Gas companies paying no royalties | Mark Ogge on ABC News
Ron: The Australian government's a criminal cabal failing to levy royalties on gas exports or proper taxes on oil & gas export company profits. Australians can't afford housing & children as a result.
Ron: This video explains how Australian governments treasonously GIFT the right to mine, TAKE & SELL Australia’s material resources, & especially our natural gas resources, to foreign owned corporations for almost nothing. Not satisfied with that, the criminals in our federal government (which is in fact a private corporation owned & controlled by foreign individuals who also own the huge mining corporations that are GIFTED with our natural resources) and the members of their political parties in Parliament, use Australians’ tax funds to SUBSIDISE the operations of those mining corporations in Australia while at the same time allowing those corporate exploiters of OUR natural resources to sell to us our own resources AT WORLD PARITY PRICES.
Many Australians live in poverty & many young Australians are unable to afford to buy a home and/or have children & raise a family* because of this treasonous behaviour by our Parliaments & governments. WHEN are Australians going to WAKE UP & smell the corruption & treason rampant in Australia’s governance & do something bout it?
* Australians have failed to reproduce the population for many years. That is social suicide. Our treasonous governments have concealed that fact for many years by importing millions of refugees & immigrants from incompatable cultures. Those people ‘imports’ do not culturally intergrate into our society which creates disunity & division which exacerbates our economic problems. In effect our excessive immigration policies not only create huge housing & infrastructure shortages but also constitute societal suicide as our culture disintegrates.
In the below mentioned video interview Mark Ogge explains that Australian federal governments GIVE our off shore gas resources to foreign corporations FREE of charge & THEN compound that felony by levying minimal taxes on the excessive corporate profits they generate AFTER using transfer pricing & other subterfuges to conceal their profits.
We live in a sea of lies Pilgrims. First our governments LIE by omission by not telling us that they GIFT our natural resources to foreign corporations owned & controlled by the SAME O/S shareholders that OWN our governments (which are private corporations) AND the major private banks like the RBA, the Commonwealth Bank and WESTPAC et al.
However, our governments also LIE to us by commission. For instance they tell us that we are a wealthy country and that Australians are much better off than most other national populations because we allegedly have a high standard of living because we have a high Gross National Product (GDP). What they don’t tell us is that our GDP is BOGUS, a fraudulent misrepresentation. WHY? Because our GDP measures inflated prices on many things AND, for instance it includes the excessive PARITY PRICES we pay to foreign corporations for our own gas and other natural resources which, for instance in countries like Saudi Arabia, the Gulf States, Brunei, Norway (and Libya before NATO murdered president Gadddfi & bombed Libya and president Gadaffi’s Great Man Made River, back to the Stone Age.
The joke is that the excessive PRICES we pay to private foreign companies for our own resources and the taxes & prices we pay to governments for government services & infrastructure jack up our GDP & impoverish us while our governments pretend that, somehow those imposts on our living conditions MAKE US RICH because they increase our GDP. YEAR RIGHT…
Ron: In addition to gifting our natural resources to foreign corpoations Australian governments gift huge subsidies to foreign corporations.
Apart from many of those subsidies being hidden by failure to levy royalties & taxes for licences to mine and take Australia’s natural resources like coal, oil, gas, gold & other minerals at hugely discounted or nil royalty fees AND then allowing those corporations to sell those Australian owned resources like oil and gas to Australians at world parity prices, Australian governments also allow foreign owned corporations to use transfer pricing and other devices to avoid paying appropriate taxes to Australians.
To gauge the huge size of the subsidies involved, note that Australia’s oil, gas, coal & mineral resources are so abundant that Australia could dispense with its unlawful income and other taxes and subsidise EVERY Australian’s lifestyle in the same way that nations like Saudia Arabia & various Gulf States do. Libya also used its oil revenue to heavily subsidise its population’s lifestyle which was the reason that the US & NATO bombed it back to the Stone Age.
