SINKS (Single independent No Kids) Female equivalent of INCELS
SINKS (Single Independent income, No Kids
SINKS: i.e. Single, Independent (Income) No Kids.
Brain washed females who mindlessly absorb the social engineering that THEY CAN HAVE IT ALL, the high flying career, luxury living and endless exciting carefree sexual encounters. Marriage? Children? Nah… maybe at some point. Whole generations of them grew up thinking this was there future.
Turns out society lied to girls and women and it was all bullshit… the reality was that it meant being a ‘wagie drone’ trapped in a WAGE CAGE, living alone in a shoe book apartment eating meals for one every night. Downing bottles of wine in front of Netflix. While the friends you used to go out with have all moved on and started families.
Not so much “Sex in the City” as “SINK in the City”…Waiting for everyone’s kids to get old enough so that our friends can go out again.
At what age should your life stop revolving around going out and getting drunk?
SINKS are basically female INCELS but the level of shear COPE on display is way higher.
INCELS have largely accepted their fate. SINKS act like it’s a fate that they choose...
Apparently until recently women didn’t have the right to work. WHO KNEW?
By 2030 over 50% of all women over 30 in the UK (and Western societies?) will be childless and alone. They spend all their fertile years racking up bodies, focusing on their careers just to end up depressed and full of regret…
On no! The bad old days when living standards were high enough to maintain single income households with solo male breadwinners where women could actually spend time at home nurturing their own children and cooking for their husband who actually cares about them instead of dumping the kids at some dodgy daycare centre while she toils away serving another man, the general manager of the faceless corporation she works for who couldn’t give a fuck about her.
GREAT, what a fantastic improvement! … No! Trust the man who owns the WAGE CAGE where you sit under harsh strip lights for I0 hours a day while being treated like a perfunctory unit of production. IT’S REALLY AN UPGRADE…
The Feminists spiel is that marriage and family is: ‘Willingly giving up financial independence”. Don’t trust the man who loves you and treats you well with your “financial independence”
That’s a JOKE, JOYCE! NO ONE has financial independence except Talmudic banksters and their mates; and to some extent, the Ashkenazi community generally; because their role is to conceal and support the Talmudic rulers of our global matrix.
No goyim (not even the Talmudists’ minions and enablers) have financial independence in our KM bankster dominated world. THINK About it! Men are trapped on the SAME economic treadmill as women are. In fact the situation of the average married man who is raising a family is worse than that of a SINK because he has the increased responsibility and worry of having to keep being a wage slave in some faceless, demoralising corporation for the sake of his spouse and children.
My father used to say to us kids in the early 1950s:
“I get up in the morning to go to work to earn the money to feed the family; to go to sleep to get up in the morning to go to work to earn the money to feed the family to go to sleep to get up in the morning…”
All that has changed in my lifetime is that NOW both the father and mother have been socially engineered to be the wage slaves in a free range serf system where BOTH are required to get up in the morning to go to work to earn the money to feed themselves (and kids if they have them) in order to go to sleep to get up in the morning to go to work … Ad infinitum.
Using Feminism to fool females to join the Jews’ fake money driven economic rat race has merely increased taxation and intensified the enslavement of human society.The only ones to benefit are Talmudic banksters and their mates.
To superficially titillate the materialistic ‘taste buds’ of the stupid goyim the Talmudic controllers of our world have slowly released a few slight technological improvements to deceive the brain dead masses to think that they have to continue to be wage slaves to live the good life. For instance we got TV, air conditioning and refrigeration to deceive us into thinking that we have to continue to be wage slaves to live the good life. Similarly, today’s cars are prettier and have more gadgets but are less fuel efficient than 70 years ago and in any event they should have been replaced by flying vehicles powered by free energy 80 years ago. See eg:
No one, SINKS or others, seems to ask: ’How often does one need to dine out, get drunk, watch salacious movies and buy cheap disposable junk before wage slavery and taxation ceases to be worth it?
The real joke is that inducing women to become tax paying wage slaves results in most of their income being taken by taxes, child care fees; time and money costs of travel to and from child care, school locations and workplaces; and the costs of dressing and commuting for work. For that, women forsake genuine child rearing, home making and control of family finances, and the genuine community activities dominated by women since time immemorial.
Females have been “sold a pup” by the Talmudist matrix controllers and all of society, including men, boys and young children, are paying the price. THAT must change and it will, under the coming Millennial Reign being introduced after the replacement of all global governments.