BBC 1945 The Savage Peace - atrocities against Germans
Ron: This bit of real history grossly underestimates the ethnic cleansing & genocide of Germans after WWII. The HoloHoax is used to hide it & Allied carpet bombing of German civilians during WWII.
BBC 1945 The Savage Peace - atrocities against Germans
This film & Candace Owen’s commentary in the below mentioned related post, grossly underestimates the mass torture, murder, ethnic cleansing & genocide of Germans organised by International Jewry & Talmudists like Churchill, Eisenhower, Roosevelt & Stalin during & after WWII. BUT it does give you a glimpse of the savagery, butchery & murder unleashed against the German people by the glorious Jew controlled Allies (a total of 58 nations) who celebrate WWII as “The Good War”. It wasn’t. It was just another Jew organised slaughter of gentiles by gentiles. Nothing new there…
No wonder Universe Management seriously considered letting the planet roll over (a Pole Reversal) and have the human populaion have to start again from scratch in 3.000 years.