62,260 views • Feb 25, 2024 • #JoeRogan #Supernatural #Jesus
During a recent podcast, Joe Rogan expressed his belief that Jesus needs to come back NOW. Watch as he shares his thoughts on the current state of the world and why he believes we need Jesus more than ever. See what's got Joe Rogan so shocked and join the conversation in the comments below!
Ron: the moment you discard the rhetoric about “religions” and “believers” and start objectively analysing behaviour and language about it, in terms of morality - the effects of actual behaviour and language on people, flora, fauna and the planet - the labelling of people and their behaviour as being “religious” is ad hominem, irrelevant and absurd. A deliberate misdirection of the debate.
This commentator on this video seems to be a Bible freak who thinks “Jesus” is going to come back on a war horse to declare war. He also refers to the need for “Christ” to return. The term “Christ” is simply a title, Jesus was “a” Christ, there are many individuals having that status. Jesus has returned but more importantly he has returned with Christ Michael Aton, (CM) the creator and ruler of this local universe of Nebadon. Moreover CM is accompanied by a huge Galactic Star Fleet manned by extra terrestrials here to help with the transition of this planet.
CM is being assisted by many extra terrestrials who are on-planet to help with the removal of the KM and their cohorts. Also here to assist in awakening the population and assist in raising consciousness and the planet’s morphogenetic field frequency. That portion of the global population whose energetic frequency matches Gaia’s rising frequency will remain with her after the coming changes. That portion of the population whose vibrational rate (frequency) doesn’t rise with that of the planet will be removed by Space Fleet to continue their incarnational journeys elsewhere in environments more compatible with their level of consciousness. Intractably low vibration individuals will simply transition to their next incarnation.
Joe Rogan’s musings about spirituality is on point in the crazy world we are currently experiencing except that no one can “save” us, each of us must experience and grow in knowledge and wisdom to eventually ‘save’ self because ensouled humans are spiritual beings destined for eternal life PROVIDED THAT we choose that outcome. As this is a free will world we can choose to reject that destiny but only once we fully understand what that decision means which is to cease to exist. It does NOT mean that we will exist eternally in ‘Hell’ which is just a demonic fabrication by Lucifer and his followers.
Incidentally, on this issue, Lucifer and Satan were removed and incarcerated when Jesus rejected him and Satan 2000 years ago. Recently Lucifer was adjudicated and chose uncreation rather than face the humiliation involved in the rehabilitation process. In contrast, Satan chose rehabilitation and continuance of his eternal journey.
The rabid Biblical rhetoric of this video commentator is misguided and misleading.
Be aware that the Christian religion and the Bible didn't exist in 325 AD when Emperor Constantine organised and presided over the Council of Nicea. In 331 Constantine commissioned fifty Bibles for the Church of Constantinople, but little else is known (in fact, it is not even certain whether his request was for fifty copies of the entire Old and New Testaments, only the New Testament, or merely the Gospels.
Accordingly the Bible is a fundamentally flawed document as is all information, documentation and history in our world because of KM manipulation. For instance Jesus did not incarnate to establish a religion and didn’t. He came to reveal divine truths lost over millennia and corrupted by Pharisees and others. His message was that EVERY ensouled human being is an eternal spirit gifted by the Creator with mind, personality and free will and indwelt by a fragment of Creator consciousness which makes him/her an only begotten son or daughter of God destined to experience myriad incarnations in order to explore physicality and eventually evolve in wisdom and consciousness to become like the Creator.
A major LIE by the Pharisees (i.e the Talmudists who are today’s neo-Pharisees who call themselves ’Jews’ but are not) was that Jesus sacrificed his life for the salvation of humanity. He didn’t and couldn’t as every ensouled human being is indwelt by a fragment of Creator consciousness and must experience myriad incarnations in which s/he learns about life, the universe and everything until s/he finally chooses to live a moral life whereat the individual’s indwelling spark of Creator consciousness fuses with his/her soul and they become an eternal spirit.
As Jesus’ teaching threatened the power and control of the Pharisees they forced the Romans to crucify Jesus. See eg:
However, Jesus' GOOD NEWS about humans being only begotten (i.e. unique) sons and daughters of the Creator; and reincarnation, was so powerful that the Pharisees established the Christian religion and influenced Roman emperors to impose it on the Roman empire in order to distort and corrupt Jesus’ message. Unfortunately they succeeded as our world is finally beginning to realise.
Jesus' message was so powerful that it caused local communities (churches) dedicated to loving neighbour AS self FOR the love of God, to spring up all over the Roman Empire. Because that message directly threatened their demonic, Talmudic sociopolitical ideology the Pharisees’ got emperor Constantine to impose the Christian religion and the Bible with its inclusion of the genocidal Old Testament (i.e. the Pentateuch and Tanakh) in it. That has fundamentally misled Christian religionists for almost two millennia.
Despite the Pharisees’ distortion and elimination of Jesus’ teaching, the elements of his loving message that survived still resulted in the development of a Christian civilisation in Byzantium and Europe.
Final Elimination of the Truth about Reincarnation
In the sixth century Emperor Justinian eliminated from the Bible virtually all references to Jesus' teaching about reincarnation. This was finally achieved during the Fifth Ecumenical Council in 554 AD. At that time Emperor Justinian arrested Pope Vigilius for Believing in Reincarnation and had the Council declare:
If anyone asserts the fabulous preexistence of souls, and shall assert the monstrous restoration which follows from it: let him be anathema. (The Anathemas against Origen), attached to the decrees of the Fifth Ecumenical Council, A.D. 554, in Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, 2d ser., 14: 318). See eg: Pope [Vigilius] Arrested for Believing in Reincarnation - https://www.mauinews.com/opinion/letters-to-the-editor/2016/05/pope-vigilius-arrested-for-believing-in-reincarnation/
Eradication of the doctrine of Reincarnation, ie knowledge that the evolvement of life and hence MIND is based on the reincarnation process (which is essential to enable spirit beings incarnating into physicality to avail themselves of a sufficient number of physical incarnations to adequately explore and understand the immensity of life, the universe and everything) is the method used by the Pharisees and neo-Pharisees, ie Talmudists who call themselves Jews but are not, to convince gentiles (ie all who DO NOT accept Talmudism) that they are merely physical creatures having one, only, lifetime which has no meaning, destiny or purpose.
Concomitantly this LIE, reinforced by the Talmudists' coercion and funding of scientists to accept and promulgate false science about life, the universe and everything as typified by falsely promulgated Darwinian evolutionary theories about the Origin of Species, has made it easy for Talmudists and the Christian religious puppets they control, to instil fear of death into congregations. The truth is scientifically explained by Bruce Lipton. See eg: Bruce Lipton - Fear vs Love State and Stress's Effects on Your Body - Bruce-Lipton---Fear-vs-Love-State-and-Stress-s-Effects-on-Your-Body.shtml
This process of inserting LIES into Christian teaching and the Bible has made it feasible for Talmudists and materialists generally, to distort human consciousness and science by having scientists, academics, educators and commentators as well as governments and the MSM, promulgate false and ridiculous ideas about consciousness arising from random chemical reactions. This also enables Talmudists and other materialists to contend that people on this small planet on the edge of the universe are the most, and probably the only, consciously intelligent beings in the Cosmos. LOL.
Needless to say, the farrago of gobbledok like the cannibalistic Catholic mass with its primitive temple worship sacrificial overtones and the overtly genocidal Biblical message skewing Christian doctrine has misled our world for two millennia. THAT will cease this Easter.
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