Greer's belated revelations suggest he's now confident that the cabal is effectively defeated.

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I agree that Greer is belated in his revelations.That's probably why he's still alive. the fct tht he's now beginning to tell it like it is, albeit not fully up to date, is presumbly sign that he thinks its now safe to reveal some truths.

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Ron, (07Jun2024)... thanks for the excellent reporting. Dr. Greer leans 'LEFT' with his thinking, and he denied that anything evil was in the ET and UFO information... until now.

So... I have studied our political realm for 40 years. Dr. Greer is correct that there is a secret group with its own military force... it is the U.S. CIA, which took their military weapons from the U.S. Military under the pretense that it 'worked for the government'... That happened long ago.

Under Bush, Sr. the CIA was divided into "White Hats' and "Black Hats'. They were instructed to spy on one another and 'snitch' on anyone that did not obey his orders. Many of the entities who claim to work as MAGA White Hats, are actually CIA.

Today, with Trump.... we are witnessing... via Fifth Generation Warfare using misinformation and deception.... the U.S. Military 'White Alliance' take down the GLOBAL MONSTER known as the Cabal, Banking Syndicate, Illuminati, et al.

POINT: Dr. Greer is behind with his observation and warning.

FACT: The take down of the rogue CIA and cohorts is just about over... Those of us who have been documenting and researching understand not to fear what is about to hit.... the CRUSHING BLOW needed to knock that House of Cards built with the Petrodollar FIAT Federal Reserve. June 9 is the last day of the Petrodollar Pact..... Standing by.


R.E. Sutherland, M.Ed./ sciences

24 years - Virginia Licensed Science Teacher (biology, chemistry, physics)

9 years-(DOE/SRS) Nuclear lab and Nuclear Radiological Protection Inspector

1992 - Certificate of Completion for "Teaching Nuclear Topics"

Author: American and Russian ALLIANCE of 1858 (ISBN: 13: 9780595215010)

Freelance Investigative Science Reporter since 1996

1996-2000 Front Page Reporter – The Edgefield Advertiser, South Carolina

1998 - GOP Primary candidate for SC State Superintendent of Education

2000 - GOP Primary candidate for SC Governor

2004 - Libertarian candidate for SC US Senate

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