Dr. Phil's One On One Interview With Robert F. Kennedy Jr. | Dr. Phil Primetime
Ron: RFK Jn. talks common sense on most issues but supports Jews; blames Hamas for Israel's genocide & ethnic cleansing of Palestinians & says Palestinians have equal rights in Israel. They don't.
Ron: Every USan & anyone who wants to GROK what is making life on this planet into a dystopia needs to listen to this video. The US is the template for corporate corruption of governance, healthcare, education & everything else in our world. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. accurately explains much of how & why that is the case. However, he doesn’t identify the underlying cause of the corruption & even tacitly supports the LIE that the Khazarian Mafia is not the root cause of the problem by implying that the October 7 event that was actually facilitated by the Israeli government which also used the IDF to kill hundreds of Israeli civilians, was an unprovoked murderous terrorist attack on Israeli civilians. It wasn’t It was a deliberate & staged event in which Ga ans were allowed to attack Israel so that the IDF could kill Israeli civilians and blame the Palestinians. See eg: https://x.com/DarumaIkyu/status/1778474003029508580?ref_=
870,428 views Premiered Jun 28, 2024 #RFKjr #drphil #meritstreetmedia
In an up close and personal 90-minute interview, Dr. Phil speaks with third-party candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., on his policies, controversies, his family legacy, and why he says his campaign has a real chance of taking the White House this November.
Ron: RFK Jn. also ‘makes a meal’ of the US government debt & fails to mention that it is a chimera in that it is created by fraud orchestrated by Talmudic banksters who owned the Federal Reserve System (The Fed) & the US Inc (the US federal government) which is/was also a private corporation owned by the same banksters that owned The Fed. That so called debt is not repayable because of fraud but RFK Jn, does mention that if constitutes theft from the US population because it continually devalues US money & currency because it is issued without being backed by the productivity & labour of USans. See eg:
Cosmic Consciousness and its energetic human manifestations in our world
August 16, 2023
August 17, 2023
RFK Jn. also thinks that income & other taxation is necessary & would continue under his administration. That implies that the existing unlawful US taxation system will continue. It won’t. Once the US Treasury is directed to create & issue money/currency backed by the full faith & credit of the US nation, income & virtually all other federal taxation will cease except for tariffs & a once only I4% tax on new non-essential items.
The QFS will police & facilitate the new arrangements. Only non fraudulent contract debts will be payable. The QFS & a new Quantum (unhackble) global electoral system will be built on the Star Link satellite system & overseen & protected by Space Force.
I also disagree with RFK Jn’s view that climate change is an existential threat to this planet & her population. That is just another fear mongering scam designed to keep the global slave population fearful & happily paying most of their production to Talmudists.
He is right about allowing parents to decide what education is appropriate for their children. However, his suggestion that charter schools will be the main alternative to the existing government factory schooling is far to narrow. See eg:
John Gatto: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Institutionalised Schooling (1998)
November 22, 2023
RFK Jn. says he’s not anti-vaccines. He should be.
Otherwise, the analysis by RFK Jn. is only relevant in that it highlights the need for introduction of Med Bed technology. As I understand it, Trump has indicated that Med Bed technology will be introduced by the end of this year. That will eliminate the Talmudists’ “sickness industry” & most of their drug industries.
At the same time new Millennial Reign governments all round our world will eliminate all toxic ingredients in food & water & the vestiges of the pollutants & poisons in this planet’s food, water & air so that Gaia and all of her inhabitants will experience good natural health conditions. The health, welfare & growth of all fauna & flora on this planet will also be assisted by an increase in atmospheric oxygen content from I8% to 32%.
The primary means for ensuring that the new healthy environment will be maintained will be full global truth disclosures about our governments, religions, history, science, education & everything else. That will be augmented by uncorrupted scientific, educational & mass media information creation & dissemination & public discourse.
The new wholesome environment will be supported and held together by knowledge of, and the institution & operation of universal divine law.
The new system of governance will be put in place & maintained under Marshall law until Christ Michael’s Millennial Reign has been firmly established and the global population as become accustomed to the freedom and abundance it facilitates.
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