Ron: Here is a 48’ 42” video interview of Foster Gambol, the “brains” behind Thrive the movie*, by Lilou Mace on 5 January 2012:
*(Official Trailer) THRIVE: What On Earth Will IT Take
Lilou Mace’s (bullshit) introduction to this video is:
About Thrive (from THRIVE is an unconventional documentary that lifts the veil on what's REALLY going on in our world by following the money upstream -- uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives. Weaving together breakthroughs in science, consciousness and activism, THRIVE offers real solutions, empowering us with unprecedented and bold strategies for reclaiming our lives and our future. Thrive trailer
- More information on Thrive movement
Ron’s Comment:
The title “THRIVE” is completely misleading - it should be "We have made a movie to show you how WE control everything in the world and there is nothing you can really do about it."
The suggestion that Thrive ’lifts the veil on what’s REALLY going on in our world by following the money upstream -- uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives.’ Is an absolute joke. Moreover, the suggestion that THRIVE offers real solutions, empowering us with unprecedented and bold strategies for reclaiming our lives and our future' is sheer propaganda.
It doesn’t.
In this interview Foster Gambol says the film encapsulates knowledge garnered in a life long quest. He also says that he went to an elite boarding school where JFK, Adlai Stevenson and the Mellons and the Rockefellers et al went and then he went on to Princeton University and was an All Star:‘’So I was courted by various organizations to be a leader in the mainstream but I choose not to go that path’ However, in the film he says that at age 14 he “saw the light” while travelled to school on a bus!? Yeah Right?!
In this interview Foster Gambol talks a pretty good game BUT what he says does NOT gel with much of what the movie says and doesn’t say. For instance in this interview he says he’s followed the free (energy field - devices that work out of the space around us - for 15 years and talks about the gross suppression of inventions and inventors in that field. He says that every laboratory he visited has subsequently been shut down and that “They” (he is NEVER specific about who “they” are) have suppressed 5,000 devices in the US. There is NO mention of any of this in THRIVE the movie. Why?
In the movie he make a very brief early reference to "new power" sourced from the vacuum, but that was never featured as a solution to global power problems. Rather windmill energy farms were shown although they are marginal if not a complete and utter waste of time. At the very least the film should have mentioned cold fusion and plasma energy devices. Andrea Rossi has successfully demonstrated his Energy Catalyzer (See: ) and many other positive innovations could have been mentioned if not featured. Mehran Keshe showed his invention on 26th November 2011 in Holland, demonstrating free energy which is also curing disease. These are real solutions and they are here now. He doesn’t even mention Nikola Tesla in this interview or in the movie! That is bloody amazing for someone who says he studied this field for 15 years and has spent his whole life on this quest to understand and suggest solutions to humanity’s energy and money problems!
Then Foster Gambol says that “in terms of money” people can sign up at his web site and say they want to take part in an “occupy” mass protest. BUT he wants to wait until he gets “enough money” so that he can try to do something about the stopping of free energy developments. YEAH RIGHT!?
Thrive is a slick, well and expensively produced film that purports to attempt to awaken, inspire, empower, and enable new possibilities for being a human being. It poses the questions: How do we organize/govern ourselves as a species to liberate human flourishing? How do we reframe, re-imagine, and redesign our social systems inspired by the way nature/life works to liberate human thriving? It gives NO answers to those questions. At best, it is superficial and misleading because it deliberately denies and conceals the true nature of the Talmudic global banking conspiracy to enslave humanity and fails to mention any key methodologies for solving current existential and physical problems. The charitable view is that the film's producers are pig ignorant but genuine but the authors’ claims and this interview belie that possibility.. As a "primer" the film is superficially excellent, but in reality it is just another ploy by elitists to freeze awareness, increase feelings of helplessness and hide the truth in plain sight while denying and concealing the global Talmudic conspiracy to enslave humanity.
Why do I say that?
Well, first "Thrive" purports to be a genuine effort to awaken those who are unaware of the problems currently faced by humanity but it is, at best, woefully inadequate in its analysis of the fundamental causes of those problems as well as suggested solutions. This superficiality MUST be deliberate since any intelligent life-long truth seeker and Princeton graduate (as Foster Gamble purports to be) cannot be ignorant of the fundamental role played by Khazar bankers in humanity's current predicament.
