The 63 books of the Talmud set out the law and lore the Talmudists live by. Hidden in those books are the demonic attitudes and anti-human methodological precepts followed by the KM. Rabbis are the “judges” that control the cult.
Phariseeism had it roots in Canaanite ideology well over three thousand years ago. Eustace Mullins has explained the truth of the matter. He said:
The Babylonian Talmud says: "Five things did Canaan charge his sons: love one another, love robbery, love lewdness, hate your masters, and do not speak the truth" - The Last Will of Canaan, Babylonian Talmud, Peshachim 113b.
These five points have been the modus operadi of the Canaanites for three thousand years. "the Will of Canaan today remains the operating instructions of the Canaanite heirs, who presently control the World Order. At the same time, it remains unknown to the peoples whom the Canaanites continue to rob, enslave, and massacre." The instructions are a command to commit genocide against the people of Shem (Genesis 27:39-41).
The Talmud was reduced to writing from about 500 BC in Babylon to around 500 AD. the minor version was called the Jerusalem Talmud but the main texts appear in the Babylonian Talmud.
Ashkenazis have Khazar ancestry, they are not Judeans or Semites. They appear around 600 AD in Khazaria but their elite probably existed as Radhanite merchants in Babylon and traded from Spain to China for many centuries before that. Khazaria was a crucial transit point between the two civilisations. Ancient books concealed from our history tell us that the Khazars were known among merchants in Europe and China as “The Name Stealers” because they had a habit of befriending travelling merchants, wineing and dining them, getting them to explain their business and contacts and then killing them, stealing their goods and continuing their trading journeys into foreign lands where the knowledge they had acquired from real traders enabled them to gyp contacts in foreign lands and steal from them also.
The Khazarian elite were a barbarous, genocidal crew that the Kievan RUS and the Byzantine empire forced to adopt one of the three so-called Hebraic religions in the hope that that religion would cause them to become more civilised. It didn’t. They obviously chose Judaism because the Talmud was comparable with their true intentions and was compatible with their bloodthirsty proclivities. Judaism was also an effective tribal control mechanism for the ignorant general population within which the KM were able to conceal themselves and their real intentions, as they still do today.
The real Judahites (‘Jews’) were virtually wiped out by the Romans and so the Khazars became the only Talmudists apart from Pharisees in Rome who subsequently migrated to Venice. Under the guise of the Jewish religion they used the remnant Sephardic Judean religionists in north Africa, Spain and other places as a network for their intelligence and trading services. Today they also use hoards of ignorant non-Talmudic Ashkenazis for those purposes as well as to conceal themselves.
Because the Khazarian elites continued to plunder and murder travellers and subject tribes around them after they ostensibly converted to Judaism, the Orthodox Christain Kievan Rus and Byzantines allied together and destroyed the Khazarian empire in the 11th century AD. Most of the Khazarian leaders and elites fled north westward into what is now northern Ukraine, western Russia, Poland, and other Slavic and Germanic lands. But some Khazar elites had long since holed up in Rome for business and political purposes so when Rome’s western empire collapsed they moved their HQ to Venice and began building what later became the Venetian empire which largely took over the trade with China etc that the Khazars had previously preyed upon.
The KM, aka the Black Nobility because of their dirty deeds, built up the Venetian empire to dominate western and central Europe. In the 11th Century AD they gained significant control of the Vatican and organised the Pope to call for the Crusades which they funded at enormous profit. They used the Crusades to attack the Byzantine empire and sack Constantinople and to force access for their trading ships (sound familiar?) through the Aegean and Black Seas. They then dominated the gold, silver and slave trades with the Mongols until the Ottomin empire closed that trade in the 17th century. They also dominated the Mediterranean and European grain trade and European banking. The Talmudists became known as the Black Nobility because of their black deeds not their pigmentation. They were, and are, progeny of Japheth. They are not Semites.