Another form of “subsidy” Australia’s governments pay to foreign interests is its purchase of ridiculously expensive & useless armaments from US & UK corporations typified by our spending A$368.5 billion on submarines to be made available to make war on China, our biggest trading partner, in 20 years time.
The net result of these hidden subsidies to foreign corporate interests is increasing poverty & inability of young Australians to buy homes & raise families.
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Four huge privately owned banks dominate Australia’s currency (money) issuance:
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The Australian Big Four Banks:
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The Big Four Australian banks consistently commit criminal acts and defraud Australians. See e.g:
Banking royal commission: 'Fee-for-no-service' criminal, civil investigation referrals part of recommendations for sweeping bank reforms -
Australian bank Westpac faces massive fine for breaches -
TRISTAN LAVALETTE reports: “Australia’s four biggest banks – ANZ, CBA, Westpac and National Australia Bank – earlier this year were the targets of a royal commission of inquiry which exposed rampant malpractice across the financial sector.”
“I’m absolutely appalled,” said Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison. 'They’ve just got to lift their game on this stuff.'”
However, the banks aren’t playing ‘a game’, and they aren’t satisfied with ripping off Australians using usury and their fraudulent fractional reserve system but are actively defrauding huge numbers of Australians in other ways.
Contrary to then prime minister Morrison’s trivialising remark about Australia’s Big Four corporate banks’ malfeasance being ‘a game’, they consistently breach laws, sometimes paying fines, but the federal government fails to stop them continuing their criminal activities:
Big four bank NAB hit with massive fine over ‘false or misleading’ conduct with fees -
Moreover, unlike sovereign individual Australians, the mostly foreign owners who control bank management and benefit from fraudulent and criminal Australian banking activities are not subjected to prosecution for criminal offences by their Australian banks; and bank company executives and officers almost never face criminal proceedings let alone incarceration for criminal acts they arrange and/or oversight. For instance in ‘The Commonwealth Bank’s Illusion of ethics’ Dr Evan Jones says:
’ Despite claims of being an ethical bank, the CBA has a trail of malpractice victims that paints a different picture’.
And: ‘Banking corruption continues despite parliamentary inquiries’.
And: ‘Banking sector's pursuit of profit equates to white-collar corporate crime’.
Also: 'In terms of defrauded borrowers en bloc, the foreign currency loan scam was the first. The CBA takedown of close to a thousand commercial (and some farmers) borrowers acquired from the 2008 Bankwest takeover was the second. This story is outlined in my four-part ‘The Commonwealth takedown of Bankwest customers’ on this site'.
‘the victims of the CBA’s criminality over 40 years have been assumed away. They don’t and never existed. This is how the CBA creates its “ethical” illusion:,16811
See also: CBA Facing Huge Fines In Latest Australian Banking Scandal -
Similarly: National Australia Bank agrees to rectify money laundering concerns by 2024
Big four bank NAB hit with massive fine over ‘false or misleading’ conduct with fees -
Contrast these and myriad other results of corporate bank criminal activities with the fate of individual Australian citizens who are prosecuted, fined and even gaoled for comparatively trivial fraud and/or misappropriation* of relatively small amounts of Commonwealth government funds in Social Security and other areas.
* Not to mention the unlawful activities by Commonwealth government subsidiary corporations like the Taxation Department.
Australia’s experience is similar to that of the US and most nations in relation to government complicity in enabling corporations to steal national natural physical assets.
For instance the Commonwealth government unlawfully imposes income taxes on working Australians to subsidise the Aboriginal industry to the tune of 33 billion dollars annually. Simultaneously it endlessly debates whether it ought to properly tax the grossly excessive profits of transnational corporations that gouge enormous profits from exploiting Australia’s oil, gas and mineral wealth while charging Australians, the owners of that wealth, grossly inflated global prices for often inadequate supplies thereof. For example, see how Woodside uses the Western Australian government to exploit Western Australians and the nation: