Share this postRon’s SubstackThe Kalergi Plan for the USCopy linkFacebookEmailNotesMoreThe Kalergi Plan for the USRon: Swamping the US with illegal coloured migrants from underdeveloped nations is not about securing 'Democrats' control of the US ; it's about securing TOTAL control of the US & the world FOR JEWS.Ron ChapmanApr 02, 2024Share this postRon’s SubstackThe Kalergi Plan for the USCopy linkFacebookEmailNotesMoreShareRelated Articles:KALERGI PLAN: A Covert Scheme to Establish a Worldwide Jewish Zionist Government: CASE AGAINST NOAHIDE LAWRon Chapman·January 13, 2024 Source: Stop Noahide Law ED Noor: Americans in their current Islamophobic fervor seem to be terrified of the imposition of Shariah Law upon the nation. They are completely unaware that their nation has already been sold over and that their American le…Read full storyIsrael’s Biblical Psychopathy: LAURENT GUYÉNOT • OCTOBER 22, 2023 - Ron Chapman·November 6, 2023 Israel’s Biblical Psychopathy LAURENT GUYÉNOT • OCTOBER 22, 2023 I am tired of reading that Netanyahu is a psychopath. He most certainly is not. I see no reason to consider him, or any other Israeli leader, as psychopaths in the psychiatric sense. They have a collective psychopathy, which is a ver…Read full storyThe Protocols of the Learned Elders of ZionRon Chapman·January 3, 2024 First posted at E-Y in October 2004 The Protocols were first published at this web site in October 2004 Print version Download pdf of this article Audiobook of first American Publication (1920)Read full storyThe Fed and all the Rothschild's Central Banks have been bankrupted and eliminated. by the Global Alliance led by Trump. Putin and XI. Ron Chapman·August 17, 2023The 63 books of the Talmud set out the law and lore the Talmudists live by. Hidden in those books are the demonic attitudes and anti-human methodological precepts followed by the KM. Rabbis are the “judges” that control the cult. Phariseeism had it roots in Canaanite ideology well over three thousand years ago. Eustace Mullins has explained the truth of …Read full story