Clif rightly indicates that the coming revelations about life, the universe and everything will shock everyone but especially Christian religious adherents & others with religious fixations. He also notes that the shock will be even more acute for those who call themselves Jews.
Clif’s discusses the recent awakening journey of a religiously indoctrinated lady he has been mentoring and, rightly in my view, notes that coming to grips with spiritual and material reality is going to be very traumatic for billions of people on this planet and especially for very ‘religious’ Christians and Muslims. The shock and grief will be deep. Clif considers it will be a ‘Dark Night of the Soul’ experience and rightly says that that those who have already gone through the ‘Awakening Experience’ will need to do their best to help others through it.
Clif rightly thinks that the Christian and Muslim religions are bogus socio-political control mechanisms but, in my view he throws out the baby with the bathwater in that, as a consequence, he seems to reject the possibility that the Creator might act through avatars in the Creation. This perception appears to lead him to conclude that Christ Jesus wasn’t a manifestation of the divine and that the Bible and the Koran are entirely bogus. Arguably though, the divine revelations provided by Jesus’ to his apostles and disciples; and the divine revelations originally received by Mohammad; were genuine but they were subsequently deliberately corrupted by Pharisees and other Talmudists who have misdirected humanity in respect of almost everything we think we know.
For instance the Pharisees transformed the original Christian community (church) practice of celebrating a meal together in remembrance of Jesus and the Last Supper by formalising and ritualising it and inserting their barbaric blood sacrifice meme into it by creating the dogma that Jesus sacrificed his life FOR us (when he didn’t) AND forcing congregations to metaphorically pretend to eat the body and blood of Jesus as the Eucheristic centrepiece of “the mass”.
In fact clif acknowledges that we and the entire cosmos are created by myriad energetic frequencies (i.e. information) emanating from the mind of the Creator and that reincarnation is a basic component of life in the materium and hence essential to development of consciousness in the cosmos, but he doesn’t seem to accept that the ultimate goal of spiritual evolvement of conscious beings is to become like the Creator and hence immaterial, eternal spiritual beings at One with the Creator.
That appears to lead him to perceive the coming revelations to include the appearance on this planet of alien physical beings who will be hostile and motivated to harm and enslave us. That won’t happen because this universe is governed by beings who serve the Creator and currently a Global Military Alliance on this planet is in the final throes of eliminating the demonic forces that have been exploiting, controlling and destroying Gaia and her inhabitants. Accordingly, Universe Management will ensure that only benevolent beings from other places will be able to come here.
Clif’s research leads him to believe, probably correctly, that Talmudists worship some alien invader(s) of this planet (and certainly Lucifer and his followers can be said to fit into that category as do the stories about the Annunaki).
The Talmudic Pharisees not only forced the Romans to crucify Jesus to stop him teaching the truth about life, the universe and everything; BUT THEN, to finish the job they distorted Jesus’ teaching by having their agents insert their barbaric ideas about Jesus’ death being a blood sacrifice (i.e. that he allegedly died for our ‘Salvation’ i.e to expunge humanity’s sins because humans are sooo inadequate and lacking in agency that we cannot act to save ourselves). That false idea condemns all who believe that horsechit to living in a perpetual infantalised and dependent state of mind, always needing someone to come and save them. Similarly, via the preaching of Saul of Tarsus (St Paul) and others, the Pharisees inserted into Christian thinking the false rabbinical idea that women must be subjected to control by men, and so on.
The Pharisees crowned their disinformation campaign by convincing emperor Constantine to establish the Christian religion at the Council of Nicaea and to require that his whole empire embrace it. To achieve that, thousands of dissenting individuals were killed and hundreds of books about Jesus’ teachings were eliminated from the canon of accepted Christian teachings. That process of eradicating Jesus’ teaching continued with Emperor Justinian imprisoning a Pope and removing all references to reincarnation from the Bible and Christian religious dogma at the Fifth Ecumenical Council in 553 AD. In fact the KM’s distortion and corruption of Jesus’ teaching has continued with the publication of the Scofield Bible in 1909 AD and the Second Vatican Council in the 1960s and so on.
The real Pharasiac coup though, was their insertion of the Torah and Tanakh into the Bible as Christianity’s “Old Testament” (OT). The OT is a barbaric, totalitarian tribal document drawn up by Levites and rabbis five centuries before the birth of Jesus for use as a socio-political blueprint for controlling and exploiting simple Judean tribal people. The OT is an extremely insular, ethno-centric, totally racist and genocidal ideological document which, on rational examination, could not be more antithetical to Jesus’ message that God is love and that human salvation can only be achieved by learning to love as Jesus and his Father, the Creator, love.
Needless to say, the Pharisees were successful in corrupting and thoroughly distorting Jesus’ divine message but sufficient vestiges of it survived the onslaught of the Pharisees and their later, Khazarian Mafia and Black Venetian iterations to enable the growth of a European Christian civilisation that flourished despite the constant attempt by the KM and their minions and enablers to destroy it. See eg:
In effect, the vestiges of what Jesus taught enabled the creation of the Christianised European civilisation that arose and spread its influence worldwide in the last 2,000 years despite the distortion and corruption of his teaching wrought by Pharisees and Talmudists through their creation of the false Christian religion and the ridiculous inclusion of the genocidal Pentateuch and Tanakh in the Bible as the so-called “Old Testament”.
