Ron: Katie Hopkins gives Nigel Farage “a serve” for being a political “Show Pony”, flitting from party to party for purposes of self aggrandisement.
A good example of Farage’s technique was his limited hangout performance during his public stoush with Coutt’s bank in 2023 based on the fact that they had debanked him. Farage made a huge, and justified, fuss over Coutts Bank and some 10 banks in all, refusing to provide banking services to him.
However, Farage’s criticism of bank policies relating to de-banking, privacy and interest rate hikes are at best ignorant and prima facie, amount to a limited hangout that has the effect of distracting attention away from the core issue which is that fractional reserve banking is totally fraudulent and socially destructive. Criticising bank policies about debanking, privacy and interest rates gets everyone to “look over there, not over here” . The effect is that the population fails to see the reality that the current Western banking system is a gigantic totally fraudulent EXTORTION RACKET operated by governments in cahoots with private banking corporations. See eg:
The money creation and banking system is predicated upon the fact that governments REFUSE to perform their duty to create and issue their nation’s money supply. A modern society cannot function without a money supply because, at humanity’s current limited level of spiritual development, societies cannot function without a tangible means for facilitating the exchange of goods and services. That function requires a generally accepted methodology for doing that and monetary systems do that. Accordingly the money creation and issuance function is a core government responsibility.
The UK and many other governments have been suborned and corrupted to refuse to create and issue their nation’s money supply; AND to fraudulently authorise private, FOR PROFIT, corporations to pretend to do it.
Farage does a sterling job of keeping himself in the public eye as being a champion of their rights by focusing on peripheral problems that cannot be effectively solved unless and until society eliminates the gross corruption inherent in current governance which centres on corrupt money creation and banking arrangements.
Accordingly, Katie Hopkins’ criticism of him appears to be entirely justified.
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