Argentine President Javier Milei's 2024 Davos talk is a LIMITED HANGOUT!
Ron: Capitalism & socialism are Talmudic ideological concoctions. Neither assists spiritual development as both foster egocentric materialist attitudes. Cooperative communitarianism is the solution.
Aaron Slodov
Milei's 2024 Davos talk, directly translated to English by AI (by heygen), in his own accent. Better than the dubbed version imo.
Alternative version of Javier’s speech:
Ron: Javier Milei provides a brilliant Talmudic polemic in defence of capitalism verses collectivism i.e. socialism. Assuming his statistics as regards increases in productivity and poverty reductions are correct (which is not conceded since GDP is a ratshit method for determining productivity) his argument is impressive. However, he equates socialism with control by the state and makes no effort to analyse what that means. For instance he doesn’t advert to the fact that “states” i.e the governments and bureaucracies that apparently control nations are themselves covertly controlled by unidentified individuals and cabals who wield the real power seemingly exercised by governments and their bureaucracies.
Accordingly his superficial analysis fails to diagnose the mechanisms that currently create the enslavement and increasing impoverishment of most of the populations of economically advanced so-called capitalist economies. See End Note 1.
For instance most of the populations of Anglo-US and EU nations are experiencing declining standards of living today despite their seemingly capitalist economies because fascist capitalism is funnelling enormous profits to Rothschilds’ Central banks and other MEGA banks. See eg:
In addition most MEGA trans-national corporations are controlled by a tiny cabal of covert owners of interlocking shareholdings. See eg:
Thus a handful of major shareholders in MEGA banks and other corporations control the production and distribution of goods and services in most nations and internationally.
The result of the covert corporate control of our world is that those corporations (and more particularly, their major shareholders) also own and control most governments which, like the US Inc and the governments of the UK and the Commonwealth of Australia and many others, are corporations. In effect, the same undisclosed shareholders that actually control global banking, finance, trading and industry also own and control governments and hence the “states” that Javier Milei alludes to, using government ministers and national legislatures as “sock puppets”.
Accordingly, terms like “democracy” and “capitalism” are slogans that conceal the reality that a tiny cabal of covert Talmudic Ashkenazis physically and pseudo legally, exercise centralised control of both of these seemingly distinct systems and hence whole nations. Thus they control the production and distribution of most of the goods and services those nations produce. So naturally they see themselves as “Globalists” and they foster endless debates about capitalism and socialism as a charade to distract the masses. Javier Milei’s speech at Davos is part of that genre.
Accordingly, debate about whether capitalism is preferable to socialism is largely meaningless since the same Ashkenazi Talmudists control both systems and use them as part of their Hegelian dialectic in which they pretend that ‘Capitalism’ and ‘Socialism’ are intrinsically different in nature, and hence in conflict. As the US is said to have the biggest government bureaucracy in the world it’s capitalist veneer conceals the fact that it differs little from its socialist rivals.
In these circumstances, pretending that political systems are capitalist or socialist, and democratic and egalitarian or not, is ridiculous. To be a meaningfully different alternative governance structure a system needs to be formulated on devolution principles under which communities at local, district (county?) and regional levels are actively involved in deciding, funding, implementing and auditing outcomes of policies affecting their members. Such essentially republican systems need to be organised to enable ALL major sociopolitical and economic issues, including going to war, to be determined by popular referendums.
Our current pseudo capitalist world is totally manipulated, authoritarian and fascist. The reason that productivity has increased enormously since 1800 AD and that most of the global population is no longer living in abject poverty, if true, is due to relatively small technological advances that the KM controllers have not sought to suppress. Our Talmudic global controllers have retained for themselves and suppressed public availability of truly civilisation changing technologies like Nikola Tesla’s patents and thousands of other inventions suppressed by the KM dominated Anglo-US global controllers in the last hundred years.
