Israel’s Biblical Psychopathy: LAURENT GUYÉNOT • OCTOBER 22, 2023 -
Ron: Israel is/was a corporate fiction. Freud created the bogus science of psychiatry:
Israel’s Biblical Psychopathy
I am tired of reading that Netanyahu is a psychopath. He most certainly is not. I see no reason to consider him, or any other Israeli leader, as psychopaths in the psychiatric sense. They have a collective psychopathy, which is a very different thing.
The difference is the same as between a personal neurosis and a collective neurosis. According to Freud, religion (and he meant christianity) is a collective neurosis. Freud did not mean that religious people are neurotic. On the contrary, he observed that their collective neurosis tends to immunize religious people from personal neurosis.[1 I do not subscribe to Freud’s theory, I just need his backing to introduce my own theory: Zionists, even the most bloodthirsty of them, are not individual psychopaths; many of them are loving and even self-sacrificing persons within their own community. Rather, they are the vectors of a collective psychopathy, which means a special way (we may call it inhuman) by which they collectively see and interact with other human communities.
[Ron: This author wants his cake and to eat it too. He doesn’t “subscribe” to Freud’s theory but wants to use it. Freud was a criminal charlatan,* typical of amoral individual Talmudists who created monster scams for the Khazarian Mafia (KM). If an individual has markedly deficient responses and lack of empathy resulting in persistent antisocial deviance and criminal behaviour towards MOST humans, then arguably s/he is a psychopath whether or not the psychopathy is shared by others. Calling it “a collective psychopathy” doesn’t eliminate the individual’s toxic attitude or change it. Just as labelling Christianity as a collective neurosis doesn’t make those who “Love their neighbour (everyone and everything) AS themselves (one has to be able to love self in order to have the ability to love others) FOR the love of God (everyone and everything), neurotic or psychotic.
Freud and other Ashkenazis created the bogus science of psychiatry
Similarly, Ashkanazis created the bogus science of virology and the vaccine industry. See eg: ( AND:
Saying individuals who think and act in dangerous and criminal ways are not personally psychopathic because they are members of a mass formation psychosis (which, in the case with Talmudists, appears to be inculcated by mind control techniques from birth), constitutes rhetorical manipulation which is typical of the mental and linguistic gymnastics that characterise psychopathic Talmudists. The fact that Talmudists identify with and appear to “love” others who are similarly brain washed doesn’t make them morally sane. For instance, Talmudists may seem to love family and friends but notice that if another ‘tribe’ member, including family members, leaves the reservation, ‘love’ for that individual ceases and they become attackable and expendable. They become “self hating Jews”.].
This is a crucial point, without which we can never understand Israel. Calling their leaders psychopaths is not helpful. What we need is recognize Israel as a collective psychopath, and study the origin of this unique national character. It is a matter of survival for the world, just as it is a matter of survival for any group to recognize the psychopath among them and understand his patterns of thinking and of behavior.
[Ron: I disagree. Although perhaps 93% of Israelis are Ashkenazis and most others are Sephardics, not all Ashkenazis and Israelis are Talmudists. The Ashkenazi and Israeli leadership are mostly Talmudists and the Talmudic mindset is what typically evidences psychopathy in individual “Jews”. But those who aren’t Talmudists cannot be properly labelled as psychopaths, collectively or otherwise, simply because they are Ashkenazis aka Israelis. Although Ashkenazis and Israelis appear to endorse similar beliefs and attitudes that tend to make them appear to be an homogenous group and individually identical morally and psychologically, that doesn’t automatically make it so. Common attitudes and societal mechanisms make for conformity and homogeneity in every culture but even in the Ashkenazi culture, their human members have free will and can choose or refuse to accept the dominant attitudes and norms. For instance, there are well known Ashkenazi critics of Israel and its Talmudic ideology and genocidal tendencies, despite their genetic origins and the commands of the Ashkenazi’s adopted ‘holy books’.
Similarly, in the past most USans accepted the war mongering and genocidal tendencies of US governments and supported the US’s dominant pseudo democracy, nationalism, and capitalism, but that acceptance was based on ignorance of the reality concealed behind the propaganda facade used by its covert Talmudic bankster and political controllers. That situation was created by ubiquitous propaganda typified by the inclusion of the Talmudists’ genocidal Old Testament in the Bible and their control of the Vatican and additional distortions inserted by the Schofield Bible and so on.
