Vladimir Putin vs The New World Order: Khazarian Empire Exposed, Hidden History Russia Saved The USA
Ron: The embedded video also brilliantly exposes the criminality of the collusion between governments & banksters to implement extortion rockets that enslave & steal the wealth of entire nations.
The Khazarian Mafia have been changing the history books to conceal their very existence from a world that was made ignorant about the presence of their hidden hand. They moved proverbial mountains to ensure that history was written by them so that the puppet-masters could remain unseen in the shadows. Thus, the people of the world would never know who their controller were, or what they have done.
A prime example of the Khazarian's handiwork, is the fact that when the United States was most vulnerable, America's staunchest ally intervened with their navy and saved America from a treachery that would have destroyed her. There would not be a United States of America today if her closest friend, Russia, had not saved their bacon, and yet thanks to the Khazarian's many Americans think Russia is their enemy and their true enemies are their friends.
The Up is Down and Down is Up Clown-World we are experiencing today, actually started a very long time ago.
Ron:The embedded video is well worth a listen. It indicates why Russia had to intervene militarily to take down the Khazarian Mafia (KM) in Khazarkstan in 202I & to mount the SMO in the Ukraine in 2022. Those interventions by Russia have gutted the KM whose secret HQ is in the Ukraine & its intended global capital which was going to be in Khazarkstan. Note that the Ukraine is the covert HQ of the KM and that most of its remaining bio-warfare labs & child trafficking & adrenochrome production facilities are located there. THAT is why the KM controlled US & EU governments & Nato are forcing the Ukrainians to fight Russia until the last non-KM Ukrainian male is dead.
It also explains how Russia saved the USA from being destroyed by a British & French military intervention on the side of the Confederacy in I863. That action by Tsar Alexnder II & his steadfast refusal to allow the Rothschilds to establish one of their Central banks in Russia earned Russia the Jews’ hostility that led them to foment, fund, organised & lead the Bolshevik Revolution which Alexandr Solzhenitsyn said genocided 66 million Russians; & to order the murder of Tsar Nicholas Ii & his family.
Perhaps the most interesting segment of the video though, is the brilliant presentation by a I2 year old Canadian girl explaining how & why the introduction of a Jew owned (KM) Central Bank in Canada in I974 has enslaved & impoverished Canada in the same way that the Federal Reserve System & the Reserve Bank of Australia have enslaved & impoverished the US & Australia respectively. See eg:
Of course the same mechanism has been implemented by Jew banksters’ to enslave & impoverish all the nations in which they have installed their Central banks globally.
This criminal extortion racket will cease shortly. See eg:
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