Excellent history of the Global Elite.

Have you ever looked into Wellington House/Tavistock Institute of Human Relations/Edward I Bernays/Guatemala/United Fruit/CIA/Allen Dulles/JFK/L Fletcher Prouty/The Secret Team?

All very interesting...

My only concern about the conclusion of your thesis is that, the Global Elite are so experienced at pitting both sides against the middle, what if Putin, Xi and Trump are merely playing out their respective roles in this charade and when the time is right, they just hand us all over to the Global, Totalitarian, Police State, Panopticon?

For all that they are hailed as 'The Good Guys', (especially on Substack...), many of the policies they seem to be backing come right out of the UN 2030 Agenda and the WEF. It is a cause for some concern...


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G’day Steven,

Thank you.

Yes I have looked at how Tavistock & Bernays used Freud’s bullshit psychology & disinformation peddled by other intelligent Ashkenazi moral idiots like Marx, Einstein and Antonio Gramsci to destroy meaning and to mind control and manipulate humanity on this planet. I wrote for abundanthope.net for about 16 years but unfortunately that site was taken down last year and I’ve had computer problems such that I now have to reconstruct past work from scratch.

Your concern about the ability of the KM to endlessly play “Let’s you and him fight”; and to use their erstwhile stranglehold on most nations to suborn their leaders such that, prima facie, Putin, Xi and Trump, et al are merely playing roles for them is well founded. However, two can play that game and they, as members of what clif high refers to as a Self Organising collective, but which is actually a Universe Management Triodity, are covertly implementing a Plan to take back this planet from the diabolical forces controlling it using the KM.

As Hamlet told Horatio: “There are more things in Heaven and Earth than are dreamed of in your philosophy...”; and so it is with us. We incarnate here on a small planet at the edge of a galaxy in a young universe in a veryyy big and veryyy old cosmos. We don’t know that because the KM have very efficiently rewritten our history, (1) dumbed us down and mind controlled us to believe we are the smartest if not the only intelligent beings in the cosmos. That is beginning to change because cosmic variations in our planet’s position on the edge of our galaxy are enabling greater incoming energetic gamma radiation to impact our world. That radiation contains information because the cosmos is a creation of MIND; being a manifestation of the thought of the Creator. As such everything is created by consciousness and so all matter has an element of consciousness, culminating in conscious intelligent beings such as we are. Incidentally, the incoming gamma radiation is having a negative effect on the health of many people who have morbidities and/or, are averse to change. For instance some of the illnesses falsely attributed to the non existent COVID-19 virus, were probably attributable to increasing gamma radiation coming to us from the centre of the galaxy via the Sun. 5G towers were not necessarily causing it.

(1) Christ Jesus incarnated to bring us the GOOD NEWS that once we seek to act morally we become ensouled HUman (Higher Universal man) beings, indwelt by a fragment of Creator consciousness such that, if we commit to living a moral existence, we become only begotten (i.e. unique) sons and daughters of the Creator. The Pharisees forced the Romans to crucify Jesus to stop him spreading that GOOD NEWS. Then, to eradicate Jesus’ teaching from our history they influenced the Romans to establish the Christian religion and stuffed the Old Testament into it to totally distort Jesus’ message. Jesus didn’t come to start a religion and didn’t. Fortunately, the remnants of Jesus’ message that survived the Pharisees’ handiwork were sufficient to enable a Christian oriented civilisation to develop in Europe but the KM and their cohorts, minions and enablers have all but eradicated it from Western culture today.

For a detailed outline of the history of this planet in this universe see: https://www.urantia.org/urantia-book/read-urantia-book-online

But I digress.

The really incredible thing about Creation is that beings have been created that have free will; an ability to choose what to think, believe and do. That’s a tremendous gift but also a burden, as life on this planet demonstrates. And of course the KM and their controllers have distorted and exploited our free will, turning it against us so that today our world is largely populated with programmed people who seem incapable of rational thought and action. Tavistock, Bernays and Gramsci have contributed much of the input for that situation.

Steven, the substance of your concern seems to be that Putin, Xi and Trump are limited hangouts, puppets of the KM, Judas goats leading us to accept the UN’s Agenda 2030 and the WEF’s CBDC electronic banking enslavement under which we will have nothing and be happy.