The Khazar leadership used the Talmud and corralled their ignorant followers in ghettoes (called shetetls) for almost a thousand years. Therein they indoctrinated them from cradle to grave with the ancient tribal Torah control mechanisms used by the Levites and Judahites That superficial control mechanism was adequate to control the impoverished Khazar masses until the late 19th century when the KM developed Socialism, Marxism and Communism to replace it. Be aware also, that the KM created Capitalism, Fabianism, Fascism Nazism, Feminism, Cultural Marxism (aka WOKEIST LGBTQAI+ism) and all the rest.
The KM have “form”. They’ve done it all before. In their guise as the Black Nobility the KM created the Venetian empire which caused the devastating European financial and banking crash in the mid 14th century. The Vatican was under substantial Venetian Black Nobility influence from the time of the Crusades and the Catholic Church tacitly condoned the Talmudic banking, fraud and usury practiced by the Venetian Empire which resulted in the financial collapse of Italy and most of Europe in the 14th Century. See eg: How the 14th-Century Lombard Banks Created the Dark Age by Paul Gallagher
The KM have form as regards genocidal bio-terrorism also. They appear to have been responsible for the Black Death “plague” that devastated Europe, also in the 14th century killing huge numbers of the gentile population. See eg:
The Black Death occurred just in time to prevent an alliance of European countries from combining to overthrow the Venetian empire.
The KM also waged biological warfare on gentiles causing pseudo disease outbreaks in Europe in 1720 AD using similar methods. See eg:
Then, once the Rockefellers had established their bogus allopathic medical monopoly and drug industry, and belief in the equally bogus science of Virology in the US, the KM went for’The Big One’ the BOGUS Spanish Flu scamdemic. The falsely named Spanish Flu in 1918 only killed people injected with a bogus vaccine in 1917-18 See eg:
The Rockefeller directed entirely BOGUS vaccine industry created in the last 200 years is based on the KM’s bogus germ theory narrative which postulates the existence of imaginary viruses. See eg: ( AND:
But I digress.
To take advantage of the opportunities opening up in the New world, the KM moved their banking HQ from Venice to Holland in the 15th century. Then they organised and funded Cromwell’s regicide and William III of Orange’s invasion of England in the 16th century. Then they moved their banking HQ from Holland to London. See e.g: How the Venetian System was Transplanted Into England.Webster G. Tarpley, Ph.D.:
As a result Britons have been covert Talmudic slaves since 1666. See eg: Democracy, Deception, Deceit - they're all the same
Arguably the US was created by Freemasons who were largely controlled by the KM aka the Crown in the City of London in the UK. Freemasons drafted the Constitution and signed the Declaration of Independence. The "Indians" who dumped the tea in the harbour were Masons. So were Paul Revere and his Minutemen, George Washington and most of his generals. The Marquis de Lafayette was shunned until he joined the Masons. At least 20 of the 42 US Presidents were "Brothers."
Since the days of the Roman Empire humanity has been incrementally socially engineered to serve Talmudic banksters and their god Lucifer on a world plantation. The US is now integral to that process. When surrendering to General Washington at Yorktown on October 19, 1781 General Charles Cornwallis is reported to have said:
"Your churches will be used to teach the Jew's religion and in less than two hundred years, the whole nation will be working for divine world government. That government that they believe to be divine will be the British Empire. All religions will be permeated with Judaism without even being noticed by the masses, and they will all be under the invisible all-seeing eye of the Grand Architect of Freemasonry."
That statement reflects The 15th Protocol of the Learnered Elders of Zion.
Henry Makow says that:
"Jonathan Williams recorded in his "Legions of Satan," (1781) that Cornwallis revealed to Washington that "a holy war will now begin on America, and when it is ended America will be supposedly the citadel of freedom, but her millions will unknowingly be loyal subjects to the Crown." (
Joseph McCarthy made the connection between Freemasonry, Communism, and Judaism. He cited British General Charles Cornwallis 1781 prophecy of the Masonic (Communist) takeover of America
"Cornwallis well knew that his military defeat was only the beginning of world catastrophe that would be universal and that unrest would continue until mind control could be accomplished through a false religion. What he predicted has come to pass. A brief sketch of American religious history and we have seen Masonry infused into every church in America with their veiled Phallic religion."