The real coup by the Talmudists though, was their creation of the Christian religion to distort and delete the teachings of Christ Jesus who didn’t incarnate to create a religion and didn’t. See eg:
Once the Talmudists deleted Jesus’ message that every ensouled human is indwelt by a fragment of Creator consciousness and can incarnate myriad times to become an eternal spirit, it became easy to inculcate fear of death in church goers so that they could be manipulated in ways not dissimilar to the methods they used on Ashkenazis. Thus we got nonsensical Darwinian evolution of life and spirit from primordial soups; the distortions in the Schofield Bible and so on.
But I digress.
Arguably, Talmudic beliefs and demonic homogeneity is rapidly eroding in Israelis and with Ashkenazis generally as the truth of the demonic genocidal Israeli treatment of Palestinians finally becomes obvious to average Ashkenazis. The strong Talmudic ideological programming that socially conditions Ashkenazis to be ethno-centric, appears to be rapidly breaking down now that the psychopathic behaviours of their rabbis and political leaders are becoming more blatant.
While Talmudists appear to exhibit psychopathic ‘hive mindedness’ (mass formation psychosis) as a group, the bulk of ignorant Ashkenazis appear to vary as regards the degree to which they have been mind controlled (programmed by their upbringing) to be unloving and hence sociopathic.].
What Is a Psychopath?
Psychopathy is a syndrome of psychological traits classified among the personality disorders. Canadian psychologist Robert Hare, in the wake of Hervey Cleckley’s The Mask of Sanity (1941), has defined its diagnostic criteria on the basis of a cognitive model that is now widely adopted, though some psychiatrists prefer the term “sociopathy” because it really has to do with the inability to socialize in a genuine way.[2]
[Ron: What does “socialize in a genuine way” mean? Surely the real issue is whether an individual has a real moral understanding of and attitude towards humanity and the planet?].
In an effort to get everyone to agree, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual on Mental Disorders has suggested “antisocial personality disorder”; but the term “psychopathy” is still the most popular, and for that reason alone, I will adopt it.
[Ron: I disagree. Psychiatry and the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual on Mental Disorders are bogus. See eg: ].
The most characteristic trait of the psychopath is a complete absence of empathy and, as a result, of moral inhibition in harming others, combined with a thirst for power. Psychopathy also shares some traits with narcissism: psychopaths have a grand vision of their own importance. In their minds, everything is owed to them because they are exceptional. They are never wrong, and failures are always the fault of others.
[Ron: Pyschopathy & sociopathy are personal traits regardless of how many individuals exhibit them. See eg:
OR: ].
Truth is of no value to the psychopath; truth is whatever is convenient for him at any given moment. He is a pathological liar, but he is hardly aware of it. Lying is so natural to him that the question of his “sincerity” is almost irrelevant: the psychopath beats the lie detector.
The psychopath feels only very superficial emotions and has no real feelings for anyone; but he has developed a great ability to deceive. He can be charming to the point of charismatic. He is unable to empathize, but learns to simulate it. His power is his extraordinary ability to feign, trick, trap, and capture. Although he himself is immunized against guilt, he becomes a master in making others feel guilty.
Because the psychopath is unable to put himself in the shoes of anyone else, he cannot look at himself critically. Confident in any circumstance of his right, he is genuinely surprised by the grudge of his victims—and will punish them for it. If he steals someone’s property, he will regard the resentment of the despoiled as irrational hatred.
[Ron This analysis implies that a psychopath lacks free will and the ability to choose to love or hate. I disagree. If that’s true then psychopaths are not human since they apparently lack the capacity to love which is a defining characteristic of humans. While it’s true that humans can probably eviscerate and possibly eliminate the ability to love as a result of repeated contrary choices, the complete absence of that ability means the individual is not a human being.].
Although the psychopath can be judged raving mad, he is not insane in the medical sense, since he does not suffer—psychopaths don’t visit psychiatrists unless forced to. In a certain sense, the psychopath is over-adjusted to social life, if the purpose of social life is to get by individually. That is why the real mystery, from a Darwinian point of view, is not the existence of psychopaths, but their low proportion in the population.
[Ron: Arguably psychiatry as we know it is a bogus Talmudic concoction. The original Talmudists were irrational and spiritually insane as the original psychopaths were Lucifer’s fallen angel followers. It’s debatable whether other humanesque individuals on this planet are psychopaths or merely sociopaths or just soulless and ignorant. Sociopaths tend to be individuals created by demonic biological manipulation that creates humanoid creatures whose physical bodies (meat suits) lack the capacity to carry a soul. Presumably Talmudists are rare because they appear to have lost their soul rather than being created without it.].
