Candace Owens on Hitler — America (and others) are Just as Guilty of the same crimes he was Accused Of…
Ron: Germans DIDN'T genocide Jews during WWII but the JEW controlled Allied military DID actually GENOCIDE some 20 million Germans from I939 to I950 & 39 million from I9I3 to I950.
Ron: Get grip Pilgrim. It’s time we stopped pretending that killing & enslaving Germans is OK because the Jews say it is. ALL gentiles have been targeted for enslavement & death by TALMUDISTS at least since the Pharisees forced the Romans to crucify Christ Jesus. See:
The German nation was repaid for benevolently hosting the Talmudic Ashkenazis for centuries by being forced to fight two world wars organised
by International Jewry to genocide them, pillage their nation & enslave the survivors. AND that’s what happened. See:
BBC 1945 The Savage Peace - atrocities against Germans:
Candace Owens on Hitler — America (and others) are Just as Guilty of the same crimes he was Accused Of…
We “the allies” ethnically cleansed 12 Million Germans… “Why is Hitler the most evil? Oh, an ethnic cleansing took place…. And I offer back, oh you mean like we actually did to the Germans?
“Candace, he had the camps… oh you mean the exact same camps we transferred the Germans into, to mass kill them? “If you’re worried about Camps, we did that.
If you're worried about ethnic cleansing, we did that."
I can see it now… they’ll call Candace a Nazi/Hitler sympathizer…
The fact remains, there is so much we were lied to about our history… especially about Nazi’s.
This Clip…
Candace’s Full Show (worth the watch)
0:08 / 8:47
11:45 AM · Jul 4, 2024
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The pilots of Bomber Command cannot be called heroes
The real HOLOCAUST of Dresden while the Russians were besieging Berlin was a war crime unequalled even by the US atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Some estimates put the death toll at 500,000. The Jew controlled UK government has steadily reduced its estimate to now be a mere 25,000. In another decade they’ll be telling us that it didn’t happen or that the perfidious Germans did it to themselves.
Ron: Churchill is said to have expressed misgivings about the morality of this and other indiscriminate bombing of German civilian centers." This is the linked article...
Even Churchill (whose mother was a Jewess) must have realised the enormity of it. Of course he and Bomber Harris must have known they immolated hundreds of thousands of civilians and so were probably a bit worried that the truth would get out. That's why they had to ramp up the propaganda about alleged German atrocities and the HoloHoax.
When you realise just what the Jews have done & got away with in Russia & Germany since I9I3 it’s easy to see why they expect to get away with genociding Ga a & the West Bank Palestinians. fter all they murdered hundreds of thousands in a day in Dresden, Tokyo, Hiroshima & Nagasaki & killed millions of civilians in Germany & Japan and were glorified for it. So much so that they have continued doing it ever since.
Dresden. Bodies found beneath wreckage
Of course the JOOS have managed to conceal the truth, reducing the
total of Germans killed gradually over the years until now they bare
facedly say only a mere 25,000 German gentiles died in Dresden.
MOLOCH obviously needed and always needs more than that...
Harry S(olomon)Truman obliged with hundreds of thousands more in Japan a few months later.