Martin Bryant was THE PATSY in the Port Arthur massacre which was Australia's 9/II. It set the agenda for all subsequent Anglo-US “lone nut massacres”.
Ron: The problems caused by Martin Bryant's survival at Port Arthur has ensured that the Patsy is now always killed at the end of every "LONE NUT" shooting.
Ebony Bennett ( lesson in democratic decline ct 20/7/24, p. 28) says “Thankfully, Australia’s gun control laws have been effective at stopping the kinds of massacres & shootings that have become an everyday feature of US life, surely John Howard’s greatest legacy as Prime Minister.
I beg to differ.
There is reason to think the Port Arthur massacre was planned as early 1987 when, after a specially called Premier's meeting in Hobart in December 1987, the New South Wales Labour Premier, Mr. Barry Unsworth stated, "there would be no effective gun control in Australia until there was a massacre in Tasmania".
Arguably the Port Arthur Massacre was Australia's 911. Martin Bryant didn’t have the IQ, psychological, physical, technical or planning capability to perform ANY PART of the Port Arthur Black-Op. HE WAS THE PATSY.
The archetypal Port Arthur psy-op in Tasmania in 1996 set the agenda for all subsequent Anglo-US “lone nut massacres” because it traumatized a nation and was immediately successful in having Australians surrender their guns to the government.
At the time of the Port Arthur massacre, the Tasmanian police in conjunction with ASIO and Australian federal authorities were running an anti-terrorist training exercise in the area. The "coincidences" are uncanny.
The only "messy" aftermath in relation to the Port Arthur Massacre was the survival of the patsy, Martin Bryant, an intellectually handicapped young man with an IQ of 66 whose mental and emotional age of 13 had required that he have a legally appointed guardian. Martin Bryant was kept in solitary confinement in hospital for months until the authorities and a Tavistock psychiatrist, managed to force him to plead guilty for crimes he had no physical, intellectual or emotional ability to commit.
By getting Bryant’s mother and sister to threaten to commit suicide and not see him any more the Tasmanian state and Australian federal authorities were finally able to abort court proceedings and incarcerate Martin Bryant without trial, seemingly forever, and immediately confiscate all guns held by Australians. The Australian media supported the governments' story and totally demonised Martin Bryant. The complicit journalists and their superiors involved will have much karma to expunge for their part in this demonic affair.
Some relevant web articles about the Port Arthur terror massacre, successfully hosted by the Tasmanian state and Australian federal governments and their henchmen, in order to force Australians to give up their guns, are listed at End Note 1. Some of the unexplained discrepancies in the Port Arthur case are listed at End Note 2.
The official government narrative about Port Arthur was that one man (with an IQ of 66 and no training in the use of guns) supposedly shot and killed 35 people and wounded 21 others. That feat, had it been true, would have been phenomenal, even without considering the incredible accuracy and speed with which the shooting was carried out. But there were two shooters and at least one of them was probably a top Israeli military marksman.
The late Joe Vialls’ analysis of the skills demonstrated in the Port Arthur shooting is instructive.
“In the Broad Arrow Cafe the shooter fired at an average range of twelve feet, where a tiny aim-off error of three degrees is enough to ensure that a bullet completely misses a target the size of a human head.
Readers are invited to prove to themselves just how small an error that is, by laying two twelve-foot long pieces of string flat on the floor alongside of each other, with the far ends four inches apart. That helps put things into perspective, doesn't it?
Scientific terms such as killed- to-injured ratio and kill-rate are enough to bore most readers to death, but in order to fully comprehend the enormity of the media lies about the massacre, and expose the planned nature of the operation it is essential information. The killed-to-injured ratio is used to calculate reliably how many injured survivors should be expected for every person killed for a given number of rounds fired. Even assault rounds as powerful as those fired by the Colt AR15 can only ensure a one-shot kill if the target is hit in the head, a six by six inch target: or in the heart, a ten by ten inch target. Together these areas form between one fifth and one seventh of the over-all body target areas, so for every person killed there will be between five and seven injured, expressed as "1 to 5" and "1 to 7".
The records show that a total of 32 people were shot in the Broad Arrow Cafe, so at best we would expect 4 dead and 28 injured, or at worst 6 dead and 26 injured. These are very reliable military figures based on hard science, but the actual figures in the Broad Arrow Cafe were 20 dead and 12 injured - an incredible inverted ratio of 1.66 to 1, or nearly two dead for every one injured.
Special forces train continuously for months on end to achieve a ratio as high as this, which lies far beyond the abilities of regular soldiers, and is an absolute scientific impossibility for an intellectually impaired registered invalid.
Media apologists desperately trying to protect their obscene "lone nut" legend will scream foul at this point and claim that flukes happen. No they do not. About seven months ago a trained Israeli soldier went beserk in Hebron and fired a complete thirty-shot magazine of ammunition from an identical Colt AR15 into a crowd of Palestinians at the same range. His thirty high velocity bullets injured nine and killed no-one at all. This Israeli example helps to drive home the absolute lunacy of crafted media insinuations that Martin Bryant was a registered invalid who suddenly metamorphosed into the lethal equivalent of a fully trained and highly disciplined US Navy 'SEAL'.
