WHITE HAT INTEL: Compiled by Judy Byington 24/1/24
Ron: This is the reason why the White Hats haven't yet publicly disclosed the truth about UFO's, UAPs, Aliens & Underground Bases. Also. if they did the MSM wouldn't report it. Thus the EBS is needed.
What's going on with the REAL UFO, UAPs, Aliens, Underground Bases.
· Congress and some Senators including Military Commands not in the know were being briefed on what’s happening with real White Hat Disclosure Operations. It’s a big mess and the Military is looking to Military Laws and Protocols on how to Handle Situations.
· The super advanced technology that creates UAPs (manmade & reverse alien tech & real recovered ufos) is very sensitive topic because this technology can be used by terrorist and enemies of the U.S. to create super weapons that can unleash real Star Wars scenarios on earth with mass casualties in minutes.
· The Sources and Materials that are used to create the man made UAPs is found Worldwide in all countries and indicate that humans, restaurant terrorists and U.S. enemies would have the power and resources to create advanced UAPS and Super advanced weapons from the CLASSIFIED PROJECTS of the DEEP STATE DARK OPS, but also from White Hats CLASSIFIED PROJECTS.
· This means the White Hats in the military and Congress and certain Senate and U.S. White Hats ELITES with USSF are trying to find a way to release the DISCLOSURE PROJECT AND ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY that can not lead to terrorists, enemies of the state and other nations to build super weapons.
· Once the technology and disclosure projects happen millions of millionaires and Billionaires WILL want the blue prints and more over several countries across the world inside the ALLIANCE OPERATIONS will also want the full disclosure on how they are built. AND A HUGE BLACK MARKET WILL EVOLVE (corruption, money laundering, blackmail etc.) in order to gain the technology and replicate and produce.
· The Government, Military and all the Classified Operations connected to UFO, UAPs and Tesla Energy invite Infinite ZERO PONIT ENERGY. All Leads to Several Military Operations, Military Contractors, Private Security Contractors to the U.S. Military Industrial Complex System in which All of them have Killed each other in Several Operations that have been CLASSIFIED.
· From DEEP DARK Operations of the Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Skunk Works, CIA, Pentagon, Raytheon, UFO, UAPs Retrieval Programs all involved in Military Gun Fights and Battles to keep their Illegal Constitutional Operations going.
· A lot of the Gun Fights between the U.S. Military and Secret Deep Dark Ops was about Concealing, Hiding Underground Military Bases and Real UFO UAPs and Super Advanced Technology. Many of these guns battles happened over UAP Retrieval Operations.
· Example: George W Bush, the Pentagon, CIA and Top Generals knew in 2004 a Gun Fight happened in Northern Nevada. Lockheed Martin tested a UAP that was using Infinite Energy that had crashed in the Region. US Army General Stanley A. McChrystal Commander of U.S. Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) sent in the Military to Retrieve the UAP, but the Deep State DEEP DARK OPS Lockheed Martin Military Contractors killed U.S. military Soldiers (JSOC) in the Gun Battle. (Lockheed Martin didn't want the U.S. Military in Possession of the UAP Technology).
· Immediately the Pentagon, George W. Bush CLASSIFIED the Nevada Gun Fight and Illegal Unconstitutional Operations by Lockheed Martin and the U.S. Military were told to Stand Down.
· This is one of example of U.S. Soldiers fighting Unconstitutional Deep State US Military Industrial Complex System Operations. Other Whistleblowers from the military have told Congress about UAPs in other Countries where U.S. Soldiers have been Assaulted by Deep State Military Contractors.
· This included U.S. Marine Michael Herrera Accounts that Military Contractors are Using UAPs for Human Trafficking.
· Congress, Military White Hats, White Hats in the government and White Hat Elites all know that EXPOSING THE REAL ALIEN COVER-UPS UFO & Manmade UAPs and Super Advanced Technology is Leading to EXPOSING CLASSIFIED OPERATIONS that have Killed US Soldiers in the Continental US.
· It also goes through the dark exposure of the US Military fighting the US Military Industrial Complex on US Soil.
· This will lead to Massive Corruption at the Highest Levels in Government and the Military including Hundreds of Billions in Law Suits and Trillions of Dollars Lost to Cover Money Laundering Systems.
· Cheyenne Mountain, USSF, Trump and the White Hat Military are telling Congress and the Senate that they better Expose the Truth as the Real Intel is Coming. They need to Prepare the US and World for the Classified Information for no matter what happens the Hammer is Going to Drop.
· Jamie Dimon, CEO of the World’s Number One Bank, JP Morgan, told the World at the DAVOS World Economic Globalist gathering on live TV and CNBC that “Trump was right”. Dimon stood up for MAGA Trump Supporters and Confirmed Trump Assessment on NATO being dissolved was Right. Jamie also Praised Donald Trump's Positions on the Economy, Taxes and Immigration. "He was kind of Right about NATO Pulling Funding, kind of Right on Immigration. He grew the Economy Quite Well. Trade Tax Reform Worked. He was Right about Some of China".
· Why did Jamie Dimon suddenly change his position on Trump directly at the Deep State Cabal Globalist DAVOS gathering? Here's what's happening: DIMON publicly gave Deep State Military Comms at DAVOS and CNBC publicly because he knows the Deep State Military NATO, CIA, MI6 MOSSAD CCP and Globalist Elites are all Watching and his Message is very Important Inside the Deep State Intelligence Community.
· Dimon has become a Mole and Forced to play a part in the Military White Hats. The message he sent was that the Deep State Military Operations Attempts to bring Down Trump will Fail.
· No matter what happens to Trump in the next months, Trump will Prevail. All Deep State and White Hats Military Assessment and Gaming have Predicted the same Outcome.
· Dimon, JP Morgan, CIA, Mossad, M16, Rockefellers, Rothschilds had all planned to Assassinate Donald Trump.
· The real CIA Assassination of JFK is going to be released and will connect to the Obvious Coup and Assassination Attempts On Trump.
· This all came about after the military took control over the Dimon JP Morgan Chase Involvement with EPSTEIN. The EPSTEIN SAGA is MASSIVE and connects to White Hats using Intelligence/ Ops to Control Dimon as Trump prepared for Military Intervention in Open Operations of 11.3 Laws of War and Arrest Wars that Concede to Military Tribunals.
· The White Hat Alliance at the same time are insuring that Obama and CIA Won’t Initiate a Military Coup and try to Take Power From Trump. This is a Military Open Coup happening Right Now in the Public Sector as the DNC and Weak Generals and Globalists try to Take Military Power Away From Trump.
· Jamie Dimon knows about all the Deep State Intelligence Operations since helping to create DATACORE and Bring it into Power in 1990s.
· Dimon, CIA, Military Industrial Complex and DARPA all Created Datacore and sold US Intelligence, Weapons Plans and Military Operations to the CCP, Russia, Middle East for Financial and Blackmail Operations and Networks.
· Later on DIMON was placed over JP MORGAN the worlds biggest bank that helped Epstein inside a Massive Money Laundering Operations, Pedo Ring and Human Trafficking.
· NOW Dimon is in Panic and trying to warn the Deep State Cabal in Open COMMS that the Military has Everything and TRUMP IS COMING.
· The Deep State was playing their final cards in 2024 that was destined to fail after the Nuclear SCARE EVENTS AND BLACKOUTS.
· The Alliance Military was far ahead of the Cabal Operations Coup vs. Coup.
· Bracing for the Arrest Wars 11.3 Laws of War and End of the Occupation. (The arrest of foreign and domestic adversaries including corporations, enterprises and entities who all participated/cohesively/orchestrated /spied/colluded in a military coup and Occupy U.S. territory, government sectors and military branches through cohesion and coercion of Sedition and Treason.)
· All the Laws of War and Protocols in section 11 State Martial Laws, Military Protocols for Arrests and Swift Tribunals. What's happening now?
· A Military STAGE is being set. This event brings Dark Deep State U S. Military Operations into Overt Operations.
· The Deep State Military and Intelligence has been protecting the Cabal, DNC and Dark Elites with Unconstitutional Military Operations guided by the CIA and Compromised Pentagon Leaders and Three Letter Agencies.
· The Military events of 11.3 operations come closer now as the DNC (OBAMA, BIDEN, CLINTONS CIA +ETC + ) are pushing for public a MILITARY COUP.
· The Deep State CIA and Deep State Military are in panic as THE STORM Operations come closer (arrest wars. 11.3). In this panic the Deep State Generals are asking the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to take Military Control Away from Donald J. Trump when elected and retains full public power.
· General Milley, General Austin, several other Generals, colonials (colonels?) and the Military Industrial Complex System have long been behind plans in helping the DNC in a Continuous Military COUP Against Rightful Military Allegiance to Trump.
· You are watching a powerful setup and real EXPOSURE of the division of the U.S. Military Branches and Commands. This EXPOSURE is leading to what Commanders and Heads in Intelligence Agencies are Compromised.
· This important moment happening is connected to the EXPOSURE of a Military COUP that connects election interference, intelligence agencies working with domestic and foreign powers of the UN, DAVOS and Israel – the 2024 Epstein EXPOSURE that involves a Money Laundering Operations that help Facilitate a Military COUP.
· Epstein and Israel were heavily involved in Corruption of the Democratic party, Republican party, the Senate and Congress.
· The Military COUP is becoming OVERT Operations on both sides as both the White Hats and Black Hats stage military intervention and DNC CIA want full control of the military.
· Lots of things are going to happen as military leaks come in 2024 and a massive U.S. CORRUPTION SCANDAL is going to hit before summer that shows military COUP happened over 2020 Trump Administration.
· Over 40 major countries are preparing for their own coup vs. coup.
· The EXPOSURE of the vaccine deaths and world Data connected to military and direct government systems is going to hit on a GLOBAL STORM.
· The Epstein Saga connected to world banks is going to hit the GLOBAL STORM.
· Creation of the virus in gain of function military/ government operations is going to hit the WORLD STORM.
· Big Tech helping in cover ups and their role in the Military Industrial Complex censorship operations (coup) is going to hit the World Storm.
· There is always a massive bubble in the market before it COLLAPSE's.
Found at: https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?noframes;read=235519