Calley & Casey Means: How Big Pharma Keeps You Sick, and the Dark Truth About Ozempic and the Pill
Ron: This video explains how & why Big Pharma & governments are keeping you & those around you sick. BELIEVE IT & do something about it. At least discuss it with family, friends & collegues.
Ron: Talmudists have ruined our world using three main ideologies. First, the money meme with its fraudulent money creation & fractional reserve banking which is used to enslave & impoverish whole nations. Second, using government controlled “education” memes that impose “schooling” i.e. socially engineered indoctrination & infantalisation of the population from infancy to adulthood so that it accepts patently absurd propaganda & gaslighting about life, the universe & everything including health & welfare. Third, by enfeebling, sickening & eventually killing most of the population by poisoning everyone & the environment (i.e. food, water & air) & imposing healthcare protocols involving drugs & medications designed to cause misery, pain & death.
This has been achieved by suborning & corrupting governments, religions and the legal, medical, business & eductional & cultural elites everywhere. The Talmudic banksters control money creation & distribution & use that to control everyone & everything else.
Until & unless humans on this planet realise that the Talmudists’ fraudulent money creation monopoly enables them to create this entire control MATRIX, nothing will change.
Educate yourselves Pilgrims, it’s your only hope…
Why not start here -
763,792 views Aug 17, 2024 The Tucker Carlson Show
Casey Means was a Stanford-educated surgeon. Her brother Calley was a lobbyist for pharma and the food industry. Both quit their jobs in horror when they realized how many people were being killed by the systems they participated in.
This is an amazing story. Watch Calley's first interview with Tucker here:
Big Pharma Is Fooling You Again, and You Don't Even Know It
1,839,667 views Feb 3, 2024 #Ozempic #CalleyMeans #BigPharma
Big Pharma Is Fooling You Again, and You Don't Even Know It Is this drug too good to be true? Tucker Carlson and Calley Means discuss.
Ron: As with all genocides and wars, all aspects of the COVID-19 scamdemic & lethal (as distinct from Project Warp Speed placebos) vaccines are Khazarian Mafia (Jewish) creations.
Bullshit about germs & viruses & needing vaccines has been part of the KM's long-term genocide of non-Ashkenazis for 200 years. COVID-19 was sooo deadly you needed a test to 'discover' if you had it.
Ivan Illich demonstrated in ‘MEDICAL NEMESIS, the Expropriation of Health’ (1976), that exaggeration and profiteering contaminate western medical practice and that a plague of "iatrogenesis” is sweeping the Western world. Nothing new there. In fact the Byzantine empire survived for a thousand years because it formally excluded “Jews” from teaching the young and medically treating the general population.
Fraudulent germ theory, like psychiatry and all aspects of allopathic medicine, has been weaponised by the Khazarian Mafia (KM) in its relentless quest to kill off most humans on this planet and to debilitate and enslave a remnant to be used for labour, sexual gratification, organ transplants and adrenochrome production.
After forcing the Romans to crucify Christ Jesus the Talmudic Pharisees influenced Roman emperors to establish the Christian religion so that they could use it to totally eradicate his divine revelations and the GOOD NEWS that ensouled human beings are indwelt by a fragment of Creator consciousness and hence destined for eternal spiritual life. They were almost successful in that they have convinced most European and Western peoples that they are mere physical creatures living in a meaningless materialistic world with no prospects but a brief life span followed by death and oblivion. That is fertile ground for creating egocentricity, ‘dog-eat-dog’ competition, fear of death and nihilism.
Once you convince people that they are merely “meat suits” it’s a doddle to inculcate fear of death and disease which, because what we think about, we manifest, causes many of us to make ourselves ill by fearing disease and death. That’s why, for instance, the Talmudic KM have been able to “sell us” the notion that we must ingest and inject foreign substances to maintain our health although in fact those substances make us sick and kill us. THAT is the basis for the virology and pharmaceutical scams that now dominate the Western medical-industrial complex.
Eustace Mullins notes that medical records prove that the 90% decline in child mortality from scarlet fever, diphtheria, whooping cough and measles from 1860-1896, occurred before the introduction of antibiotics and immunization. Also, in 1900, there was only one doctor for every 750 USans. They had usually served a two year apprenticeship, after which they could look forward to earning about the same salary as a good mechanic.
However, once John D Rockefeller organised the AMA and it began to denigrate and eliminate homeopathic medicine the medical industrial industry took off. In an article with the title "How Scientific Are Our Doctors?," T. Swann Hardy wrote in the Forum,
"Medicine, as a profession, is not distinguished for the mentality of its members. The average intelligence is lower than in perhaps any other profession. Organized medicine in America is unalterably opposed to any standard of reorganization which would 1) make the medical monopoly thoroughly scientific; 2) make such therapy generally available to all who need it; 3) menace the incomes of incompetent practitioners."
Prima facie that observation remains true. Any alternative view would imply that doctors KNOW what they’re doing. The implications of that are devastating.
Eustace Mullins discusses “Vaccination” and the rise of germ theory in Western healthcare:
Murder by injection - Eustace Mullins:
Mullins says the “Church of Modern Medicine” claims that we can be absolved from the peril of infection, by the Holy Water of vaccination, injecting into the system a foreign body of infection, which will then perform a Medical Miracle, and will confer life-long immunity, hence the term, "immunization." The greatest heresy any physician can commit is to voice publicly any doubt of any one of the Four Holy Waters, but the most deeply entrenched in modern medical practice is undoubtedly the numerous vaccination programs. They are also the most consistently profitable operations of the Medical Monopoly. Yet one physician, Dr. Henry R. Bybee, of Norfolk, Virginia, has publicly stated,
"My honest opinion is that vaccine is the cause of more disease and suffering than anything I could name. I believe that such diseases as cancer, syphilis, cold sores and many other disease conditions are the direct results of vaccination. Yet, in the state of Virginia, and in many other states, parents are compelled to submit their children to this procedure while the medical profession not only receives its pay for this service, but also makes splendid and prospective patients for the future."
The present writer well remembers the 1920s, as a child in Virginia, going to school for some weeks without having submitted to the compulsory vaccination ordered by the state authorities. Each morning, the teacher would begin the day's classes by asking, "Clarence, did you bring your vaccination certificate today?" Obviously, this was the most urgent business of the educational system, taking priority over such matters as lessons and studying. Each morning, I would have to reply, "No, I didn't bring it today." The other children would turn and stare at this dangerous classmate, who might infect them all with some terrible disease… The urgency of my vaccination was not that there was any epidemic then raging in the city of Roanoke, nor has there been one in the ensuing sixty years. The urgency was that no child shall be spared the ministrations of the Cult of Baal, or forego sacrifice on the altar of the child molesters. The Medical Monopoly cannot afford to have a single pupil escape the monetary offering to be paid for the compulsory vaccination, the tribute of the enslaved to their masters.
Clearly the Talmudic John D Rockefeller and his ilk have infected the US society with Germ Theory for well over a century and US health has visibly deteriorated as a result.
For detailed scientific refutations of germ theory and Virology see eg:
In truth, Viruses Are Nothing More Than Dead Cell Debris – Virus Particles Are Neither Airborne Or Contagious – Nor Do They Cause Any Disease Or Illness! All Germ Theory Has Been Completely Debunked! THE GOVERNMENT CLAIM THAT VIRUSES CAUSE PANDEMICS IS A GIANT HOAX!!
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