The most optimistic low-end estimate in the Western population is 1 percent. They should not be confused with the proverbial 1 percent who own half the world’s wealth, although a study among senior executives of large companies has shown that psychopathic traits are widespread among them.[3]
[Ron: Arguably Talmudists are far fewer than 1% of the population but humans who become sociopaths by choice and biologically engineered individuals who lack a soul (non player characters) and hence have no internal moral compass, are a huge percentage of the global population.].
Israel as a Psychopathic State
The fact that Jews are today disproportionately represented among the elite (they form half of American billionaires, while representing only 2.4% of the population),[4] does not mean either that psychopathy is more prevalent among Jews. In a way, quite the opposite is the case: Jews demonstrate among themselves a high degree of empathy, or at least solidarity, often to the point of self-sacrifice. But the selective nature of this empathy suggests that it is addressed less to the humanity of others than to their Jewishness.
[Ron: Arguably Jews are much less than 2.4% of the US population if for no other reason than that they have been encouraging a huge influx of non-Jewish refugees and illegal migrants into the US for decades. Arguably also, empathy among those who “self describe” as “Jews” are predominantly Ashkenazis and their solidarity is due to centuries of mind controlled isolation in shtetls under intense indoctrination by Talmudists from cradle to grave. That solidarity has been reinforced by the success and prosperity that nepotism has brought ‘the tribe’ as a result of the increasing control of our world by their Talmudic bankster and corporatist leaders who cloak themselves within the ranks of the Ashkenazis although they have demonic origins. Ordinary Ashkenazis and others who call themselves Jews tend to adhere to the Jewish meme which was only created by the Talmudists around 1775 AD, because of the material and societal success it brings them; particularly since the success of the Holocaustianity pseudo religion created since WWII and the largesse that monstrous Blood Libel of Germans brings to anyone who claims to be a “Jew”. Clearly millions of impoverished “Jews” from eastern Europe have harvested rich rewards by claiming to be Holocaust survivors so the LIE is self reinforcing despite the fact that it is a contradiction for millions of Jews to have survived a HOLOCAUST at all, let alone for hundreds of thousands of alleged victims to live for more than 75 years after being “Holocausted”.].
In fact, Jews tend to confuse Jewishness and humanity. So what is good for the Jews must necessarily be good for humanity. Conversely, a crime against the Jews is a “crime against humanity,” a concept they created in 1945. Confusing Jewishness with humanity is a sign of collective narcissism, but when it comes to regarding non-Jews as less than human, it becomes a sign of collective psychopathy.
Collectively, Jews consider themselves innocent of the charges brought against them. That is why Zionist pioneer Leo Pinsker, a medical doctor, regarded Judeophobia as “a psychic aberration. As a psychic aberration it is hereditary, and as a disease transmitted for two thousand years it is incurable.” By way of consequence, the Jews are “the people chosen for universal hatred” (even atheist Jews cannot help defining Jewishness as chosenness).[5]
Israel, the Jewish State, is the psychopath among nations. It acts towards other nations in the way a psychopath acts towards his fellow men. “Only psychiatrists can explain Israel’s behavior,” wrote Israeli journalist Gideon Levy in Haaretz in 2010. However, his diagnosis, including “paranoia, schizophrenia and megalomania,”[6] is mistaken. Considering Israel’s absolute self-righteousness, dehumanization of the Palestinians, and its extraordinary capacity to lie and manipulate, we are dealing with a psychopath.
[Ron: Israel is/was a fiction, a corporate entity created by Talmudic banksters using the chimeric ‘corporate’ legal fiction mechanism they have foisted on humanity. As ‘Israel’ is merely an adopted corporate name, it doesn’t exist as a living being and cannot be psychopathic. People who claim to be “Jews” and “Israelis” exist but although they are nepotistic and collectivist, each individual isn’t; and hence each individual can be psychopathic or sociopathic.].
