clif high postulates that Judaism and the Christian and Islamic religions are space alien worship cults. (Repost)
Ron: : I agree with clif’s view that Jews are space alien worshipping cultists but I disagree with his opinion that Christians and Islamists are also space alien worshipping cultists.
Clif high postulates that Judaism and the Christian and Islamic religions all derive from the same source - the Elohim, who he claims are extra terrestrial beings with a many thousands of years history of interaction with humans which is encoded into our religions and religious texts. He says the Elohim are also called the Anunnaki, the Theoi, the Devas, and other names for ‘gods’. Clif also reckons that the Elohim are the ‘gods’ of most of the human religions. This includes Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and several others, mostly historical religions. He says these religions are all based on the human interactions with these space originating beings.
Clif’s thesis is that those and possibly most other religions result from Stockholm Syndrome due to the indelible imprint on humans of their brutal treatment by the Elohim thousands of years ago. Clif also thinks the Elohim are related to, or followers of Lucifer; and adherents to the above mentioned religions are therefore demonic Elohim cult worshippers.
I agree with clif’s view that Jews are space alien worshipping cultists but I disagree with his opinion that Christians and Islamists are also space alien worshipping cultists. The Jews’ Torah and much of the rest of the Old Testament are essentially atheistic, genocidal anti-human tomes that are totally antithetical to what Christ Jesus taught. Jesus taught that we must love our neighbour (everyone and everything), AS self (we need to learn to love self in order to be able to love anyone or anything else) FOR the love of God (ALL that IS).
In contrast, the Talmud, far more than the Torah, constitutes the Jews’ law and lore and concealed within its 63 books are absolutely despicable, genocidal, anti-human, ethnocentric precepts and requirements that are totally the reverse of the moral messages taught by Jesus and Mohammad.
The Urantia Book (UB) [ ] states that about 200,000 years ago Lucifer’s followers were quarantined on this planet and the other 36 planets that rebelled against the Creator and the administration of this universe. That could imply that those who clif calls the Elohim have also been here that long. However clif also says that prior to what he assumes are the relatively recent arrival of the Elohim, the human population of this planet didn’t indulge in warfare. That view is contestable.
Clif says that Yahweh was a vicious militaristic Elohim who monstered 12 primitive tribes in the Yemen area and force marched them up the Red Sea coast to Palestine causing half of them to perish on the way. He mentions that they crossed the ‘Reed Sea’ rather than the ‘Red Sea’, that at least, appears to be correct.
Assuming (although not conceding) clif’s narrative is correct, he refers to a tiny tribal group and doesn’t explain how or why other ‘Elohim’ or different groups of extraterrestrials necessarily impacted other peoples on this planet in the same way as the extraterrestrial, Yahweh.
An alternative view would be that Lucifer’s ‘fallen angel’ followers created much mischief largely unrelated to what the Anunnaki and others may have done.
Arguably the Talmud and Torah are diabolical concoctions by Luciferian Talmudists, aka Pharisees, neo-Pharisees and their predecessors, and that much of the Tanakh is also. I agree that those documents variously constitute the law and lore of Judaism. I also agree that those, like Ben Shapiro, who say they follow Judaism as a religion seem to adhere to this primitive, demonic, ethno-centric, atheistic blood sacrifice cult. But that says nothing about other religions and certainly doesn’t demonstrate that Christ Jesus incarnated here to create a religion because he didn’t. That means that anyone following Jesus’ teachings can properly be called a Christian BUT not a Catholic or other adherent of any so-called Christian religion. I discuss some aspects of this process of embracing our spiritual reality in:
Sister Christian - clif high: that walk through the valley of shadow of death is long and dark.
DECEMBER 1, 2023
Arguably also the fact that Mohammad received messages from a celestial individual whose name ended in “el” doesn’t prove that some vicious “Elohim” dictated beliefs to him. In fact, “The Gabriel” is Christ Michael Aton’s Chief Executive of this local Universe of Nebadon.
This local universe is a big structure in a ‘corner’ of a gi-normous cosmos and this planet is a tiny outpost in a small solar system in the outer reaches of this local universe. Clif acknowledges that fact when he explains how we have recently emerged from the Kali Yuga.
In this context I note that even this ‘young’ universe appears to contain many, many inhabited planets and systems and that they have a great variety of living inhabitants some of which, at least, appear to have, by our standards, high intelligence and technologies. Clif doesn’t appear to have adduced satisfactory evidence for concluding that all, most, or even many of those intelligent entities are hostile and dangerous to us. The fact that some such entities may have demonstrated great hostility and murderous aggression toward this planet and her human and other inhabitants doesn’t demonstrate that ALL extraterrestrials are similarly hostile and aggressive.
