I’m too pretty to work — f–k getting up at 6 a.m. every day for 60 years
Ron: Aren't we all? Talmudists have turned Gaia into a slave planet using sophisticated mind control techniques to destroy solidarity, dividing us by race, religion, sexuality, ideology & culture.
By Andrew Court Published Nov. 7, 2022
Forget 9 to 5, she’s a 10 out of 10.
A young TikToker is ready to give up the rigors of gainful employment, saying she’s just “too pretty” to bother with a job.
Lucy Welcher — a social media influencer with more than 10 million TikTok likes — made the bold declaration in a recent video that has fiercely divided the internet.
“I do not want to work for the rest of my life,” the blonde brazenly stated at the outset of her viral clip. “Does it look like I want to get up at 6 a.m. every f**king day for the next 60 years?”
“No! I’m too pretty for that!” Welch subsequently snapped, before taking a sassy sip of her iced coffee.
Viewers were quick to chime in with their own thoughts — with many slamming the self-confident content creator, labeling her “lazy” and “entitled.”
Content creator Lucy Welcher has caused controversy by claiming she’s too pretty to work. The TikTokker later insisted her comments were made in jest.TikTok / @luluhasfun
Viewers were quick to chime in with their own thoughts — with many slamming the self-confident content creator as “lazy” and “entitled.”TikTok / @luluhasfun
Welcher has not disclosed where she currently works, but later took to the comments section of the video to insist that her remarks were merely a “joke.”
“Try waking up at 4 a.m. every day working 60 hours a week,” one critic complained, claiming they have it way worse than Welcher.
“Someone’s entitled,” another blasted. “I hope you get humbled girl, you need it. Looks have to nothing to do with working and it’s sad you have that mentality.”
Meanwhile, a third bluntly stated: “How about trying to be an adult instead of a privileged princess expecting life to be handed to you?”
Welcher frequently shares videos of herself getting ready for her job, and recently revealed that she even received a promotion.TikTok / @luluhasfun
However, there were hundreds of supporters who agreed with Welcher and said they were similarly worn down by work.
“Preach it sissy!” one enthused before a second supporter chimed in saying: “Sending this to every employer I’ve ever had.”
One male admirer even offered a way out of the workforce for Welcher, saying: “You can be my housewife I make 6 figures a year just make sure the house is clean and food is on the table.”
The youngster has not disclosed where she currently works, but later took to the comments section of the video to insist that her remarks were a “joke.”
“I hope you get humbled girl, you need it. Looks have to nothing to do with working and it’s sad you have that mentality,” one raged.Instagram / @lucywelcher
Welcher frequently shares videos of herself getting ready for her job, and recently revealed that she even received a promotion.
“I’m starting a new position at my job today, so instead of folding towels, I’m going to be on the desk,” she declared.
“I’m very nervous to start on the desk because although I may look very beautiful, smart, and talented, I’m not actually smart at all,” the TikTokker additionally quipped.
0:00 "I Don't Want To Work"
0:50 "I regret being strong and independent"
1:02 MGTOW
1:08 Woman is bitter because no man will provide for her
2:18 "I'm tired of working"
2:49 Woman says "I'm to pretty to work" and gets humbled
3:33 "I start arguments with my husband because im bored"
4:48 "I use men for a free place to stay"
6:00 "Why Do Feminist Refuse To Work These Jobs"
7:07 "Only men should work"
7:56 Traditional woman shares her dream job
Ron: On current trends, by 2030 over 50% of all women over 30 in the UK (and Western societies?) will be childless and alone. They spend all their fertile years racking up bodies, focusing on their careers just to end up depressed and full of regret…
On no! The bad old days when living standards were high enough to maintain single income households with solo male breadwinners where women could actually spend time at home nurturing their own children and cooking for their husband who actually cares about them instead of dumping the kids at some dodgy daycare centre while she toils away serving another man, the general manager of the faceless corporation she works for who couldn’t give a fuck about her.
GREAT, what a fantastic improvement! … No! Trust the man who owns the WAGE CAGE where you sit under harsh strip lights for I0 hours a day while being treated like a perfunctory unit of production. IT’S REALLY AN UPGRADE…
The Feminists spiel is that marriage and family is: ‘Willingly giving up financial independence”. Don’t trust the man who loves you and treats you well with your “financial independence”
That’s a JOKE, JOYCE! NO ONE has financial independence except Talmudic banksters and their mates; and to some extent, the venal Ashkenazi community generally; in return for performing their role of supporting the Talmudic rulers of our global matrix.
