended to use to destroy Western Christian derived nations. They almost succeeded.
" It is an abomination to God’s Father-Heart, to observe how His daughters are threated on this confused and spiritually backward planet. Your Master-Son, Jesus, came to help set this straight when He also trained 12 women apostles. Little is known from your olden records about these women. Mary Magdalene was their spokesperson as was the apostle Andrew for the males. "
Through Lytske
To Be Made in His Image
The Beloved: “There is no greater or more pleasant surprise for a mortal then to realize that it is a tool in the Master’s hand, to be wielded with the same love and compassion in which it was formed for the benefit of countless others.
Who knows the budding capacities of a soul better than the Creator? My beloved, ponder these words: ‘To be made in His image.’ When these words: ‘To be made in our image,’ were spoken in the eternal past, it had nothing whatsoever to do with the physical body. It had everything to do with the undying soul, which, as a seed, would be housed in the mortal temple of a being with free will to help choose its destiny.
The degree went forth, ‘Be ye perfect even as I am perfect.’ This is your purpose and goal of the ages. What you do with your seed-soul in this mortal life, which is the foundation life of all the ages to come in eternal life, is your gift back to the Creator.
In this seed-soul lie many hidden gifts, which will only be fully realized in the fullness of time. It is your privilege and duty to do the best you can, firstly, to help this seed-soul to grow by learning the lessons life presents to you, and secondly, through your choices and decision-making in learning the lessons of compassion and forgiveness towards all others.
When the Universal God spoke to His Co-Creators – the Eternal Son and the Infinite Spirit –saying: ‘Let us make man in our image,’ this, of course, included all women for in God’s eyes there is no gender and all are equal in His sight. Men and women are created to complement each other, and help each grow on the spiritual path.
It is an abomination to God’s Father-Heart, to observe how His daughters are threated on this confused and spiritually backward planet. Your Master-Son, Jesus, came to help set this straight when He also trained 12 women apostles. Little is known from your olden records about these women. Mary Magdalene was their spokesperson as was the apostle Andrew for the males.
Think of the travesty and abuse, which has been rampant on this planet. The time has come for an awakening of all souls to remember their divine heritage and destiny, and to start behaving accordingly.”