Cathy O’Brien testified to the 95th U.S. Congress saying she was a sex slave for Hillary and Bill Clinton in an elite sex trafficking ring that abused & sacrificed children.
Truth about demonic sex slavery & the KM's intended New World Order trickled out for decades BUT few awakened to hear it. NOW it's in your face Pilgrims & you have to believe it or refuse to grow up.
Ignorance, the root and stem of all evil @ivan_8848
Missing children in Spain, Australia, France, Brazil,Mexico,Canada, Germany, Unitrd Kingdom & the US
Ron: Even if you are familiar with this material I suggest listening again to Cathy Obrien’s public testimony in the 1990s, after she recovered from her mind controlled ordeal and recalled her memories of her abuse as a CIA controlled sex slave and involuntary intelligence agent.
This information is the tip of the iceberg about the Khazarian Mafia (KM) orchestrated MK Ultra and extremely extensive mind control child farming and New World Order operations headed by George W Bush and the Clintons in the 1970s-1980s. Those New World Order operations continued to grow in the 1990s through the 2000s until president Trump was elected to office. Then President Trump and the US military combined with foreign ‘White Hat’ militariy forces began decapitating the KM leadership and eliminating their demonic Luciferian minions, enablers and their ghastly activities. That process is nearing completion as the KM’s HQs in the Ukraine and Israel are being cleaned up by the Russians and the Global Military Alliance. When it is complete the Alliance will remove all global governments that have supported these activities.
A bonus will be the elimination of the Rothschilds & Rockefeller Central banking fractional reserve banking boondoggle via implementation of the QFS which will ensure that asset backed money/currency will be issued INTEREST FREE by every nation’s Treasury; AND every individual will have exclusive control of his/her bank account via a Q phone. That will ensure privacy and prevent theft.
This system will eliminate any possibility of a system like the current KM ‘globalists’ financial control matrix ever arising again. Our world has been corrupted by the KM’s money meme and its associated capitalist ideology that has enabled Talmudic banksters to criminally control the means for facilitating the exchange of goods and services via the banking system.* Society’s methods for facilitating the exchange of goods and services MUST be free if the members of society are to be free.
* The reason that the entirely rotten current global governance systems have corrupted millions of elitists, thugs and others is that the KM banksters have purloined up to 95% of the productivity and wealth of many nations AND been able to use that wealth to fund the corruption and control of governments, judiciaries, bureaucracies, Police, military and secret intelligence services, religious and cultural organisations and everything else. See eg:
But I digress.
There are many other testimonies about the KM’s MKULTA and other mind control mechanisms. For instance Australian Fiona Barnett is an SRA survivor as is Brice Taylor, an American woman who, like Barnett, went through the satanic ritual abuse horrors of MK Ultra and the related Project Monarch. Both have written books detailing their unbelievably horrific experiences as children born into families that submit themselves to the abuse and “rewards” of a network of prominent, influential people compromised initially by sexual acts and then a spiral of regression into satanic ritual abuse and murder of children and others.
Fiona Barnett provides much lucid testimony. See eg:
The Talmudic global oligarchy behind the One World Government “global control” narrative require national networks of controlled, compliant people in places of influence – corporate CEOs, politicians, judges, police, military, clergy, academics, editors, actors, scientists and others – who can be relied upon to advance their agenda. One of those notables in Australia was psychologist Dr Anthony Kidman, father of Hollywood star Nicole Kidman. Dr Kidman fled to and then died in Singapore in September 2014. He had become the subject of a complaint to police from Fiona Barnett, alleging pedophilia crimes, also involving a Sydney pedophile ring.
As regards the harassment of surviving SRA victims Fiona Barnett, in a Facebook post, made an interesting observation about “undesireable” people who were systematically harassed or gang-stalked by ASIO and other authorities. “Gaslighting, community smear campaigns and property damage (etc) are other forms of abuse also used to destabilise the targeted individual in ceaseless attempts to push them to breaking point, and have them either retaliate aggressively towards others enabling action to incarcerate or institutionalise them. The main drive of such activities is to isolate targeted individuals to make them believe that everyone in their community is against them by recruiting members of their community (who have been lied to by authorities) to participate in this program under the guise of it being a mass surveillance operation.”
Australia took part in the dark international Talmudic Khazarian Mafia social engineering operation, conducted primarily by the CIA and the UK MI6 and in particular Tavistock (not mentioned by Wikipedia) which trained staff at the Office of Strategic Studies (the CIA precursor) and the Strategic Bombing Survey in the WW2 period. Tavistock’s early activity was particularly focussed on those soldiers who suffered shell shock – not for compassionate reasons but more for the lab data.
An off shoot of the Tavistokian mind control complex was given a high profile exhibition in the Port Arthur mass shooting event used to confiscate guns held by the Australian population in which Martin Bryant, a left handed young man with an IQ of 67 allegedly single handedly shots dozens of people, mostly with single head shots firing a ‘long gun’ from his right hip. See eg:
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