No gentiles (or even the Talmudists’ Jewish minions and enablers) have financial independence in our Khazarian Mafia (KM) bankster dominated world. THINK About it! Men are trapped on the SAME economic treadmill as women are. In fact the situation of the average married man who is raising a family is worse than that of a SINK (i.e. Single, Independent (Income) No Kids female) ln that he has the responsibility and worry of having to keep being a wage slave in some faceless, demoralising corporation for the sake of his spouse and children. All responsible fathers have been there…
My father used to say to us kids in the early 1950s:
“I get up in the morning to go to work to earn the money to feed the family; to go to sleep to get up in the morning to go to work to earn the money to feed the family to go to sleep to get up in the morning…”
The only thing that has changed in my lifetime is that NOW both the father and mother have been mind controlled & socially conditioned to be wage slaves in a free range serf system where BOTH are required to get up in the morning to go to work to earn the money to feed themselves (and kids if they have them) in order to go to sleep to get up in the morning to go to work … Ad infinitum.
Females have been “sold a pup” by the Talmudic matrix controllers and all of society, including men, boys and young children, are paying the price. THAT must change and it will, under the coming Millennial Reign being introduced after the replacement of all global governments.
Using Feminism to fool females to join the Talmudists’ fake money driven economic rat race has merely increased taxation and intensified the enslavement of human society.The only ones to benefit are Jew banksters and their mates, with scraps from their table being gobbled up by their voracious Elohim cult followers who treat gentiles like cattle to be used and abused for their benefit. Ask the Palestinians…
Hoeflation was a primary goal of the KM when they introduced ‘Feminism’ and ‘Teenageism’ to Western Christendom. The aim was to destroy masculine and feminine roles in society in order to destroy morality, family life, community solidarity and the ability of gentile nations to reproduce themselves. The near doubling of the paid work force and income taxation was a useful additional benefit though not essential since their fractional reserve banking already stole the lion’s share of global productivity and kept the population impoverished and dependent. See:
When Karl Marx, that infamous (among many) Ashkenazi, wrote words to the effect: “Religion is the opiate of the people” in the mid 19th century the truth of that proposition was already dissipating and the KM knew it. They realised they needed suitable meretricious replacements. They came up with Capitalism, Socialism, Communism, Bolshevism, Fascism and Maoism but those ideologies also quickly lost their appeal as science and technology rapidly improved productivity and lifestyle possibilities for the KM’s global slave populations. Even WWI & WWII were not enough to destroy increasing human productivity & so the Rockefellers & Carnegies et al developed compulsory factory schooling to confuse, dumb down and dull the personal sensibilities of the masses making them easy targets for Cultural Marxism.
But of course the KM continued to use conflicts and warfare to cull the herd, destroy surplus production and substantially prevent the benefits of increased industrial production from being shared equitably with their human free range serfs. Even so, that duplicitous Ashkenazi plagiarist Einstein, noted in the 1930s that humanity had solved the production problem. Ironically that situation emerged despite the efforts of Einstein’ and other KM agents to inhibit scientific and technological progress using Darwinian evolutionary bullshit and misleading scientific formula like E = MC2. Of course the KM also had to suppress real scientific discoveries and technological developments like those produced by Nikola Tesla & Royal Raymond Rife which they did using the US patents Office & the CIA. Incidentally, those suppressed technologies will be released as soon as the anti-KM Global Alliance replaces all the KM controlled globalist governments.
Never the less, by the 1930s huge increases in productivity caused by less revolutionary technological advances required the KM globalist controllers to create WWII to destroy excess productivity & to genocide humanity’s leading non-Jew controlled industrial nations, namely Germany & Japan. However, by I970 global productivity had recovered from WWII & the KM had to devise make-work mechanisms to keep their free range serfs poor and ‘busy’, albeit not ”barefoot in the kitchen”. Hence the proliferation of part time work and the creation of endless make-work methodologies, DEI initiatives & worker commutes to and from employment since the introduction of the Washington Consensus in 979. These innovations were also needed to absorb the enormous influx of females into the workforce which was a crucial part of the KM’s Feminism agenda spearheaded by notorious Jewesses, Gloria Steinem& Bettye Friedan who were tasked to lead the destabilisation of family & community life designed to destroy Christian Western nations.
Despite these efforts the KM had to somehow curb population growth, especially as the population reductions they achieved in the developed European world with their genocidal Bolshevik Revolution unleashed upon Orthodox Christian Russia and their genocide of Christian Germans and Europeans using WWI, the Great Depression and WWII, weren’t sufficient. Similarly, their use of the US military to genocide the Japanese in WWII; and Koreans, Vietnamese, Cambodians and Indonesians thereafter, combined with the Maoist Revolution’s elimination of some 80 million Chinese, also failed to reduce global population growth. Even the endless bombings, invasions and occupations of dozens of nations by the KM controlled Anglo-US puppet regimes and NATO couldn’t stop population expansion so another solution had to be found.
