FOXX @Based1717
Ron: This bloke’s language is a bit basic but his sentiments, intentions and advice are sound. We need to get over our false perceptions inculcated while being forced to attend factory schooling from cradle to adulthood during which our minds are filled with false information about life, the universe and everything including our image of ourselves and others. In Western nations Talmudic Feminism has destroyed the natural bond between girls and boys, men and women, and the result is misery all around and drastically falling birth rates which amounts to cultural and societal suicide.
Get over any mental block you may have due to the vehemence and crude language of this bloke. What matters in life is the meaning and intention behind what we say. Caring feminine energy is what civilises so-called toxic masculinity. That can’t happen where Feminism destroys the self image of women and their ability to relate to men
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