Ron: Almost everything our governments, religions, schools, universities, scientists, doctors and everyone else tells us is false.WHY is that?
Ron: Although almost everything we think we “know” is a LIE there are some things that most of the global population refuse to admit to knowing that are true. In particular, although it is obvious, most people refuse to admit that fractional reserve banking is a PONZI scheme, an EXTORTION RACKET imposed on most of the global population by COLLUSION between a cabal of MEGA private corporate bank owners and governments which are private corporations that the same cabal of banksters also own.
Not only do governments gift free licences to private banks authorising them to pretend to create and fraudulently purport to lend money which they call currency but which is merely fiat digital debt tokens that have no value, but also governments empower those banksters to charge compound interest on those pretend loans AND then force populations to pay to the banks both the imaginary loan amounts and the interest thereon or face fines, confiscation of property and even imprisonment if they don’t. THAT is EXTORTION!
Also, billions of people refuse to believe that they are enslaved and impoverished by this money monopoly banking process although it is the reason why billions of people live in poverty, scarcity and want because of it. See eg:
Similarly most people refuse to believe that democratic political processes are a farce under which having electorates vote for ONE candidate once every two or three years supposedly gives them a meaningful “say” in how they are governed. To make the farce even more obvious, any democratic element in the process is completely removed by allowing members elected to Parliament to join parties which dictate how they must vote so that promises to electorates are ignored by elected politicians simply saying they couldn’t vote for the policies they promised to their electors they would advocate because their party required them to vote otherwise. See eg: ‘Democracy, Deception, Deceit - they're all the same’:
The situation in the US is typical of the fraudulent corporate governance arrangements in the UK, Australia, the EU and Western nations: See eg:
These government policies and actions are the reason that whole nations are oblivious to the fact that previous civilisations on this planet lived in prosperity and abundance having access to abundant electrical power extracted from the atmosphere and the planet instead, of raping her by mining coal and extracting and burning coal, oil and gas to fuel transport, industry and our heating and cooling needs.
Although our history has been completely hidden from us we do know that the technologies used by the Tartarians exist because Nikola Tesla patented many of them and told us about them over a century ago. Many others inventors and scientists have also discovered many of these technologies BUT they have all been suppressed by the banksters and the governments they control. For instance Nikola Tesla produce a device to run a car using etheric energy in the 1930s and the US government has admitted that it has suppressed use of some 6,000 patents for various advanced technologies.
For example the global population could have had use of Maglev technologies a century ago. For instance Russian ideas inspired the hyperloop: (1)
And see: Hugo Gernsback, 1917, ‘Travelling at 500 Miles Per Hour in the Future Electric Railway’, The Electrical Experimenter, Vol. 4, No. 11, p. 794 (2)
Although the first patent proposing maglev technology was successfully filed in the United States in 1902 by Albert Albertson (3) and the German inventor Alfred Zehden was awarded a US patent for his maglev train idea in 1905. (4) In 1904 American academic and engineer Robert Goddard had already outlined his vision for a maglev train system (5) while in 1912 French inventor Emile Bachelet first demonstrated maglev technology in action using his prototype model maglev railway (6) and was awarded an appropriate US patent for it. (7)
Accordingly it is not surprising that the Global Military Alliance responsible for cleaning out the Khazarian Mafia (KM) global DUMBS network and rescuing children from them reports that that global deep underground network is connected by very advanced technology Maglev transport systems.
Also, in 1972 the Los Angeles Times carried an article about the possibility of connecting the East and West Coasts of the US using Maglev technology.
1. Hugo Gernsback, 1917, ‘Travelling at 500 Miles Per Hour in the Future Electric Railway’, The Electrical Experimenter, Vol. 4, No. 11, p. 794
2. Russian ideas inspired the hyperloop.