Talking about “Capitalism” rather than “Socialism” having removed most of humanity from abject poverty since 1800 AD is a sick joke when we consider the possible global prosperity and ease we could have enjoyed if ‘zero point energy’, MAG LEV aerial craft and surface trains; Med Beds and other suppressed technologies had been available.
Apart from thr fact that the remnants of the Tartarian civilisation evidence the recent existence of a greatly technologically superior earlier civilisation, the relatively meagre increases in living standards in the last one hundred years belies the truth that a lot of the increased productivity was gained by tricking females to forgo child rearing and home making in order to become wage and taxation slaves. The Talmudists used Feminism to trick females in Western nations into committing societal suicide by failing to reproduce themselves. THAT is not a benefit AND it was foisted upon humanity by promoters of capitalism.
In any event, much of increased capitalist production has been useless, faulty and/or a waste of resources because it’s been toxic, like allopathic medicine and Big Pharma drugs. Similarly capitalism has given us mind numbing education, advertising and planned obsolescence.
Another major negative contribution by capitalism has been the deliberate inequitable distribution of global production with its benefits being taken by a tiny plutocratic globalist elite of Ashkenazis and their gentile servants and agents with the dregs trickling down to bureaucrats that maintain the corporate governance, judicial and security structures used to control the masses. Production not being absorbed for those purposes is generally deliberately expended in warfare and the destruction of whole nations.
An example of how capitalism operates to create covert authoritarian socialism, i.e. collectivist covert “state control” by Talmudic fascists, is the fact that every so-called democratic nation operates with legislatures producing millions of rules, regulations and pretend laws in lieu of the simple and obvious natural laws that govern the universe.
The Creator has endowed sovereign human beings with the unalienable right to life, liberty and the right to own whatever s/he produces. Unlawful corporate so-called democratic governments owned by private shareholders use unlawful and violently imposed counterfeit money (pretend digital currency) imposed by the fractional reserve banking system; personal income taxation; and myriad other taxes, charges, licence fees and ‘fines’ etc, and bureaucratic rules and regulations to steal that right to life, liberty and the fruits of the labour of whole nations.
To understand how ridiculous our capitalist inspired democratic governance arrangements are, THINK about the fact that governments are corporate fictions whose shareholders pretend that populations that get to vote for ONE individual legislative member once every 2-4 years actually have a meaningful say in how they are governed. And of course the acceptance of, and prevalence for ‘Parties’ in Legislatures and governments completely negatives the concept of democracy anyway.
You cannot be ignorant and free; and so NO ONE in any Western “Democracy” is free, not even the members of Congresses and parliaments.
See eg:
Also see End Note 2.
The parasitic KM controllers of our world have gradually corrupted humanity’s global situation over thousands of years, throughout our deliberately distorted and falsified “known” history. The population of this planet are wage slaves in a free range serf environment of national plantations owned and controlled by KM plutocrats and their servants and agents regardless of whether a government is said to be “Capitalist” or “Socialist”. Arguably also, the situation of many of the billions of people on this planet is more stressful and worse than that of chattel slaves for whom masters bore the responsibility for their shelter, sustenance, health, welfare and maintenance in old age.
Brilliant as Javier Milei’s analysis may be it is a LIE to the extent that he implies that capitalism is the solution to the socioeconomic and political maladies suffered by humanity on this planet today. Mankind on this planet was born free but is everywhere in chains because of the ignorance and indifference of a majority.
Every ensouled human being is a sovereign fragment of the Creator and Milei’s eulogising of capitalist entrepreneurs mistakenly elevates that category of humanity over others. That’s just a subtle variation of the KM’s divide and rule methodology. The future belongs to everyone in society not just to innovative capitalist profit makers. After all who is to say whether birthing and raising a human being is less valuable in the sight of God or the community than creating and selling a million widgets?
Just sayin’.
End Note 1
This speech is a limited hangout. Javier Milei equates socialism with control by the state and makes no effort to analyse what that means. Politically “states” are government organs and bureaucracies that control nations. His superficial analysis fails to diagnose the mechanisms used to control them or to identify those who control those mechanisms. Socialism and capitalism are two sides of the same coin created by Talmudists i.e the Khazarian Mafia.