By drawing a parallel between psychopathy and the attitude of Israel, I do not blame Israelis or Jews as individuals. They are part of this collective psychopathy only to the extent of their submission to the national ideology. We can make a comparison with another sort of collective entity. In The Corporation: The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power, Joel Bakan noted that large companies behave like psychopaths, insensitive to the suffering of those they crush in their pursuit of profit: “Corporate behavior is very similar to that of a psychopath.”[7]
[ Ron: I disagree. Israel IS, or WAS, a corporation. It wasn’t and isn’t a living being let alone a human being, so it isn’t a psychopath. Similarly, no corporation can be a psychopath. But corporation owners, controllers and manipulators can be, (although their identity is often concealed by the corporate veil) because THEY actually make the moral decisions implemented in the corporation’s name. So it is the corporate owners, operators and controllers who have human agency and make corporate decisions who are morally responsible for the decisions they make and have their corporate agents and employees execute, using the fictive corporate mechanism.].
My analysis of Israel is based on the same reasoning. Except that Israel is much more dangerous than any giant company (even Pfizer), because the ideology that causes its personality disorder is much more insane than the liberal, social-darwinian ideology that rules the Stock Market. Israel’s ideology is biblical.
[Ron: Israel is the name of a corporation. It doesn’t have an ideology or a personality. Accordingly it cannot be insane, nor can it be Biblical. Only sentient, rational beings can be said to be sane or insane; have an ideology and make rational or irrational, moral or amoral decisions. The personification of the corporation of Israel derails this analysis.].
The Biblical Virus
Israel’s collective psychopathy is not genetic, it is cultural, but it was formed is very ancient times, and so it is embedded in the ancestral subconscious (whatever that is): it ultimately comes from the jealous god invented by the Levites to control the starving tribes they set out to conquer Palestine some three thousand years ago. By birth, Israel is the nation of the psychopathic god.
[Ron: Arguably the evil evinced by Talmudists stems from the fact that they are the rebellious followers of Lucifer, quarantined on this planet to give them time to rethink their folly and repent. Some did but today’s Talmudists haven’t. The Torah and Talmud are demonic concoctions by those beings.].
Yahweh, “the god of Israel,” is an angry and lonely volcano god who manifests toward all other gods an implacable hatred, and ends up considering them as non-gods, him being, in fact, the only true god. This very clearly characterizes him as a psychopath among gods. By contrast, for the Egyptians, according to German Egyptologist Jan Assmann, “the gods are social beings,” and harmony between them guarantees harmony in the cosmos.[8]
There was, moreover, a degree of translatability between the pantheons of various civilizations. But Yahweh taught the Hebrews contempt for the deities of their neighbors—making them, in the eyes of these neighbors, a threat to the cosmic and social order. Yahweh is essentially, says Assmann, a theoclastic god: “You must completely destroy all the places where the nations you dispossess have served their gods, on high mountains, on hills, under any spreading tree; you must tear down their altars, smash their sacred stones, burn their sacred poles, hack to bits the statues of their gods and obliterate their name from that place” (Deuteronomy 12:2-3).
Yahweh may be a character of fiction, but his hold on the Jewish mind is nevertheless real. “To appeal to a crazy, violent father, and for three thousand years, that is what it is to be a crazy Jew!”[9]
said Smilesburger in Philip Roth’s Operation Shylock. Jews have been taught by Yahweh to keep strictly separate from other people. Food prohibitions serve to prevent all socialization outside the tribe: “I shall set you apart from all these peoples, for you to be mine” (Leviticus 20:26).
[Ron: Yahweh didn’t ‘teach’ “Jews” anything. Lucifer’s followers did.].
The nature of the covenant is not moral. The sole criterion for approval by Yahweh is obedience to his arbitrary laws and commands. To slaughter treacherously hundreds of prophets of Baal is good, because it is the will of Yahweh (1Kings 18). To show mercy to the king of the Amalekites is bad, because when Yahweh says, “kill everyone,” he means “everyone” (1Samuel 15). In the biblical historiography, the fate of the Jewish people depends on them following Yahweh’s orders, no matter how insane. As well said by Kevin MacDonald:
The idea that Jewish suffering results from Jews straying from their own law occurs almost like a constant drumbeat throughout the Tanakh—a constant reminder that the persecution of Jews is not the result of their own behavior vis-à-vis Gentiles but rather the result of their behavior vis-à-vis God.[10]
If the Jews follow Yahweh’s command of alienating themselves from the rest of humankind, in return, Yahweh promises to make them rule over humankind: “follow his ways, keep his statutes, his commandments, his customs, and listen to his voice,” and Yahweh “will raise you higher than every other nation he has made”; “You will make many nations your subjects, yet you will be subject to none” (Deuteronomy 26:17-19 and 28:12). This sounds very much, actually, like the pact Satan proposed to Jesus: “the devil showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. And he said to him, ‘I will give you all these, if you fall at my feet and do me homage.’” (Matthew 4:8-9).