In sum: The KM banksters surreptitiously seized control of the British government by financing Cromwell's regicide in the 1650s and then financed William III of Orange’s successful invasion of England. He then married Mary Stuart and they were crowned as joint rulers of England, Scotland and Ireland. King William III repaid his KM bankster backers by allowing them to formally return to England and granted them a license to start the Bank of England and to pretend to lend money to his kingdom using their fraudulent “fractional reserve system” i.e. on a usurious, fiat basis.
Subsequently the KM banksters persuaded King George III to abolish England's Tally Stick monetary system in favour of exclusive use of gold. That bankrupted the American colonies because it destroyed their flourishing locally produced Colonial Scrip currency system. That caused the American Revolution.
Arguably, the result today is that cultural Marxist atheism fuelled by love of comfort, money and WOKEIST ideology, have largely replaced the vestigial Christian values that caused the manifestation of Christian civilisation in Europe.
Freemasonry fronted for Illuminati (Masonic & Talmudic KM) central bankers who organised the US as a vehicle to advance their "New World Order." In the words of Masonic elder Manley P. Hall, "we must also perfect the plan of the ages, setting up here the machinery for a world brotherhood of nations and races." ("The Secret Destiny of America," 1944, p.3)
In his book, "Revolution and Freemasonry: 1680-1800" Bernard Fay (1893-1978) a Harvard-educated Frenchman who had access to Masonic archives in the US and Europe, revealed the extent of Masonic participation in the US and French Revolutions. Fay explained that in the 1770's, the US consisted of 13 isolated colonies with different governments, religions, customs, racial profiles, and social and political structures. There were intense rivalries and longstanding antagonisms. A letter took three weeks to get from Georgia to Massachusetts.
"Masonry alone undertook to lay the foundation for national unity in America because [as a secret society] it could spread throughout the colonies and work steadily and silently. It created in a limited but very prominent class of people a feeling of American unity without which... there would have been no United States." (p. 230)
"In 1760, there was no town, big or small, where Masonry had not spun its web. Everywhere it was preaching fraternity and unity." (230).
Benjamin Franklin, who was the Grand Master of a French lodge, raised millions of francs crucial to financing George Washington's army. He was the first to submit a plan for military collaboration and political federation. He established a chain of Masonic newspapers in all of the colonies. The money obviously came from Rothschilds' bankers.
Historian Bernard Fay said that the United States was established to implement this Masonic global agenda which explains US foreign policy. He presciently stated that:
"The people of the world and even their governments" will be "as children under-age."
Freemasonry was taken over by Talmudists and its controllers are demonic KM banksters although it masquerades as a fraternal mystical philanthropic order. It fronts for Illuminati (Masonic & Cabalist ‘Jewish’ central bankers who started the US as a vehicle to advance their "New World Order." In the words of Masonic elder Manley P. Hall, "we must also perfect the plan of the ages, setting up here the machinery for a world brotherhood of nations and races." ("The Secret Destiny of America," 1944, p.3)
The underlying truth in General Cornwallis' statements consists in the fact that the Christian religion was created by Pharisees in cahoots with Roman Emperors; AND that demonic KM neo-Pharisees who call themselves Jews but are not, have covertly controlled the British Empire and its subsequent Anglo-US iterations since the 17th Century. See eg (from minute 13 to 31 in): SerialBrain2: The Explosive Message Trump Coded in his speech on Independence Day -
To understand how this occurred and the connection between the demonic, (KM controlled) British Empire and the demonic Roman Empire we need to trace the development of the European Christian civilisation from the formation of the Christian religion by Roman Emperor Constantine in the early 4th Century until demonic Talmudists gained control of England with the demonic possession of Elizabeth I of England in the 16th Century.