Given the fact that our world is drowning in disinformation and bullshit and that it is a dystopia which seems to be imploding, it is reasonable to doubt that anyone running Russia, China or the US could be a genuine moral human being but the truth is that to operate in the KM dominated world Putin, Xi and Trump have had to dissemble to fool the KM; and they do and have. In particular Trump has had to play an enigmatic role to keep the KM and their stupid supporters off balance. Trump is CIC of the US military and is biding his time to overtly reassert control of the US. In the meantime he has activated a million National Guardsmen; the US Marines and Special Forces and most of the US Navy to assist a Global military Alliance to organise to replace all global governments because they have all been infiltrated, suborned and corrupted by the KM. That Plan has been authorised by Universe Management who have decided to save this planet and her inhabitants before the KM and their controllers can destroy them.

Because of lifetimes of disinformation input and mind controlling propaganda USans and Westerners generally have become totally indoctrinated and mind controlled to believe bullshit. Our history is bunkum and our life experiences have been inauthentic and unreal. Most of us are victims of programming that makes us unable to think rationally about ourselves and our world. That situation has been deliberately imposed on us such that most people seem to think we are the smartest if not the only intelligent beings in the Cosmos. We have been programmed to ‘think’ this way from birth by the KM and have become victims of and often unable to escape from, cognitive dissonance.

Bruce Lipton explains how we become victims of cognitive dissonance. See eg:



However, anyone who can overcome his/her cognitive dissonance; ignore Western propaganda about Putin and Xi; and seeks real information about their activities and the achievements of their governments will know that they don’t support the KM. For instance it’s obvious that Russia’s SMO is aimed at eradicating the KM’s HQ in Ukraine and all of its evil activities regarding bio-labs; child and adult sex trafficking; SRA and adrenochrome production; drug and gun running and money laundering etc. Also, Russia bans the worst aspects of WOKEism and especially body mutilation for ‘trans’ purposes, homosexual proselytizing, same sex marriage and adoption of children by homosexuals. Perhaps the most obvious signs that Putin isn’t a KM puppet is the fact that he has overtly removed the Rothschilds’ influence from Russia’s Central Bank and encouraged Russia to be a bastion of Russian Orthodox religion.

Similarly, constant Western MSM anti-China propaganda creates a totally false Western perception of Xi, the CCP and China. IF Xi was a KM puppet that wouldn’t happen.

The KM spent decades establishing their control mechanisms in China to enable their Communist lackey, Mao, to be able to conquer China and kill some 80 million Chinese surplus to KM requirements and to instigate the destabilising social policies now being experienced in the US and the West. See eg: https://clifhigh.substack.com/p/lin-biaos-curse-of-trans?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=681568&post_id=111294254&isFreemail=true

Under Mao the KM were able to implement incredibly evil policies like the ‘One Child’ policy that enabled the CCP to steal millions of Chinese new born infants, especially girls, for adrenochrome production and related purposes; BUT Xi stopped that and has effectively eliminated the KM’s control of the CCP and China.

Xi succeeded in eliminating the ‘One child’ policy and the KM’s control of the CCP. That has been a lethal blow to the KM’s plan for world domination. Why? Because around the time of their implementation of the Washington Consensus in 1979, the KM decided that they would move their global industrial and military HQ from the US to China. To that end they de-industrialised the US, offshoring its industrial capacity to China, building up China to now be by far the biggest industrial, economic and scientific nation on this planet. China’s preeminent industrial and economic dominance is typified by its very fast train network. See eg:


How galling it must be for the KM to now realise that China didn’t succumb to their control in the way that the UK, US and EU have done.

To appreciate that Putin and Xi are not KM puppets you only have to look at how they have developed the BRICS, the SCO and other trading and strategic alliances that have out maneuvered the KM’s control of developing nation economies. Russia has continued to assist nations in Africa and the Americas to resist US and Western economic hegemony and to develop their own economies. Military actions by Russia in Libya and especially in Chad and other Sahal nations have obviously thwarted French and US military control there.

While Russia has handled the military assistance aspects of nascent African efforts at real independence, China has vigorously assisted African and other nations to become economically and socially independent.China’s economic assistance to African and other nations is becoming legendary.

To dispel some of the Western lies about tyrannous Chinese governance see:



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Thank you for that detailed and insightful response.