Moreover, Foster Gamble makes some statements that are palpably false AND RACIST in that he subtly perpetuate the Jews' Blood Libel against the German nation. For instance Foster Gamble says in the film:
"One of the painful ways this information has been used is by people who want to promote anti-semitism. They wrongly call it a Jewish agenda and continue the ongoing racism which undermines and destroys so many lives. This is definitely not a Jewish agenda. It has been documented that central bankers funded both sides of WW2, including some of the corporations associated with Hitler's atrocities against the Jews."
This statement goes beyond omission into the realms of deliberate propaganda. Be aware that ALL Jewish propaganda proceeds on the basis that ANY criticism of Jews or Zionists constitutes ANTI-SEMITISM. Historically that charge has generally been enough to prevent astute researchers from venturing to criticise what Jews and their propaganda organizations say and do. Moreover, this statement by Foster Gamble is NOT supported by ANY information presented in the film. It is gratuitous propaganda plucked out of thin air - much like the fictive fiat money which Jewish bankers create to enslave us by demanding repayment and charging interest (usury) on it.
Furthermore, Foster Gamble gives no reason for baldly stating that 'This is definitely not a Jewish agenda.' Be aware that no serious truth seeker gives an uck about "promoting anti-semitism". They simply seek the truth. Moreover, the suggestion that criticism of the "Jewish agenda" and its attendant genocidal activities is "racist" is absurd. Jews are not defined by their genes, and so criticism of Jews and what they say and do cannot be validly called racism in any event. Judaism is a belief system, a political ideology dressed up as a religion and professed by individuals from many races. A majority of those who profess to be Jews do not adhere to the religious practices associated with formal Judaic religious observance but a majority DO campaign for Talmudic political ends. In effect, Jews subscribe to a political ideology that says that its adherents are "special" because they are god's chosen people who may use, abuse and lie to non-Jews as they see fit. As Jews are NOT a race, anti-Semitism cannot be called racism. The erudite and aware truth seekers who made "Thrive" WOULD KNOW THAT.
The throw-a-way line that those who consider the Zionist push for world domination to be "a Jewish agenda" is "ongoing racism which undermines and destroys so many lives" is unsupported and is typical of the spurious emotional blackmail used by Talmudists. The following assertion that: "This is definitely not a Jewish agenda." Is not only unsupported, it is pathetic. Why should viewers believe that bald claim just because Foster Gamble makes it and uses the word "definitely"? As an heir to the Proctor and Gamble fortune he would not be biased would he?
The real RACIST propaganda statements are made by Foster Gamble who says:
"It has been documented that central bankers funded both sides of WW2, including some of the corporations associated with Hitler's atrocities against the Jews."
While it is true that Jewish banksters funded both sides and fomented WWII, the libel that the German nation committed "atrocities" against Jews covertly hints at the Holocaust myth as well as falsely stating that Hitler (ie the German nation) committed atrocities against "the Jews". Neither Hitler nor the German nation committed atrocities against "the Jews" in the sense implied. That LIE is enough to suggest that this film is subtle propaganda for the Jews since the HoloHoax is the basis for the privileges and power base of the Jews who run America and our world. Even if the rest of "Thrive" is kosher, which it is not, this one set of propaganda statements is enough to fundamentally distort viewer perceptions to the advantage of the Jews who control the US and most of the world.
Further propaganda about the HoloHoax includes:
''List of war casualities: "WW2: 55 million casualites (including the holocaust)'.
Referring to 'the holocaust' reinforces the HoloHoax Blood Libel against the German nation. In truth WWII involved several holocausts NONE of which targetted Jews. Apart from military casualties, over 13 million German civilians and POWs were starved or otherwise murdered by Jews, namely Churchill, Roosevelt, Eisenhower and Stalin and their minions and henchmen during WWII and in the five years thereafter (See eg Gruesome Harvest: .
Similarly, 20-26 million Russians are said to have died as a result of WWII, a war engineered by Jewry. Also, huge numbers of Poles died as a result of WWII. In contrast, the Red Cross reported that a total of 271,304 Jews died in German concentration work camps during WWII, almost all of them from disease or malnutrition due to Allied bombing of German food and medical supply lines. And NONE of them died from being gassed or "holocausted" See eg:
These false, unverified, misleading and RACIST statements that imply that the German nation committed Holocaust "atrocities" against Jews contradict Foster Gamble's assertion that:
"We have spent years developing the website. Every fact has been verified".