Late Roman Empire taxation and monetary policies.
The tax reforms of Roman Emperor Diocletian (who ruled from 284 - 305 AD) enacted in 297 AD, increased Imperial taxation and taxed hitherto exempt wealthy landowners as well as the rest of the economy. He also made town and city merchant elites responsible for collecting Imperial taxes in the countryside. The result was a deterioration in prosperity and regional cohesion and control, as rich landowners started to fortify their estates and resist taxation by the urban elites. This created the conditions that resulted in the political fragmentation of the Empire and rigid socio-vocational structures that became the guilds. The result was the beginning of the medieval serfdom system as the gradual collapse of imperial control in Central and Western Europe morphed into Medieval Christian fiefdoms when Rome collapsed there.
Under the influence of 'the money changers', Constantine, who ruled from 306 to 337 AD), enacted a monetary reform in the 310's, basing the military-fiscal state on the gold solidus. Michael Hudson says: 'The effect was monetary deflation. Like the gold standard of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, Prof. Weisweiler explained in his paper on the Late Roman economy: "the introduction of the solidus was a golden age for capital-owners but a dark period for lower strata of the population."Yet medium-sized farms survived without being reduced to serfdom, and wage labor was available for hire at harvest time with the proportion of Italy's population enslaved being deemed to have been around 15 percent.'
There were no slave revolts, but debtors rebelled or defected to invaders, as they had done earlier in antiquity. See eg: Revolts of the Debtors: From Socrates to Ibn Khaldun -
Diocletian's drastic tax reforms and the subsequent monetary deflation caused by Emperor Constantine's introduction of the gold solidus resulted in social unrest causing Constantine to seek to establish an Empire wide religion as a social control mechanism to hold the Empire's increasingly disparate segments together. Constantine also established the empire’s center in Constantinople where his eastern Byzantine Empire became known as “Rhomania” and the “New Rome.” In addition to laying the foundations for a Christian civilization in which the newly organised religion worked in “symphony” with the State, Constantine endowed Byzantium with a further characteristic, namely, its claim to be the direct continuation of the Roman Empire, a claim maintained until its fall in 1453 at the hands of Muslim invaders.
As the Pharisees influenced Imperial policies in relation to money and taxation they can be said to be a root cause of the policies of Diocletian and Constantine which led to the disintegration of the Western Roman Empire and the establishment of the Christian religion. In that sense the Pharisees were integral to the process that led to the collapse of Rome itself although they were probably not the instigators of the immigrant invasions of the Western Empire in the way that neo-Pharisees like Soros and his bankster allies are instigating and funding the Third World invasions of the US, UK and EU today.
Constantine's establishment of the Christian Religion
Because of the truth and efficacy of Christ Jesus' GOOD NEWS, Constantine was able to cobble together an Empire-wide Christian religion despite the fact that Christ Jesus did not incarnate to establish a religion but only to teach divine truths lost over millennia and corrupted by Pharisees and others. The reason for that was that Jesus' message was so powerful that it caused local communities (churches) dedicated to loving neighbour AS self FOR the love of God, to spring up all over the Roman Empire. Jesus' message was that EVERY ensouled human being is an eternal spirit gifted by the Creator with mind and personality and indwelt by a fragment of Creator consciousness which makes him/her an only begotten (i.e. having a unique personality) son or daughter of God destined to experience myriad incarnations in order to explore physicality and eventually evolve in wisdom and consciousness to become like the Creator.