I am of the opinion that this coming year will be a momentous one that in many ways will 'tell the tale'. I am looking forward to seeing how all of this plays out.

I am confident that whatever happens on the 'World Stage', our ultimate fate is to become the beings that our Creator has intended for us to become from before the beginning. As you have mentioned, for each of us as individuals, this depends upon the intelligent use of our complete freedom of will.

May the Good Lord help us to choose wisely so that we might receive all of the Blessings intended for us!

And I, myself, wish you and yours all the very best as well!

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Thanks Steven,

Keep your vibrations high, cobber. this show is about to climax.

Peace be with you and yours,


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It's 2024 month 7 and though everything written still jives...

The world is in no "telling of tales" :(. I sure am not in a better place... That's for sure.

And my daughter is in deathly danger.

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Whatever happens we each chose our outcome.Those leaving have chosen our separate path. The disclosures should happen 'soon'.


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I absolutely LOVE the information offered here, it seems to encapsulate my last 30 years of non-stop study to understand the TRUTH of our common world condition. Upon my "Awakening" ( https://www.amazon.com/SPIRIT-CALLS-voice-wilderness-Transcending/dp/1419612581) I was "TOLD" to "TELL OTHERS" ... the only problem to my being successful in "That MISSION" is that nobody seems interested.

At 84 I am both running out of time and out of much of my memory. But I have not yet given up completely as I still hope to spread the word of what I call the "BET as (+=-)", the BASIC EQUATION of TRUTH, that being what THE (Christian) TRINITY is best related to and being the most basic, and fundamental formulae, is truly THE THEORY of EVERYTHING (TOE) or GRAND UNIFYING THEORY (GUT) so sought by humankind ... (also I suspect it best explains the QUANTUM conundrum) ...

At this moment in time, as our world further DIVIDES in DUALISM (+/-), there is needed an answer that provides an UNDERSTANDING concerning Religions and Spirituality replacing enmity with LOVE.

The COMMUNISM of MARX never succeeded because it used HEGEL's DIALECTIC in a "materialistic form", void of the "META-Physical" CONNECTIVE LOVE (=) that could be a "Two-way Street"` SYNTHESIZING Differences (Oppositions) ... (+=-)>(+/-) ... where (=) IS the INTER-CONNECTIVE SPIRIT!

Our "Masters" (The Elites) have known this secret, They have corrupted it and they seemed to have been successful in keeping it from us, able to make us FEAR each other and FIGHT each other, keeping too busy doing so to realize the real truth of it all, that They were directing all of it. In our ignorance of that truth we have been TRICKED via the use of what has been called "PROBLEM, REACTION, SOLUTION" (where we have been provided with a "problem" by "Them" knowing BOTH that we would demand "The" very solution as our known reaction wanting the Solution that was predetermined because it was just what They wanted and designed to get. Eventually some would figure that out but by then our minds would be taken to another such "problem" where it would all be done again with different "pre-arranged" factors.

The greatest Lesson to understanding this all, is that ALL and EVERYTHING, INcluding EVERYONE is all part and parcel of a SINGLE UNIVERSE that makes up GOD (Not God and gods) INseparable and NEUTRAL, Justice is automatically done through KARMA, what goes around comes around, the GOLDEN RULE is REAL and there IS NO ONE SPECIFIC Leader or Judge to decide, it just is! WE ARE EACH a God, actually, gods in training to be Gods.

IMnsHO and E so far.

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Thanks Jerry,

I think that we're very close to the revelation of the truth about life, the universe & everything.

Dunno if you've seen it, but I think that the Urantia Book gives a very good explanation of the cosmos & Gaia's place in it.


Peace & Blessings,



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Thank you Ron,

Seldom do I get replies to my offerings so yours is much appreciated. Yes, the Urantia Book is fabulous, if for no other reason than to impress any reader that there is so much more to our Universe than we could imagine.

I came across it in 1995 and repeatedly read through the whole book every couple of years. Most of it is far too dense for me, so I do not expect a whole lot from it. The Life of Jesus section though is easy to understand and so encouraging, that I have spent the most of my time in that with understanding, agreement and wishing that the average Christian would do so also. I love the Truth above everything and promote it when I can, please readers here, follow the Links provided by Ron and see what you have been missing.

Best to each and all,


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