Similarly, the "FACTS" the film implies about the current global situation not being part of a Jewish agenda and any suggestion that it is, constitutes anti-semitism, HAVE NOT BEEN VERIFIED or even stated in the film.
Other statements that feed into the Talmudic "Jewish agenda" include Foster Gamble's remark that:
"We are a young species struggling with self-destruction"
No we aren't! First, we are not a young species. We have been here for a very long time and we are overdue for ascension of the planet and its people. Second, humanity is NOT "struggling with self-destruction" rather we are struggling against a vicious, hidden enemy that manifests in the form of the Neo-Pharisee followers of the Talmudic ideology and the controllers and manipulators of that ideology. THEY are the secret creators of human poverty and lack of abundance, disease and war on Earth. Blaming the whole species not only conveys the idea that individual viewers are helpless to change anything but also it conceals the fact that the true plotters and destroyers of humanity are a small sect of hidden Neo-Pharisees (ie Khazars, Sephardics and other Talmudists, including but not limited to, Zionists) manipulators and their minions and henchmen who have misled and coerced a horde of non-Jewish enablers into assisting in the enslavement and destruction of humanity and the planet.
IF we ignore these subtle pro-Jewish propaganda items "Thrive" is a good introduction to global problems for those ignorant of the real situation humanity faces today. In that respect I think that the film may have merit despite its real aims in that it may help to awaken unaware people to the fact that humanity faces fundamental threats to its existence.
Typical of the film's subtle creation of feelings of helplessness in viewers is the statement by Kimberly Carter Gamble that:
"Cancer has gone through my family like a raging river" (tinkling piano music, palms and painting of blue stairway in the background).
Nicola Tesla, Royal Raymond Rife, Wilhelm Reich, Tom Bearden and a host of others have shown that cancer and other insidious diseases can be cured, The internet hosts a horde of articles demonstrating that our world could already be substantially free of cancer and diseases generally. For this film to reinforce the pretence that cancer is a terrible and unpreventable scourge is not only depressing, it is misleading propaganda. ANY truly awake and aware "researcher" would know these things. The film needed to emphasise that the cancer industry SCAM could and should be ended immediately. A direct plea for viewers to seek to have that done should have been made there and then!
Many Topics were not mentioned in the film, including:
The earth (Gaia) as a living entity
Earth moving into a higher vibration/dimension as part of a cycle
The hierarchy of the universe and our temporary isolation
The Vatican as a major power player whose finances have been controlled by the Rothschilds since the 1820s
The influence of Israel /Zionists
That the Fed is now controlled by the Chinese
God /The Divine
The activities of the US military and NATO
Questionable Statements
"There are 10,000 planets with life on them."
Comment: Given that there are trillions of stars most of which host a dozen planets, it is inconceivable that there are not billions of planets 'with life on them'.
"Crop circles are trying to give us new energy"
This film is almost totally bereft of real solutions. That must be deliberate.
For instance, despite the early references to "new power" sourced from the vacuum, that was never featured as a solution. Rather windmill energy farms were shown although they are marginal if not a complete and utter waste of time. At the very least the film should have mentioned cold fusion and plasma energy devices. Andrea Rossi has successfully demonstrated his Energy Catalyzer and many other positive innovations could have been mentioned if not featured. Mehran Keshe showed his invention on 26th November 2011 in Holland, demonstrating free energy which is also curing disease. These are real solutions and they are here now.
The desalination of the oceans and greening of deserts with the use of free energy devices wasn't mentioned nor the fact you can take water out of the air for free once you have free energy devices.
Likewise, no mention was made of hemp although hemp is a wonder crop that could replace plastics and could be used for food and to make cars (Henry Ford did it in the early 1940s) housing, clothing and many other things.
Similarly, today's farming and agricultural methods could and should be replaced with organic permaculture methodologies.
A genuine effort to lift peoples' awareness and consciousness would have at least provided a sample of the currently available positive solutions to the physical problems facing humanity and the planet. Thrive's producers' failure to do that belies the film's name.
For a good review of thrive which counter balance the self-serving statements made by Foster Gambol in this interview see:
Thrive the Movie - Is NOT about Thriving at all! In my opinion, It sucks energy out of you and does not give any real solutions! It is an Elite controlled and made Movie - This is contrary to "popular" belief! at
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