Elon Musk Says Son “Dead” Thanks to Woke Mind Virus Putting Son on Puberty Blockers
"The reason it's called 'deadnaming' is because your son is dead. So my son Xavier is dead. Killed by the woke mind virus..."So I vowed to destroy the woke mind virus after that." - Elon Musk
Tech entrepreneur Elon Musk’s son is essentially dead due to the leftist transgender culture rot that infected his brain, the Tesla CEO said Monday.
Describing how the “woke mind virus” had taken over, Musk said his son “Xavier” was for all intents and purposes is dead, just like the transgender term “dead-name” implies.
“ It happened to one of my older boys, um, where I was essentially tricked into signing documents for one of my older boys, Xavier,” Musk said in a recent Daily Wire interview.
“This was before I had really any understanding of what was going on, and then we had COVID going on. And so there was a lot of confusion. And… I was told, oh, you know, say ‘Everyone might commit suicide if, if you don’t.'”
“That was a lie right from the outset. Incredibly evil,” Musk said, adding, “And I agree with you that people that have been promoting this should go to prison.”
Another reason for going along with the trendy transgender fad was that he hadn’t been informed “that puberty blockers are actually just sterilization drugs,” Musk said.
“And so, I lost my son, essentially.”
“You know, they call it ‘deadnaming’ for a reason,” he continued, adding, “The reason it’s called ‘deadnaming’ is because your son is dead. So my son Xavier is dead. Killed by the woke mind virus.”
The X owner explained the issue had steeled his resolve to combat trans insanity, saying, “So I vowed to destroy the woke mind virus after that.”
While Musk initially leaned left politically, he has since corrected his stance after observing the left’s destruction of society and culture, coming full circle to endorse former President Donald Trump’s re-election bid.
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October 25, 2018
Exploding the Transgender Myth
By Avrohom Gordimer
The Trump administration is finally bursting the bubble – a bubble full of hot air, falsehoods, and nefarious social agendas.
The administration's move to define gender biologically is causing hysteria among outspoken transgender activists and celebrities, protesting with the rallying cry of "We will not be erased!" After years of effort to promote transgenderism as a normal and even "in" and "cool" type of identity, deserving of broad protections and demanding respect bordering on that of a royal class, the bubble is being burst with a pierce of reality.
As reported by the New York Times:
[T]he Department of Health and Human Services is spearheading an effort to establish a legal definition of sex under Title IX, the federal civil rights law that bans gender discrimination in education programs that receive government financial assistance.
The department argued in its memo that key government agencies needed to adopt an explicit and uniform definition of gender as determined "on a biological basis that is clear, grounded in science, objective and administrable." The agency's proposed definition would define sex as either male or female, unchangeable, and determined by the genitals that a person is born with, according to a draft reviewed by The Times. Any dispute about one's sex would have to be clarified using genetic testing.
"Sex means a person's status as male or female based on immutable biological traits identifiable by or before birth," the department proposed in the memo, which was drafted and has been circulating since last spring. "The sex listed on a person's birth certificate, as originally issued, shall constitute definitive proof of a person's sex unless rebutted by reliable genetic evidence."
The entire transgender legitimacy movement is a fabrication in which new vocabulary was introduced to glorify those who suffer from the psychiatric condition known as gender dysphoria. Although it has been sanitized to reflect political correctness and liberal values, the American Psychiatric Association's classification of gender dysphoria treats the condition as a mental disorder; it is hard to avoid the inescapable scientific truth. Under President Obama, the federal government was directed to deny this truth and to treat those with gender dysphoria as really being of the sex they imagine they are, due to their disorder. President Trump has corrected this error and should be applauded.
Imagine someone suffering from Dissociative Identity Disorder (which was previously referred to as Multiple Personality Disorder) being assigned two Social Security numbers, two legal names, and two different birthdays, due to the person's psychiatric delusion that he is two different people. It would be absurd for one's legal identity to be controlled by fantasies that are the product of a mental disorder. Is not the transgender issue equally absurd, such that one's imagined sex, which represents a psychiatric ailment, should dictate to the government whether such a person is legally male or female?
Farcically, New York mayor Bill de Blasio has taken it all one step farther, recently signing a bill that allows residents of New York City to register their birth certificates at will under Gender "X," meaning that a person is neither male nor female. This follows previous legislation signed by de Blasio that allows New Yorkers to change their birth certificate sex from male to female and vice versa, as well as a massive array of programming under the name "LGBTQ Youth" introduced by de Blasio, plus steep fines for New Yorkers who use the wrong sex pronouns for transgender people.
Transgender advocates get upset when various transgender "types" are randomly treated as one category and not individually distinguished. Let's take a closer look and see who should really be upset.
Gender dysphoria, a term shunned by transgender advocates, signifies a mental disorder, as described above. The other type of transgenderism – which is really something else and hence is not legitimately part of the congenital transgender classification – is referred to as "gender nonconformity," about which the American Psychiatric Association states:
Gender dysphoria is not the same as gender nonconformity, which refers to behaviors not matching the gender norms or stereotypes of the gender assigned at birth. Examples of gender nonconformity (also referred to as gender expansiveness or gender creativity) include girls behaving and dressing in ways more socially expected of boys or occasional cross-dressing in adult men. Gender nonconformity is not a mental disorder.