The Pharisees not only coerced the Romans into crucifying Christ Jesus but they also influenced Emperor Constantine to establish the Christian religion as the religion of the Empire in an effort to eradicate Jesus' divine teachings because it directly threatened their demonic Talmudic political ideology and control. Although the Pharisees managed to distort and delete most crucial elements of Jesus' teaching and to have the anti-Christian Torah inserted into the Bible as 'The Old Testament', the elements of Jesus' loving divine message that survived still resulted in the development of a Christian civilisation in Byzantium and Europe.
Be aware that the Christian religion and the Bible didn't exist in 325 AD when Emperor Constantine organised and presided over the Council of Nicea. In 331 Constantine commissioned fifty Bibles for the Church of Constantinople, but little else is known (in fact, it is not even certain whether his request was for fifty copies of the entire Old and New Testaments, only the New Testament, or merely the Gospels.
Final Elimination of the Truth about Reincarnation
Subsequently Emperor Justinian eliminated virtually all references to Jesus' teaching about reincarnation from the Bible. This was finally achieved during the Fifth Ecumenical Council in 554 AD. At that time Emperor Justinian arrested Pope Vigilius for Believing in Reincarnation and had the Council declare:
If anyone asserts the fabulous preexistence of souls, and shall assert the monstrous restoration which follows from it: let him be anathema. (The Anathemas against Origen), attached to the decrees of the Fifth Ecumenical Council, A.D. 554, in Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, 2d ser., 14: 318). See eg: Pope [Vigilius] Arrested for Believing in Reincarnation -
Eradication of the doctrine of Reincarnation, ie knowledge that the evolvement of life and hence MIND is based on the reincarnation process (which is essential to enable spirit beings incarnating into physicality to avail themselves of a sufficient number of physical incarnations to adequately explore and understand the immensity of life, the universe and everything) is the method used by the Pharisees and neo-Pharisees, ie Talmudists who call themselves Jews but are not, to convince gentiles (ie all who DO NOT accept Talmudism) that they are merely physical creatures having one, only, lifetime which has no meaning, destiny or purpose. Concomitantly this LIE, reinforced by the Talmudists' coercion and funding of scientists to accept and promulgate false science about life, the universe and everything as typified by falsely promulgated Darwinian evolutionary theories about the Origin of Species, has made it easy for Talmudists and the Christian religious puppets they control, to instil fear of death into congregations. The truth is scientifically explained by Bruce Lipton. See eg: Bruce Lipton - Fear vs Love State and Stress's Effects on Your Body - Bruce-Lipton---Fear-vs-Love-State-and-Stress-s-Effects-on-Your-Body.shtml
This process of inserting LIES into Christian teaching and the Bible has made it feasible for Talmudists and materialists generally, to distort human consciousness and science by having scientists, academics, educators and commentators as well as governments and the MSM, promulgate false and ridiculous ideas about consciousness arising from random chemical reactions. This also enables Talmudists and materialists to contend that people on this small planet on the edge of the universe are the most, and probably the only, consciously intelligent beings in the Cosmos. LOL.
The establishement of Constantine's capital at Constantinople in the Eastern Roman Empire and the fragmentation caused by excessive taxation and monetary deflation, weakened the city of Rome and the Western portions of the Empire and so they soon succumbed to barbarian invasions.
The Black Nobility
With the collapse of the western Roman Empire and the barbarian invasions of Rome and the West, Talmudic Roman oligarchs fled Rome and established a base in the islands of Venice where they became known as the Black Nobility and created the Venetian Empire based on sea power. See eg: Venetian Black Nobility, Roots of Today’s Ruling Oligarchy -
Black Guelph Evil Nobility by LaRouche -
The Venetian Black Nobility – A History -
Venetian Black Nobility, Roots of Today’s Ruling Oligarchy -
Joseph P. Farrell: Financial Vipers of Venice [Part1]. This 2 hr, 27' 32" video was published by Webster Tapley on Mar 25, 2017: Popes in the Vatican gradually assumed the legal powers of Roman Emperors in Italy after the collapse of the Roman Empire there in the 5th Century AD. Because of its control of the Christian religion throughout Western Europe the Vatican then began to increase its power by legitimising the new Christian kingdoms that emerged as the barbarian invaders settled in the West. See eg: How the Catholic Church Created Our Liberal World -
In the 11th Century the Black Nobility (who had neo-Pharisaic origins) and who controlled Venice and its Empire, infiltrated and took partial control of the Vatican and neo-Pharisees have greatly influenced the Catholic Church since that time.