[Ron: As Satan was Lucifer’s henchman the lies he used to tempt Jesus would naturally be the same as those Lucifer used on him and the other fallen angels; and which were/are also used on Ashkenazis.].
If Israel follows scrupulously the Law, Yahweh promises to submit all nations to the domination of Israel, and destroy those that resist. “Kings will fall prostrate before you, faces to the ground, and lick the dust at your feet,” whereas “the nation and kingdom that will not serve you will perish” (Isaiah 49:23 and 60:12). Nations must either recognize Israel’s sovereignty, or be destroyed. Yahweh told Israel that he has identified “seven nations greater and stronger than yourself,” that “you must put under the curse of destruction,” and not “show them any pity.” As for their kings, “you will blot out their names under heaven” (Deuteronomy 7:1-2, 24).
The war code of Deuteronomy 20 commands to exterminate “any living thing” in the conquered cities of Canaan. In practice, the rule is extended to all people who resist the Israelites in their conquest. It was applied by Moses to the Midianites, although in this case Yahweh allowed his warriors to keep the young virgin girls (Numbers 31). It was applied by Joshua to the Canaanite city of Jericho, where the Israelites “enforced the curse of destruction on everyone in the city: men and women, young and old, including the oxen, the sheep and the donkeys, slaughtering them all” (Joshua 6:21). In the city of Ai, the inhabitants were all slaughtered, twelve thousand of them, “until not one was left alive and none to flee. … When Israel had finished killing all the inhabitants of Ai in the open ground, and in the desert where they had pursued them, and when every single one had fallen to the sword, all Israel returned to Ai and slaughtered its remaining population.” Women were not spared. “For booty, Israel took only the cattle and the spoils of this town” (Joshua 8:22-27). Then came the turns of the cities of Makkedah, Libnah, Lachish, Eglon, Hebron, Debir, and Hazor. In the whole land, Joshua “left not one survivor and put every living thing under the curse of destruction, as Yahweh, god of Israel, had commanded” (10:40).
As wrote Avigail Abarbanel in “Why I left the Cult,” the Zionist conquerors of Palestine “have been following quite closely the biblical dictate to Joshua to just walk in and take everything. … For a supposedly non-religious movement it’s extraordinary how closely Zionism … has followed the Bible.”[11]
[Ron: The Old Testament is largely a Talmudic creation and its barbaric, genocidal content is diametrically opposed to what Christ Jesus taught. It completely degrades the Bible and demonically distorts Jesus’ message. It has no place in Christian thinking.].
Kim Chernin, another Israeli dissident, wrote in “The Seven Pillars of Jewish Denial”: “I can’t count the number of times I read the story of Joshua as a tale of our people coming into their rightful possession of their promised land without stopping to say to myself, ‘but this is a history of rape, plunder, slaughter, invasion, and destruction of other peoples.’”[12]
Yahweh offers only two possible paths to Israel: domination of other nations, if Israel keeps Yahweh’s covenant of separateness, or annihilation by these same nations, if Israel breaks the covenant:
“if you make friends with the remnant of these nations still living beside you, if you intermarry with them, if you mix with them and they with you, then know for certain that Yahweh your god will stop dispossessing these nations before you, and for you they will be a snare, a pitfall, thorns in your sides and thistles in your eyes, until you vanish from this fine country given you by Yahweh your god.” (Joshua 23:12-14)
Dispossess others or be dispossessed, dominate or be exterminated: Israel cannot think beyond that alternative.
[Ron: ‘Israel’ doesn’t think, living humans do. The Levites and rabbis needed to keep ‘the tribe’ from intermarrying and socialising with non-temple worshippers to prevent them rejecting control by the temple priests and ‘leaving the reservation’.].
Zionism is Biblical
What has it got to do with Zionism, you ask? Isn’t Zionism a secular ideology? I think it is high time to dispel this misunderstanding. Zionism is a product of Jewishness, and Jewishness is rooted in the Hebrew Bible, the Tanakh. Whether he has read it or not, whether he judges it historical or mythical, every Jew ultimately bases his Jewishness on the Bible—or whatever he knows about the Bible. Jewishness is the internalization of the psychopathic god. It makes little difference whether Jews define their Jewishness in religious terms or in ethnic terms. From a religious viewpoint, the Bible preserves the memory and the essence of the Covenant with God, whereas from a secular viewpoint, the Bible is the foundational narrative of the Jewish people, and the pattern by which Jews interpret their whole subsequent history (the Dispersion, the Holocaust, the rebirth of Israel, and so on).