The truth of the matter is that Jesus taught that we need NO external religious or spiritual authority in our journey to discover the truth about life, the universe and everything. That spiritual journey can and must be accomplished by each individual independently; and clif clearly indicates that to be the case in his discussion and experiences with Sister Christian.
The vestiges of the truths Jesus taught that have survived the corrupting influence of the Pharisees and later Talmudists are sufficient to guide us in our spiritual journey provided that we heed the silent dictates of our conscience, our ‘Thought Adjuster’ as the Urantia Book ( explains.
For instance Jesus reportedly said:
“Love your neighbour (everyone and everything) AS yourself (you need to learn to accept and love self before you can love anyone or anything else), FOR the love of God (ALL that IS).
We don’t need any external authority to explain that to us, we just need to “go within” and think about it. And then seek to live it.
The reason that the reincarnation mechanism exists is to allow us enough (myriad?) incarnations and experiences to eventually understand and accept the truths Jesus taught, AND live them. Once we master these Christian spiritual values we can move on to other lessons. Eternity is a veryyy long time…
The key truths the Pharisees and their successors, the Khazarian and Black Venetian Talmudists have hidden from humanity are the reincarnation mechanism and the fact that EVERY ensouled human being is gifted by “Universe” i.e. the Creator of ALL that IS, with a fragment of Creator consciousness (which the Urantia Book calls a “Thought Adjuster”) which acts as an internal spiritual adviser. Accordingly ensouled human beings become Temples of the Holy Spirit of God and need no external ‘church’ buildings, religious community gatherings, or priests and gurus et al, to ‘know’ the truth about issues plaguing us, we just need to “go within”, reflect and listen to our “conscience” and the truth will become apparent if we persist in honestly doing that.
The ‘Dark Night of the Soul’ occurs when we face cognitive dissonance caused by having to confront the fact that our perception of self, life, society and everything, is NOT what we thought it was. The resulting trauma is caused by the fact that we tend to identify with our worldview so completely that realising and accepting that our worldview is false FEELS like destruction of our self. It isn’t.
Most people on this planet have lived a LIE from conception until whenever they start to confront the truth about life, the universe and everything, if they ever do that. Facing the truth and getting through it constitutes the ‘Night of the Soul’ as we ’Walk Through The Valley of the shadow of Death’ of our preconceived image of ourselves and our world and construct a realistic picture of self and everything. The reason that our false beliefs are so deep rooted, tenacious and we fear changing them, is that they are created in our first seven years of life i.e. the period in which our brains unreflectively absorb everything we are told and experience. As a result we get programmed with ideas and beliefs from external sources, namely parents, siblings, community, religious and governing authorities et al, most of whom were similarly deluded in their formative years and continued to accept, live and pass on those false ideas and delusions to us, virtually by osmosis. Bruce Lipton explains the automatic programming involved. See eg: Bruce Lipton The Biology of Belief Full Lecture:
See especially part three.
This one is much shorter but very good also - The Biology of Belief: Here's How to Change Your Reality:
As I understand it, young souls, those recently graduated from animal status, are inexperienced and easily deluded, This group is probably a significant portion of the current global population although probably greatly exceeded by mature souls here for the experience and also by star seeds here to assist with the process of freeing this planet and her inhabitants from its demonic controllers in order to embark on completing the ascension of Gaia and those wishing and able to go with her.
However, possibly the largest single segment of the population consists of individuals that have been biologically engineered by demonic forces, to have a body (meat suit) that is unable to contain and hold a soul. These individuals have had forebears who have been biologically interfered with so that they and all their progeny lack a soul carrying body (meat suit). They remain biological animal robots lacking a soul which can store memories that enable them to grow in consciousness. These individuals are sometimes called Non Participating Characters (NPRs) and they form a huge nucleus of unthinking adherents to religions and other mass psychological movements.
These unsouled individuals lack even the thinking abilities of newly incarnating humans who have a soul carrying meat suit which, once the individual starts to make moral decisions, can receive a Thought Adjuster.
After the coming changes any of those unsouled individuals who exhibit a desire to learn and grow will be transported to other environments and given assistance to develop in consciousness and ability to think, grow and thereby develop a soul carrying meat suit.
Clif also mentions that those who call themselves Jews will have greater difficulties than others in confronting and overcoming the truth about themselves and our world. That is because their mind controlled, ethno-centric, nepotistic, genocidal social conditioning combined with the enormous socio-political success of their Talmudic KM leaders has created in them ingrained anti-spiritual and anti-human atheistic and materialist mental attitudes that will shatter when confronted with the reality of who they really are and what they and their Talmudic leaders have done to the rest of humanity and our planet.
Those who cannot adjust their thinking to accept that new reality may not survive even long enough to need transportation to other environments more in tune with their irrational image of themselves and others.
PS: My views on the Christian religion stem from experience. I was taught by Catholic nuns until age 12 and thereafter I was taught by Catholic priests for five years during which I was taught “religion” by a priest who was a “Dr of Canon Law” whatever that meant. He was a nice bloke but my schooling experience, even then, 65 years ago, was essentially a waste of my time as John Gatto explains is typical of the schooling experience:
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