Nearly all so-called democratic capitalist and socialist governments are covertly controlled by the same small cabal of Talmudists, albeit divided into two major divisions, viz, Zionists and Globalists. The only difference in their methodologies is that socialists publicly acknowledge the use of force to steal resources from general populations, ostensibly to reallocate them to other segments of the population, while capitalist democrats PRETEND that blind market forces determine political, social and economic outcomes.
Both control mechanisms use the exclusive right of governments to use FORCE and VIOLENCE to steal the fruits of the labour of populations but socialists are more honest in that they SAY they are doing it. Capitalists are just as rapacious but pretend that market forces are responsible for the poverty scarcity and want they create using fractional reserve banking to enslave and impoverish whole societies. See eg:
The Talmudic capitalist controllers use corporations to conceal their covert control of governments, economies and nations while socialists may also use corporations but tend not to conceal the iron fists of their control in velvet gloves as much as capitalists do. See eg:
End Note 12
USans and all nations need to radically rethink and reform their ideas about the appropriate political mechanisms needed to sustain moral, viable and prosperous community governance. There’s no point in fiddling while society collapses around us.
Arguably our current global enslaving and impoverishing dystopia has been created by the Khazarian Mafia (however described) dominating and controlling most nations and international organisations. They have done that using two basic control mechanisms namely by fraudulently pretending to create and issue money/currency using usurious fractional reserve banking; and private, limited and no liability corporations.
Fraudulent money/currency creation and usurious banking has corrupted and stolen the wealth of all nations in which Ashkenazi banksters have been able to suborn governments into giving them free exclusive licences to create money out of thin air and to demand that clients actually pay them, with the fruits of their real labour, the full value of those imaginary book keeping sums PLUS compound interest on those digital bookkeeping entries.
Use of that ill gotten wealth has also enabled the Ashkenazi banksters to bribe, blackmail and control governments to legislate to enable human individuals to legally but unlawfully create lifeless corporate structures that governments and their judiciaries have then ‘personified’ i.e. they have passed laws pretending that corporations existing only on paper are real live entities with the same and even more rights and privileges than real flesh and blood human beings.
Ideally, in future national and state governance in the US and everywhere should cease to be centralised. Governance needs to be devolved to local district and regional councils wherever possible with responsibility for creating and appointing members to chartered corporations and the oversight of their performance being a civic, i.e. governance, chore for the whole community that charters it.
The mistake made by the US and Western national populations to date has been their allowance of private individuals to use corporate fictions to assume sovereign ownership of community assets and physical resources; and the production and profits derived therefrom. That has been done under the guise of the fraudulent assumption that non-living corporate entities enable their authors to have a corporation covertly acquire the same rights and even more rights than real flesh and blood living people.
A moment’s reflection tells you that that situation is absurd. The absurdity is enhanced by the fact that the creators and owners of corporations are legally allowed to pretend that the corporations they create and their activities are not theirs, i.e. they are not personally responsible and liable for what those corporations do. That LIE is more potent with large corporations because the beneficial owners of such corporations legally conceal their identities, activities and profits behind the so-called “corporate veil”. This has enabled a very small cabal of banksters and corporatists to use fraudulent and usurious banking profits to both create and acquire huge corporations that monopolise national and global productivity and commerce and the profits thereof. Worse yet, covert owners of most trans-national and MEGA corporations have used their power to control governments, nations, judiciaries and the MSM; and to trash this planet while impoverishing most of humanity in the process.
This dystopian nation and planet destroying situation has been created on the back of false and fraudulent assumptions and corrupt political and judicial activities funded by transnational and other MEGA corporations and their beneficial owners hidden behind the corporate veil. Those improper legislated advantages bestowed on corporations have been stealthily put in place by mostly Ashkenazi plutocrats, banksters and their lawyers who have increasingly imposed their will on nations over several centuries.