After all, it has become obvious that huge numbers of humans on this planet (in governments and otherwise) have indulged in the blood rituals, child sacrifices and adrenochronme production and consumption activities that is so horrific about the behaviour of the extraterrestrials clif complains of.
IF all extraterrestrials are as hostile and aggressive towards us as the entities that clif calls “Elohim”, and they have technologies enabling them to come here, the idea that we could successfully fight them seems unrealistic. Even assuming that we have reverse engineered some of their technology doesn’t give great confidence that we could effectively fight them without assistance. In fact we DO have such assistance.
The alternative view to clif’s scenario is presented in the Urantia Book ( ) which indicates that this universe, including its solar systems and planets like ours, exists in a highly ordered cosmos in which most life and accompanying structures function according to energetic cosmic laws emanating from the mind of the Triune Creator; and any ‘life’ that doesn’t, ‘soon’ ceases to exist. In fact our scientists are finally shucking off the dead hand of the Talmudic Khazarian Mafia (KM) and beginning to acknowledge that the Creation results from the Creator’s conscious thought energies and that, as a result there is an element of consciousness in all matter with a hierarchy of rising consciousness leading to conscious life which our human consciousness evidences.
The idea that we are the smartest and most gifted creatures in our universe is KM orchestrated egocentric nonsense. As clif notes, we exist on the edge of our galaxy and all solar systems nearer to the Great Central Sun get more cosmic energy and hence more information and intelligence than we do. That’s why we aren’t the brightest featherless bipeds in our universe.
Clif even acknowledges that prior to recent interference with us by extraterrestrials, previous civilisations do not appear to have been warlike and aggressive etc. While that is debatable, it certainly doesn’t support clif’s contention that all extraterrestrials are hostile and we must fight them.
Much is being made of scholars deciphering ancient texts and deciding that all extraterrestrials are hostile. If that were true we would long ago have ceased to be here or, at best, our enslavement would be irrefutable. That isn’t the case since although we are totally enslaved most of us refuse to believe that to be the case. See eg:
Arguably the reason we are still here and having this conversation is that this universe is properly managed in the best interests of all.
Our peculiar circumstances on this planet arise because Lucifer, the Satania sector manager of a 100 solar systems, in one of which was our planet Urantia (now ‘Gaia’ as she has become fully conscious), rebelled against Celestial management and was allowed to try out his ideas by being quarantined here along with his followers in the 37 systems that rebelled with him. Lucifer was given about 200,000 years to implement his management improvements. He failed and was recently adjudicated and chose uncreation rather than face the humiliation involved in rehabilitation. Satan, his top offsider, chose rehabilitation. In effect the rebellion is over and Universe Management has lifted the quarantine and we are free to travel beyond this solar system once we get our act together.
The Anunnaki may have used and abused us for many years but En Lil who was left in control of this planet by Anu, eventually saw the light and allowed publication of the UB in the mid 1950s; and has now left this planet. The Triodity of presidents Trump, Putin and Xi have been tasked by Universe Management with cleaning up the remnants of the damage done by Lucifer’s followers and the KM and the Anunnaki et al. THAT task is almost complete. When it is, there will be an Event designed to wake up the global population prior to evacuation of the planet by all those leaving for planets and places more suited to their level of consciousness and energetic vibration.
I agree that the Pharisees, neo-Pharisees and rabbis (Talmudists) who created and control Judaism also created the faux Christian religion and the Bible; as well as substantially distorting the Koran and the Islamic religion based on it.
However, I do not agree that Christians and Islamists worship the Elohim. Pharisees and Roman emperors created the Christian religion; decided the largely false content of the Bible and imposed it and much false dogma and doctrine upon members of the Roman empire some 300 years AFTER the crucifixion of Christ Jesus. They continued to distort Jesus’ teaching thereafter and neo-Pharisaic Talmudists have continued to do that until today.
One of the more egregious false doctrines they infused into the Christian religion was that ensouled humans lack an indwelling spark of Creator consciousness and as a result they lack sovereignty and the prospect of eternal life. That enabled the Pharisees to force ‘Christians’ to believe that Jesus sacrificed his life to save humanity. He didn’t and couldn’t. Each ensouled human being must reincarnate myriad times in order to learn about life, the universe and everything and eventually save self. The idea that anyone can attain eternal life and union with the Creator without evolving God-like spiritually is unsound.
The Talmudists have totally distorted Jesus’ divine message by denying the reality of reincarnation and inculcating the belief that ensouled human beings have no soul and are not indwelt by a fragment of Creator consciousness and hence have one, only, meaningless lifetime followed by oblivion. To achieve that outcome the Talmudists tried to convince Christian religious adherents that they lack the sovereignty bestowed by being living sparks of Creator consciousness and are mere physical entities. Those who believe that will believe anything.
