Tucker Carlson’s Warning to Australians Melbourne, Australia Full Speech
Ron:Tucker brilliantly exposes the truth about Australia's rotten governments that constantly tell Anglo Australians this is NOT their country while importing millions of foreign refugees & migrants.
Ron: Tucker Carlson notes that Australian governments are constantly telling Anglo-Australians that this is NOT their country and that they should be ashamed of their ancestors who built it. At the same time our governments are importing millions of foreign refugees & migrants from alien cultures causing acute housing shortages such that young Australians cannot afford to marry, obtain a home & raise a family.The result is that the birth rate has plummeted & Australians haven’t been reproducing themselves for many years. That’s a form of slow genocide created by our governments.
This situation is caused by deliberate government policies. The Australians who built this nation are being disenfranchised and told they don’t deserve to live here while being steadily physically, socially and culturally suicided. Any government that does this clearly HATES the existing population and is eliminating it. Tucker asks WHY are Australians allowing this to happen & exhorts us to STOP allowing it otherwise in 50 years this nation will be a dim memory. I agree with him.
Tucker also rightly points out that the situation of Australians is not unique. This process of destroying the morality, culture, economies & populations of other Anglo-Christian nations like the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand has also been happening for many years and is more advanced in the US & UK where moral, social & economic deterioration is turning many places into wastelands.
Please listen to Tucker’s speech & think about it.
Tucker Carlson’s references to the UK being “a swamp” are well illustrated by this recent video by Paul Joseph Watson:
Ron: Actually the KhaZarian Mafia banksters that have already largely destroyed the UK are pursuing the same policies designed to eliminate the erstwhile Caucasian Christian populations of most European nations. See eg:
KALERGI PLAN: A Covert Scheme to Establish a Worldwide Jewish Zionist Government