The Australian government wants to legislate to prevent children under I6 from using social media while it funds schools that teach boys can be girls & expose toddlers to transexuals & paedophiles.
Ron: Typically Australia's unlawful national government is blaming, & seeking to punish, children & their parents for crimes committed by those who abuse our public commons i.e. internet.
Garry Linnell (More laws not the answer to social media evils, CT 5.6.24, p. 59) rightly says more laws are not the answer to social media evils. He rightly concludes that keeping children safe is a duty that belongs to parents, not politicians.
I agree but IF Australians are serious about protecting children & teenagers from harmful and/or amoral visual & other information on the internet, they need to start by prosecuting those who are spreading that information there and in schools. That will re uire eliminating most childrens’ TV & internet programming which needs to be coupled with deschooling society since schooling is where children are systematically conditioned & indoctrinated with misinformation about life, the universe and everything.
At the very least society needs to eliminate any form of sex education for primary school age children & reinforce that by elimination of all aspects of WOKEism & the practice of having transexual & homosexual males reading stories to, & proselytising, young children.* Absent such real reforms, all rhetoric & action to “protect” children from harmful images on social media are BOGUS designed to distract parents’ attention away from identifying real problems in our schooling systems & educational processes in order to avoid actually solving them.
* See eg:
In particular, legislation forcing children into government schooling & similar private indoctrination factories inculcating government curriculums until age I8 is part of the problem, not the solution. See eg:
Arguably, a proper moral education combined with an adequate curriculum will enable children not adversely affected by vaccines & other allopathic prescribed drugs to maturely use the internet without government interference in the process. Government policies designed “to protect” children are actually part of the Talmudic government controllers’ policy to dumb down & infantalise children so that they remain ignorant, docile & dependant on governments & their bureaucrats for direction instruction instead of developing their own sovereign capacity to maturely govern their own lives.