Arguably the Italian banking "merchant class" who then developed banking and Capitalism in the West was dominated by the Black Nobility who were, in ideological terms, the neo-Pharisaic heirs of the "money changers" who, having killed Christ Jesus, subsequently infiltrated and destroyed the Western Roman Empire, then morphed into the Black Nobility resident in Venice where they dominated the gold, silver, banking and slave trade in most of Western Europe while Venetian fleets controlled the Mediteranean and Black Seas and hence the European trade with the Mongols over the Great Silk Road from China. Eventually the Ottoman Empire closed that trade and the Black Nobility moved their banking HQ further west relocating to Holland in the 15th century to take advantage of the opportunities opening up in the New World. Subsequently, as previously mentioned, they relocated to London where John Dee, the necromancer, had paved the way for Queen Elizabeth I to become the demon possessed "virgin queen and the mother of the nation".
The medieval Catholic Church rejected usury for many centuries but eventually succumbed to the machinations of Talmudic banksters. For instance Paul B. Gallagher says:
'The charter of the Parte Guelfa openly claimed that it was the party of the Papacy, and with Venice, the Black Guelph openly pushed for the Popes to change usury from a mortal sin to a venial (minor) sin. Lane remarks that the Venetians seemed to enjoy an effective exemption from the Popes' injunctions against usury, and also from their ban on trading with the infidel—the Seljuk and Mamluk regimes of Egypt and Syria.'
The Vatican was under substantial Venetian Black Nobility influence from the time of the Crusades and the Catholic Church tacitly condoned the Talmudic banking, fraud and usury practiced by the Venetian Empire which resulted in the financial collapse of Italy and Western Europe in the 14th Century. See eg: How Venice Rigged The First, and Worst, Global Financial Collapse -
The Black Nobility controlling Venice also controlled trade and banking in Western Europe and the Mediteranean and beyond, and they developed the foundations of modern banking and trade (including the slave trade with the Mongols) looong before they migrated to Holland and then London in the 15th and 16th Centuries. Thereafter the Ashkenazis masquerading as Jews, (NOT white Christian Anglos and Europeans) dominated the Triangle Atlantic slave trade between Africa and the North and South American continents just as they had dominated the slave trade with the Mongols for many centuries prior.
Fernand Braudel wrote:
“Venice had deliberately ensnared all the surrounding subject economies, including the German economy, for her own profit; she drew her living from them, preventing them from acting freely. ... The Fourteenth-century saw the creation of such a powerful monopoly to the advantage of the city-states of Italy ... that the embryo territorial states like England, France and Spain necessarily suffered the consequences.”
And Paul Gallagher says:
This triumph of “free trade” over the potential for national government, rigged the Fourteenth century’s global human catastrophes, the worst onslaught of death and depopulation in history. It was not until the Renaissance created the French nation-state under Louis XI, one hundred years later, and then England under Henry VII, and Spain under Ferdinand and Isabel, that the human population would begin to recover.
The demonic tentacles of the oligarchic banking usurors that destroyed the Western Roman Empire in the 5th Century also caused the collapse of the monetary system in Western Europe in the 14th Century and could arguably be said to have motivated King Henry VIII's break with the Vatican causing England's first "Brexit" in the first half of the 16th Century.
THE British East India company received a Royal Charter from Queen Elizabeth I on 31 December 1600. Subsequently Talmudic bankers financing Cromwell and then William III of Orange who became King of England in the late 17th century. In 1694 King William III granted 'the merchants' a licence to establish the Bank of England and to create, and pretend to lend money at interest (usury) on a fractional reserve basis.