This immoral, unlawful and socially destructive corporate mechanism has brought the US and our world to the point of socioeconomic collapse which, if unchecked, will cause chaos and the deaths of tens if not hundreds of millions of people. Accordingly it has to stop and sane political and socioeconomic policies must be urgently implemented.
That entails sovereign communities composed of sovereign human individuals taking back their power to genuinely govern their personal and community affairs which will necessarily require elimination of the grossly excessive, immoral and cosmically unlawful rights bestowed on corporations and their owners.
The US and every nation needs to devolve political power and control to democratically elected councils at local levels so that cabals of plutocrats, banksters and bureaucrats cannot centralise power in national government corporations like the US Corporation et al; OR in international corporations like the UN and the WHO.
A major reason why governments are covertly controlled by the Khazarian Mafia (i.e. the Ashkenazi globalist cabal) is that they create and control corporate governments like the US Corporation and the Commonwealth of Australia Corporation et al. In fact all government judiciaries and instrumentalities are usually separate subsidiary corporations. International organisations like the United Nations and the World Health Organisation are also private corporations as are national Central Banks, NGOs and most other organisations.
The Ashkenazi Talmudists have even sought to turn sovereign human beings into corporations. See eg: An Investigative Report From the desk of Barton Albert Buhtz Investigative Journalist and Consumer Advocate
Corporations should be chartered by the community to undertake specific useful and legitimate societal functions. They should not be created as private economic instruments for capital accumulation and private profit; nor should they be legally required to make profits which is a typical legislated requirement today. Corporate owners and membership and management needs to be legally accountable for all corporate actions and culpable negligence as well as unnecessary societal costs, moral hazards and demonstrated negative physical and/or spiritual effects of their activities, products and by-products.
The political systems of the US and other nations are run on patronage by big corporations which are controlled by a tiny elite of hidden Ashkenazis. In these circumstances democratic governance is a total sham as is the popularity of the capitalist ideology. John D. Rockefeller is quoted as having said that competition in business is a crime. THAT constitutes the real Talmudic response to capitalism.
Current elections cost incredible amounts of money which makes genuine democracy impossible. See eg: The 2020 US elections were estimated to have cost $14 billion – As a result individuals only get elected if funded by big corporations and corporations invariably control election results.
All elected government representatives therefore essentially work for the policies and profits of big corporations. In our globalised world that means control by a small covert elite of plutocrats dominated by Ashkenazis who have no concern for the rights of any national population.
In all the circumstances, any political reforms will be pointless unless corporations are legally chartered and controlled by sovereign state communities that limit their functions and prevent them being able to fund or have any input into election or other political processes.
To restore proper governance, communities and nations therefore need to abolish money and currency creation and distribution by private corporations; and require properly constituted national Treasuries to issue asset backed (by the full faith and credit of the nation) INTEREST FREE money/currency in sufficient quantities to adequately utilise the labour and physical resources available in the community. Doing that would eliminate the need for income taxation which is, in any event, contrary to cosmic, i.e. divine and natural, law.
Similarly, current policies creating corporations must be drastically changed. Legislating to give corporations personhood gives them more rights and privileges than real people. For instance, corporations can be legally immortal and cannot be drafted into the military or imprisoned. Big corporations also enable their creators and beneficial owners and controllers to avoid responsibility for what they use corporations to do. Not only are corporations not liable to imprisonment or execution for crimes perpetrated using them but their management and owners or controllers are rarely held liable for so-called corporate crimes. At best, corporations tend to be fined for illegal activities but those fines are usually much less than the damage or thefts they perpetrate. Natural law is based on full restitution to injured parties by those causing harm.
Also the corporate veil conceals the identity of owners and controllers of corporations. Such legislation must be abolished and replaced with a requirement that empowers sovereign people everywhere to choose and implement whatever state or community governance they may choose.
How the WEF (& DJT?) want you to see Javier Milei ?
How the capitalism that Javier Milei advocates has served the US.