[Ron: Zionism isn’t Biblical, its bullshit! There is nothing spiritual about the ideology concocted by the Levites and rabbis. Like all religions, it was and is a socio-political control mechanism. There were no ‘Jews’ in Jesus’ time; the Tanahk and Talmud were concocted ideological prescriptions made 800 years or more after the events they purport to describe for use by temple priests to control tribal folk. It would have lost its lustre and power to indoctrinate long ago except for the fact that the mass of the Khazarian population was kept isolated in shtetls and brain washed from cradle to grave by smart arse, demonic Talmudic rabbis. Today the Talmudists’ control over those who think they are Jews but are not, is essentially based on the spoils of war that the Talmudic banksters allow to trickle down to the non-Talmudic Ashkenazi masses. The Holocaust fraud and Holocaustianity is now the guts of so-called Judaism which only became “a thing” when the Talmudic leadership decided to adopt the name “Jews” around 1775 AD in order to concoct a narrative and political movement to steal Palestine from its actual inhabitants so that they could use it as national safe haven for Talmudic criminals to flee to when their crimes in foreign lands were exposed and they risked imprisonment or worse.].
It is true that Theodor Herzl, the prophet of political Zionism, did not draw his inspiration from the Bible. Yet he termed his ideology Zionism, using a biblical name of Jerusalem. As for post-Herzl Zionists, and for the actual founders of the modern State of Israel, they were steeped in the Bible. “The Bible is our mandate,” declared Chaim Weizmann in 1919, and in 1948 he offered Truman a Torah scroll for his recognition of Israel. Thus begins the Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel:
ERETZ-ISRAEL [(Hebrew) – the Land of Israel, Palestine] was the birthplace of the Jewish people. Here their spiritual, religious and political identity was shaped. Here they first attained to statehood, created cultural values of national and universal significance and gave to the world the eternal Book of Books.
There is no question that the State of Israel was founded on the biblical claim.
David Ben-Gurion, the author of this document and the father of the nation, had a biblical vision of the Jewish people. To him, according to his biographer Dan Kurzman, the rebirth of Israel in 1948 “paralleled the Exodus from Egypt, the conquest of the land by Joshua, the Maccabean revolt.” Ben-Gurion had never been to a synagogue, and ate pork for breakfast, yet he was steeped in biblical history. “There can be no worthwhile political or military education about Israel without profound knowledge of the Bible,” he used to say.[13]
Tom Segev writes in his more recent biography:
He sponsored a Bible study class in his home and promoted two concepts to characterize the State of Israel’s moral character and its destiny and duty to itself and the world: the first was “chosen people,” a term coming from the covenant between God and the people of Israel (Exodus 19:5-6); the second was the Jewish people’s commitment to the principles of justice and peace that make it a “light to the nations,” in the spirit of the prophets (Isaiah 49:6). He frequently spoke and wrote about these concepts.[14]
Ben-Gurion’s biblical mindset became more and more apparent as he grew older. Consider for example the fact that, while he was begging Kennedy to let his people have the Bomb because the Egyptians wanted to exterminate them (as they had under Moses), he prophesied in the magazine Look (January 16, 1962) that within twenty-five years, Jerusalem “will be the seat of the Supreme Court of Mankind, to settle all controversies among the federated continents, as prophesied by Isaiah.”[15]
Ben-Gurion was not crazy, he was simply thinking biblically.
Almost every Israeli leader of Ben-Gurion’s generation and the next shared share the same biblical mindset. Moshe Dayan, the military hero of the 1967 Six-Day War, justified his annexation of new territory in a book titled Living with the Bible (1978). Naftali Bennett, while Israeli minister of Education, has also justified the annexation of the West Bank by the Bible.[16]
Zionists can find in the Bible all the justifications they need: for Gaza, they have Judges 1:18-19: “And Judah took Gaza with its territory … Now Yahweh was with Judah, and they took possession of the hill country.” There are now overt Bible freaks in the Israeli government, like the Minister of National Security Itamar Ben-Gvir, who shoot Bible quotes every day. “God gave the land of Israel to the Jewish people” is the alpha and the omega of Zionism, not just for Israelis, but for the Christians who, since 1917, have supported the Jewish claim and support Israel today.