Accordingly, the heirs of the banksters who were instrumental in the collapse of the Western Roman Empire were firmly ensconsced in the UK before King George III chartered the Virginia and Delaware corporations to colonise the north American continent. Moreover, the banksters were instrumental in causing the American Revolution because they influenced King George III to ban the use of Colonial Scrip in the American colonies and to require payment of colonial taxes in gold. THAT, not a tax on tea, was the cause of the rebellion.
The Black Nobility perfected banksterism long before launching Mercantilism and Capitalism via the British Empire in the 18th Century. With the advent of the Agricultural Revolution and the elimination of feudal serfdom caused by 'the Enclosures' and the Industrial Revolution in Britain, the Neo-Pharisees deliberately created Capitalism, Fabianism, Liberalism, Socialism, Marxism, Communism, Fascism, Nazism, Feminism et al as ideological political tools to be used to undermine Christian values and subvert Christian society in the UK, the USA, British colonies and other nations. The Bolshevik variant of Marxist Communism was developed to stage the Talmudic Coup falsely mislabelled as the Russian Revolution. Subsequently KM banksters developed Fascism and Nazism as the Hegelian antithesis to Bolshevism and Communism. Today they fund “Colour Revolutions” to destroy governments and nations as they did with the failed Orange Revolution in Ukraine in 2004-5 and the successful Maidan putsch in Ukraine in 2014.
In 1913 the KM banksters seized control of the US monetary system by creating the Federal Reserve System whereafter they controlled Woodrow Wilson, Roosevelt, Truman and Eisenhower (but not JFK) and all subsequent US governments until Trump was elected; as well as virtually all Western governments via control of the global monetary system.
Since the late 1920s they have used Antonie Gramsci’s methodologies to infiltrate and capture virtually all US and Western social and cultural institutions.
President Roosevelt launched welfarism in the 1930s which set the stage for the gradual Democrat ‘progressivist’ takeover of US life that’s been apparent since the 1960s.
In the 1960s the KM controlled Democrats used the race card to denigrate whites and elevate black Americans. Then their CIA apparatus used Jewesses Gloria Steinem and Betty Friedan and others to create Feminism in order to trick young females into wanting tax paying wage slavery in lieu of homemaking and child rearing.
Concomitantly the KM used the Democrats to greatly expand Rooseveldt’s welfare state apparatus to capture the black vote, killing two birds with one stone by encouraging Black women to accept single parenting of their children in return for welfare benefits and abortions. Black children raised in single parent families went from 20% of Black US families to 70% of those families. That caused skyrocketing crime rates and drug addiction in Black neighbourhoods.
The KM also used their control of the Democratic Party to further their control of the US education system such that the Gramscian agenda soon dominated the US school system with results that are now extremely obvious in the excrescence of transgenderism, LGBTQIA+ism, and anti white and anti-Christian sociopolitical and judicial policies and attitudes.
The final nail in the US cultural coffin was delivered by the KM manipulating Congress to implement Affirmative Action in the 1980s as an adjunct to its Washington Consensus economic policies.
The Affirmative Action agenda enabled the KM to manipulate the employment market and especially academic tenure and then student admissions to the prestigious universities from which the US governing elites are recruited. See eg: Affirmative Action and the Jewish Elephant in the Room -
The repressive edifice constructed on the basis of Affirmative Action is now about to unravel as a result of the US Supreme Court decision in Supreme Court guts affirmative action, effectively ending race-conscious admissions:
That result will occur in unison with president Trump's return to public power
Today the latest Talmudic ideologies sweeping the US and the Western world are Political Correctness, Intersectionality and Inclusivity, Identity politics and Transgenerism broadly referred to as cultural Marxism aka LGBTQIA+ism or WOKEism. All of these Talmudic ideologies were developed by the neo-Pharisaic KM with demonic guidance.
