Government finances & taxation in the Future: Tobin & similar taxes.
Ron: The new world that emerges from introduction of suppressed technologies will be totally different from what we know.
The new world that emerges from introduction of suppressed technologies will be totally different from what we know.
Zero point energy (zpe), anti-gravity transport, AI, Med Beds & quantum financial & electoral systems (however described) will transform society, its production, economic & political mechanisms as we know them; & hugely reduce the need for human labour.
These technologies will almost eliminate the energy production, transport, medical & financial cum banking industries. That will decimate society’s need for labour in hydro-carbon fuel extraction & usage, banking, advertising, insurance, drug productio; the ‘sickness industries’, & the medical illness & Aged care labour markets.
Other centralised societal control mechanisms like the huge government controlled judicial, schooling, higher “education” & “science” industries needed to teach ignorance, conformity, compliance; & dependence upon government & other corporate authority figures will also be redundant as the truth about life, the universe & everything becomes available & known. Political & judicial structures & functions will largely devolve to local levels. The changes will also decimate the existing MSM & its employment requirements as the general public assumes its rightful place in the information & opinion dissemination process.
THINK about that. The reduction in the need for the “money mechanism” & the expenditure of time & human effort on activities needed for human survival, will be enormous. Concomitantly, the increase in human free time for family & community activities & individual spiritual & intellectual development as well as leisure time, will be huge.
An obvious result will be a drastic reduction in the need for societal oversight & control (i.e centralised government & bureaucratic control mechanisms) for those decimated, if not becoming non-existent, activities & industries.
Greatly reduced government & bureaucracy means a greatly reduced need for taxation. Moreover, because many governance decisions will devolve to local levels & come under local control, centralised government mechanisms & their bureaucratic apparatus will also greatly reduce.
Which raises the question of the future of government taxation. Future central government activities can almost certainly be financed by tariffs on imported goods imposed in order to foster local production with the goal of ensuring the nation becomes self sufficient. In addition, a I4% sales tax on all non essential new items could be expected to finance the much reduced core national government & civil defence functions in the new environment.
The result will be elimination of cosmically unlawful income & other taxes, licence fees & charges etc. Local communities will thus retain the fruits of their labour & be able to decide for themselves, organise, implement, audit & pay for necessary local infrastructure & services.