The KM’s genius solution has been the gradual poisoning of water food and air combined with imposition of the genocidal allopathic medical industry and vaccines to accompany the Gramscian slow motion takeover of Western institutions ably assisted by the roll out of Feminism, Consumerism and Teenageism which enabled cultural Marxism and Wokeism to flourish and destroy the mentation and moral capacity of a majority of the population in advanced global economies.
That solution has also been insufficient and so the KM inflicted the COVID-19 scamdemic and lethal “vaccines” that kill, maim and induce infertility in males and females, upon the global population. That genocidal attempt has also failed and so the KM are planning to unleash another scamdemic global attack during the Paris Olympic Games in 2024. See eg:
SG ANON - AUDIO FILE 67: Plandemic 2.0 Likely
The Talmudists used Feminism to almost double the tax paying wage-slave work force which screwed up Western societies making the populations’ free range serfdom ever more onerous and sending nations into a death spiral in which they can no longer reproduce themselves so that the Talmudic banksters who control governments have been able to increasingly replace Western developed nation populations with fecund, lower IQ, easily manipulated, Third World refugees and economic migrants. That technique has not been needed in Japan & Korea where genocidal warfare followed by the US military occupation has apparently destroyed national morale and sexual morality so much that the collapse of healthy sexuality and family aspirations have resulted in population declines that appear to be terminal.
The process of destroying fertility and sexual morality in Japan, South Korea & globally, and especially in all advanced Western nations was greatly accelerated from the I960s onward by the availability of the contraceptive pill which enabled females to sleep around without consequences in the same way that irresponsible males have always been able to do. The resultant destruction of feminine attitudes and values and the concomitant declines in family formation and reproduction rates are obvious. THAT is in effect SOFT genocide, because it amounts to inducing national physical and cultural suicide. THAT trend has been reinforced by Big Pharma drugs; subsidised abortions; and allopathic medical interventions designed to increase infertility and ill health. Those interventions include myriad toxic activities including mammograms and radiation therapy for cancer imbalances that ordinarily healthy immune systems would eliminate naturally.
The other long term KM mechanism for destroying the creative high IQ Westernised national populations and their economies has been the imposition of mandatory factory schooling which now engulfs most children’s lives from infancy until adulthood. See eg:
John Gatto: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Institutionalised Schooling (1998)
NOVEMBER 22, 2023
The Talmudists controlling Western nations have used government schooling to confuse, dumb down and infantalise childrens so that, as adults, they are unable to think clearly having never receive reliable information about life, the universe and everything. This situation is enhanced by mothers working for wages instead of home making, child rearing and community building, so that parents lack the time and energy to guide their children’s moral, social and life education. Accordingly those processes are left to strangers, paid teachers whose mind controlled societal conditioning didn’t cease at age 18 but was reinforced with several years of additional ‘factory style’ brain washing in teacher training and university institutions. The outcome is societal chaos and disaster with teachers inculcating in impressionable kindergarteners the idea that boys can be girls and vice versa; and ‘schooling’ them in ‘Wokeism’ and various sexual practices including homosexual techniques.
The confusing, disjointed & scrambled emotional and informational environment created by full time institutional ‘factory’ schooling from infancy to adulthood has made it easy for governments, the MSM and advertisers to distort and trivialise everything including sexuality, morality, family life and child rearing. The cumulative effect of this manipulation of female attitudes and aspirations in Western societies has been manipulated and socially conditioned societal self destruction. The result is not only misery for most of the population but cultural & societal suicide for Western nations.
The societal environment created by full time institutional ‘factory’ schooling combined with Feminism and the pretence that children must be treated like adults; given the vote and have their ignorant and immature opinions on the environment and everything else given political clout, results in the situation in which children like ‘St Greta’ appear to be running the global asylum.
This has made it easy for governments, the MSM and advertisers to distort and trivialise everything including morality, family life and child rearing. The result is increasing misery for most of the population as Western societies have been manipulated and socially conditioned to self destruct with females’ excessive expectations causing them to alienate most young males, condemning themselves & many males to lives of lonliness, isolation & alienation. Thus we get plummeting family formation and birth rates signalling the cultural and physical suicide of erstwhile Christian Western nations. Governments conceal these suicidal societal trends by importing hordes of low IQ Third World refugees and migrants from alien cultures that are steadily replacing White Western populations. This accords with the Kalegi Plan ennunciated in the 1920s at the same time as Antonio Gramsci published his methodology for the Communist infiltration of Western nations by KM agents. See eg: youtube.com/watch?v=s7Vk657QLyI&t=8s