Before the stolen 2020 election President Trump obliquely referenced the KM’s connection with Italy dating back for thousands of years relates to this barbaric, demonic, atheistic, anti-human Talmudic pathology that flourished in the Roman Empire and segued into the UK and the USA and is currently debilitating US and Western spiritual, social, economic and political life.
Fortunately, the Triodity of Presidents Trump, Putin and Xi and their Global Alliance supporters are currently eradicating these Talmudic ideologies and their Black Nobility Venetian stinking swamp dwelling protagonists albeit with considerable difficulty. That result should become apparent once the BRICS nations formally declare the expansion of their BRICS membership and set in motion the commencement of their gold backed financial system during their coming South African conference on 22-24 August 2023.
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Excellent history of the Global Elite.
Have you ever looked into Wellington House/Tavistock Institute of Human Relations/Edward I Bernays/Guatemala/United Fruit/CIA/Allen Dulles/JFK/L Fletcher Prouty/The Secret Team?
All very interesting...
My only concern about the conclusion of your thesis is that, the Global Elite are so experienced at pitting both sides against the middle, what if Putin, Xi and Trump are merely playing out their respective roles in this charade and when the time is right, they just hand us all over to the Global, Totalitarian, Police State, Panopticon?
For all that they are hailed as 'The Good Guys', (especially on Substack...), many of the policies they seem to be backing come right out of the UN 2030 Agenda and the WEF. It is a cause for some concern...
I absolutely LOVE the information offered here, it seems to encapsulate my last 30 years of non-stop study to understand the TRUTH of our common world condition. Upon my "Awakening" ( I was "TOLD" to "TELL OTHERS" ... the only problem to my being successful in "That MISSION" is that nobody seems interested.
At 84 I am both running out of time and out of much of my memory. But I have not yet given up completely as I still hope to spread the word of what I call the "BET as (+=-)", the BASIC EQUATION of TRUTH, that being what THE (Christian) TRINITY is best related to and being the most basic, and fundamental formulae, is truly THE THEORY of EVERYTHING (TOE) or GRAND UNIFYING THEORY (GUT) so sought by humankind ... (also I suspect it best explains the QUANTUM conundrum) ...
At this moment in time, as our world further DIVIDES in DUALISM (+/-), there is needed an answer that provides an UNDERSTANDING concerning Religions and Spirituality replacing enmity with LOVE.
The COMMUNISM of MARX never succeeded because it used HEGEL's DIALECTIC in a "materialistic form", void of the "META-Physical" CONNECTIVE LOVE (=) that could be a "Two-way Street"` SYNTHESIZING Differences (Oppositions) ... (+=-)>(+/-) ... where (=) IS the INTER-CONNECTIVE SPIRIT!
Our "Masters" (The Elites) have known this secret, They have corrupted it and they seemed to have been successful in keeping it from us, able to make us FEAR each other and FIGHT each other, keeping too busy doing so to realize the real truth of it all, that They were directing all of it. In our ignorance of that truth we have been TRICKED via the use of what has been called "PROBLEM, REACTION, SOLUTION" (where we have been provided with a "problem" by "Them" knowing BOTH that we would demand "The" very solution as our known reaction wanting the Solution that was predetermined because it was just what They wanted and designed to get. Eventually some would figure that out but by then our minds would be taken to another such "problem" where it would all be done again with different "pre-arranged" factors.
The greatest Lesson to understanding this all, is that ALL and EVERYTHING, INcluding EVERYONE is all part and parcel of a SINGLE UNIVERSE that makes up GOD (Not God and gods) INseparable and NEUTRAL, Justice is automatically done through KARMA, what goes around comes around, the GOLDEN RULE is REAL and there IS NO ONE SPECIFIC Leader or Judge to decide, it just is! WE ARE EACH a God, actually, gods in training to be Gods.
IMnsHO and E so far.