Once you convince people they are mere ‘cattle’ it becomes easy to insert demonic elements such as the cannibalistic mass/Eucharist ritual into their religious practices. Also, introduction of belief in the need to confess ‘sins’ to priests etc was a stroke of genius drastically reducing the cost and complexity of the control matrix.
I agree that Talmudists are demonic cultists and many leaders in the Christian and Islamic religions are too. However, ONLY the Talmudists and their mind controlled followers and especially their Torahite Judaic cult followers, live by atheistic, anti-human and anti-life principles. The Talmudists seeded the Christian and Islamic religions with grossly false dogmas, precepts and practices which corrupted Jesus’ core message about divine love and brotherhood. Despite that, core truths have been preserved by many Christians and that has enabled many people to learn to love neighbour AS self FOR the love of God (ALL that IS). That is Jesus’ lasting legacy and it has nothing to do with any demonic cult worship.
In this context it should be emphasized that religions are essentially sociopolitical control mechanisms that do not assist with the development of individual or collective consciousness, spirituality or sovereignty. Religions are man-made, centralising socio-political control mechanisms that can only be used effectively on populations that have limited general consciousness. Now that we have left the Kali Yuga, belief in individual spiritual sovereignty is destroying the idea of centralised control and as a consequence it is rapidly falling away as the imploding globalist narrative evidences. In the near future the population of this planet will become decentralised and devolve most aspects of responsibility for living and governance to local communities.
As science and technology develop religions lose their effectiveness as indoctrination and control mechanisms. Accordingly, in recent centuries religions have lost much of their ability to fulfil those functions and our covert Talmudic controllers have largely replaced them with atheistic materialistic ideologies enforced by police, courts, ‘security’ and military forces; compulsory schooling from cradle to adulthood; gaslighting by the MSM and Hollywood; and Bernaysian advertising.
Religions have lost much of their relevance and ability to influence society as populations grow in ability to acquire information and hence increase in consciousness. That is happening now in our world as increasing energetic radiation from the Great Central sun via our Sun is enabling increased human intelligence enhanced by the internet and other technologies which are combining to free the population from ignorance and dependence on centralised religious and government authorities and the MSM. Unfortunately schooling and advertising still seem to have a death grip on Normies but that will change because once the Alliance removes and replaces all global governments; schooling and advertising will be abolished along with the money meme and banking.
Arguably clif misdirects himself as regards the origins of the Elohim and the nature of the core information in Jesus’ divine revelations. Jesus opposed the Pharisees and was crucified to silence him. Claiming that followers of Jesus’ divine revelations are Elohim worshippers is untenable. The fact that many Catholics and other Christian sect followers have been misdirected as regards Jesus’ teachings doesn’t make them Elohim worshippers although it may have temporarily eliminated their ability to achieve higher consciousness and individual sovereignty.
Similarly, clif’s opinion that Jews and other so-called Elohim worshippers have Stockholm Syndrome induced by abuse by the Elohim that was inculcated so deeply into their culture by brutal Space Alien abuse 3400 years ago and earlier, stretches credulity.
Far more probable is that 2600 years ago the Levite and rabbinical leaders of Judean tribesman seized upon and cobbled together various myths and demonic bullshit learned in Babylon from Talmudic Radhanonic merchants and others from Mongolia and elsewhere, and used it as a socio-political tribal control mechanism to indoctrinate their simple tribal followers who had just been traumatised by the conquest of their capital Jerusalem and their exile to Babylon. See eg:
The reason that Talmudism and its tame exterior Judaic tribal religious trappings has survived and thrived for the last 2600 years is most likely due to extreme ethnocentricity fostered by genius mind control techniques and deliberate shtetl (ghetto) population isolation mechanisms employed by Talmudic rabbis to prevent the herd from leaving the reservation. Of course, in the last couple of centuries the enormous financial and political success of the Ashkenazi global leadership has automatically kept the greedy and the ignorant within the fold.
Random observations:
Talking about religion distorts the debate. Apart from the Talmudists using religions to inculcate false and misleading beliefs that destroy spirituality they also use religions to divide, separate and rule humanity. Religions are a key ingredient in the “Let’s YOU and HIM fight.” scenario that Talmudists use to divide and conquer nations. The real discussion should be about personal and societal morality. See eg:
The key economic control mechanism used by the Talmudists is the money meme and banking:
A similar analysis will no doubt identify significant corrupting changes inserted into the Koran.
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