Share this postRon’s SubstackThe Story of The Elephant's PianistCopy linkFacebookEmailNotesMoreThe Story of The Elephant's Pianist This is proof that music really can soothe wild animals.Ron ChapmanDec 09, 2023Share this postRon’s SubstackThe Story of The Elephant's PianistCopy linkFacebookEmailNotesMoreShareTranscript Oct 26, 20180:00[Music]0:18if I could only play one piece of music0:21I get this with the chance of a lifetime0:23to play a piece of music to another0:25thing what should it be0:27[Music]0:45[Music]1:13when we got permission to take the piano1:1612 ships well eight years ago I was1:20quietly quite surprised because it's a1:25little bit of neutral and so when we1:29were about to go I thought well if I1:31could only play one piece of music I get1:34this a chance of a lifetime to play a1:35piece of music - and I thought what1:37should it be1:38it was actually quite difficult because1:40you know you're gonna be there with this1:42huge elephant on you you want to play1:45something to him that he might like or1:47she might like so I decided on this that1:51there's the middle movements of the beta1:53with pathetique sand us because1:55Beethoven is a a powerful composer his1:58music is strong but it's also sweet and2:01lyrical so maybe there is2:06[Music]2:29[Music]2:32there was a blind elephant behind the2:34piano by coincidence2:35why does Florida and I couldn't really2:38see I was behind the piano playing and2:40people behind me was it otherwise play2:45they know on me if you're listening to2:48music how do people know you listen we2:52don't really necessarily do anything2:53different with our body with maybe just2:55thinking maybe more still but the2:59elephant flora was having his breakfast3:01and elephants need to eat along we tend3:04to body weight every day so soon as they3:07get the juicy grass the Eternity and the3:10flower was eating the grass the grass3:12suddenly stopped eating so had all the3:15Barna glass protruding from the sides of3:17his mouth just mostly completely still3:21every single time tell this truth tell3:25it in his mouth and that the tip of the3:27Trump would tremble and then you would3:29stop playing it release it3:32any hope is from near you or they would3:35go back that that normal position you'd3:38play music again straight away3:40he would do it and then there was one3:43elephant that nobody would go near3:45called ROM size bull elephant and it was3:49kept away from people because he was so3:51dangerous and even though other Mohawks3:52couldn't go close to him only his mohawk3:55ago closely and when I said what could I3:58play to Robson kill you4:01I try okay but the Mohawks were really4:09nervous and they put the piano and he4:11reacted straightaway to the music in a4:13way that I didn't expect came very very4:16close to the piano he was breathing on4:19me and he let me live so I ended up by4:24playing piano a lot to this elephant and4:27every single time and he started to do4:29the same thing he would I would go his4:32trunk and then to his mouth and the Moho4:35said they'd never seen this elephant4:36this way before I even played to cha cha4:41now a big bull elephant the other day4:43and that word again was an experience4:45because people were said no no this is4:47the alpha male this room really really4:49calm I said I really would like to try4:51but I have to make sure that he's not4:53chained up4:55not an agenda is going to be free there4:59so they got tumor hoops who I said I5:01took the P out to the mountains early5:03morning and charged Ibaka he's a huge5:06elephant with big tusks and nobody can5:09go near started to play he didn't go5:12away he didn't knock over the piano he5:14didn't attack me5:15he put his trunk over the top of the5:17piano as I was playing it just sniffing5:19around my face like this I thought wow5:23this is so strange I I'm getting the5:27reaction most positive reaction from the5:32dangerous bull elephants5:46[Music]5:50the strange thing is we can't talk to5:53them they can't talk back to us5:55but it's so strange and I can't explain5:59it5:59that some pieces of classical music are6:03songs without words and that if you can6:08if you want to talk and say something6:11about love to another animal you can do6:14it through music6:15you don't have to do it through words6:16with a dog you do it by touching the6:18head you know even a scratch or the dog6:22but we're never physically you can't6:24really do the back though the skin is6:26very very thick and elegant6:28we like me6:30no way but through music it's still the6:34thing that we can do to express our love6:37for another animal and and if if the6:41animal is feeling that you're saying6:43[Music]6:46we take it we can do that through music6:49[Music]English (auto-generated)Thanks for reading Ron’s Substack! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.Subscribe