Even more than Ben-Gurion, Benjamin Netanyahu thinks biblically, and it is also getting clearer and clearer as he gets older. He also knows Christians cannot seriously argue against the biblical claim. On March 3, 2015, he dramatized in front of the American Congress his phobia of Iran by referring to the biblical book of Esther:
We’re an ancient people. In our nearly 4,000 years of history, many have tried repeatedly to destroy the Jewish people. Tomorrow night, on the Jewish holiday of Purim, we’ll read the book of Esther. We’ll read of a powerful Persian viceroy named Haman, who plotted to destroy the Jewish people some 2,500 years ago. But a courageous Jewish woman, Queen Esther, exposed the plot and gave the Jewish people the right to defend themselves against their enemies. The plot was foiled. Our people were saved. Today the Jewish people face another attempt by yet another Persian potentate to destroy us.[17]
Netanyahu scheduled his address on the eve of Purim, which celebrates the happy end of the Book of Esther—the slaughter of 75,000 Persian men, women and children. In 2019, Netanyahu’s pronounced these words during a tour of the West Bank, “I believe in the book of books and I read it as a call to action that every generation must do what it can to ensure the eternity of Israel.” The Bible occupies such a large part of his brain that he wants to put a Bible on the Moon!
So please stop calling Netanyahu a psychopath. Or at least, call him a biblical psychopath, a worshipper of the psychopathic god. And while you are there, learn see the Hebrew Bible for what it is: “a conspiracy against the rest of the world,” as said H. G. Wells. In the books of the Bible, “you have the conspiracy plain and clear, … an aggressive and vindictive conspiracy. … It is not tolerance but stupidity to shut our eyes to their quality.”[18]
[Ron: I agree with H. G. Wells.].
[1] Freud developed this theory in three books: Totem and Taboo, Civilization and Its Discontents and The Future of an Illusion.
[2] Robert Hare, Without Conscience: The Disturbing World of the Psychopaths Among Us, The Guilford Press, 1993.
[3] Paul Babiak and Robert Hare, Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths Go to Work, HarperCollins, 2007.
[4] Benjamin Ginsberg, The Fatal Embrace: Jews and the State, University of Chicago Press, 1993; J.J. Goldberg, Jewish Power: Inside the American Jewish Establishment, Basic Books , 1997.
[5] Leon Pinsker, Auto-Emancipation: An Appeal to His People by a Russian Jew, 1882 , on
[6] Gideon Levy, “Only psychiatrists can explain Israel’s behavior,” Haaretz, January 10, 2010,
[7] Joel Bakan, The Corporation: The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power, Free Press, 2005. Watch also the documentary of the same title.
[8] Jan Assmann, Of God and Gods: Egypt, Israel, and the Rise of Monotheism, University of Wisconsin Press, 2008, p. 47.
[9] Philip Roth, Operation Shylock: A Confession, Simon & Schuster, 1993, p. 110.
[10] Kevin MacDonald, Separation and Its Discontents: Toward an Evolutionary Theory of Anti-Semitism, Praeger, 1998, kindle 2013, kindle l. 6187–89.
[11] Avigail Abarbanel, “Why I left the Cult,” Oct 8, 2016, on
[12] Kim Chernin, “The Seven Pillars of Jewish Denial,” Tikkun, Sept. 2002, quoted in Kevin MacDonald, Cultural Insurrections: Essays on Western Civilization, Jewish Influence, and Anti-Semitism, Occidental Press, 2007, pp. 27-28.
[13] Dan Kurzman, Ben-Gurion, Prophet of Fire, Touchstone, 1983, pp. 17–18, 22, 26–28.
[14] Tom Segev, A State at Any Cost: The Life of David Ben-Gurion, Apollo, 2019, kindle l. 286.Own Words, Fleet Press Corp., 1969, p. 116.
[15] David Ben-Gurion and Amram Ducovny, David Ben-Gurion, n His Own Words, Fleet Press Corp., 1969, p. 116.
[16] “Israeli minister: The Bible says West Bank is ours” on
[17] “The Complete Transcript of Netanyahu’s Address to Congress,” on www.washing
[18] Herbert George Wells, The Fate of Homo Sapiens, 1939 (, p. 128.