Next we come to the kill-rate which refers to the speed at which people are killed, thereby reflecting the skill, coordination, and accuracy of the shooter. It is accepted by all the authorities in Tasmania that immediately after the shooter entered the Broad Arrow Cafe he killed his first 12 victims in 15 seconds, a claim apparently opposed by some sporting shooters in Tasmania because of the seemingly impossible speed and lethal efficiency. This is a very reasonable objection so long as those shooters remain media-fixated on Martin Bryant, but there is nothing impossible about such a high kill-rate at the hands of a top special forces shooter operating at peak efficiency.
The first thing special forces do when entering an enclosed area containing superior numbers is lay down very fast accurate fire designed to kill as many hostiles as possible, thus gaining absolute control of the area in record time and minimising the risk of injury to themselves; and because hostiles frequently wear body armour protecting the heart area, special forces are trained to aim instinctively for the smaller head target. Following these unpublished protocols precisely, the shooter at Port Arthur gained absolute control of the Broad Arrow Cafe in fifteen seconds flat, killing most of his victims with a single shot to the head.
To even suggest that Martin Bryant, whose proven weapons handling experience was limited to a single-shot Webley Osprey air rifle could have caused this carnage is absurd. When the shooter entered the Broad Arrow Cafe full of people sitting at tables and fired the first shot, everyone inside reacted instinctively to the huge muzzle blast (noise) of the AR15, but each reacted in a different way, some just turning their heads while others moved physically, temporarily obscuring yet more diners and shielding them from the line of fire. At the same time the barrel of the AR15 was recoiling upwards through about five degrees of arc as it cycled another round into the breech, throwing the muzzle off target.
In a millisecond the cage was full of targets moving in at least ten different directions while the muzzle of the AR15 was still recoiling upwards from the first shot. But despite the enormous difficulties and the complex target trigonometry involved, the shooter controlled the recoil and shot 12 moving and partially obscured targets at the rate of one every 1.25 seconds. Nor did he trip over any obstructions, indicating that this professional shooter's face was seen in the Broad Arrow Cafe by staff some time earlier, during his final reconnaissance when he studied the layout to ensure no hiccups occurred during the operation. There were no hiccups. Ninety seconds after entering the Broad Arrow Cafe the shooter departed, leaving thirty two Australians and others lying on the floor, twenty of them dead.
All of these hard scientific facts were deliberately excluded by the frenzied media pack and not one attempt was made to establish the real identity of the shooter. Long blonde hair did not prove that the shooter was Martin Bryant, and the media somehow forgot to remind the Australian public that long wigs are the most common form of basic disguise ever used. In the Broad Arrow Cafe a long wig would also have been necessary to conceal the ear protection worn by the shooter. Firing more than thirty high velocity AR15 rounds in that hollow confined space produced as much concussive blast as a pair of stun grenades; sufficient concussion to severely impair the shooter's spatial orientation (and thus aim) unless wearing ear protectors or combat communications headphones. Readers are cautioned not to try proving this point themselves if they value their ear-drums and long-term hearing ability.
Official accounts are hazy about what happened next, but it is confirmed that most of those killed thereafter were shot with the Belgian FN, a heavier assault weapon which has a completely different weight and balance from the Colt AR15 and fires a round producing more than twice the recoil.
But despite switching between weapons with very different handling characteristics, and shifting from close to intermediate range, the shooter constantly maintained an awesome inverted killed-to-wounded ratio. Overall the massacre produced 35 dead and 22 injured for a final killed-to-wounded ratio of 1.60 to 1, almost identical to the 1.66 to 1 ratio in the Broad Arrow Cafe. To say the shooter was consistent would be the understatement of the year.
In layman terms, in an average shooting the 35 people who were killed at Port Arthur should have been accompanied by between 175 and 245 injured survivors; very similar ratios to the American McDonalds and other random massacres. Instead there were only 22, the trademark of a highly trained combat shooter. It is only when accurately analyzed in this cold scientific way that the monstrous nature of the media story can be exposed for what it really is: a creative lie every bit as loathsome as that fashioned by the British media when WPC Yvonne Fletcher was shot in the back from an American multinational building during 1984, but where the media grovelled obsequiously in front of powerful international patrons and lobbies and conspired to pervert the course of justice by blaming the Libyans instead of the Americans.
The professional shooter in Tasmania presented us with a final display of his unquestioned prowess when tourist Linda White and her boyfriend Mick approached Seascape Cottage on the Port Arthur road in a small four-wheel drive vehicle, shortly after the massacre in the Broad Arrow Cafe. Both saw the shooter aim and Linda White felt the wind of the first round as it passed her cheek and shattered the driver's window next to her head. The shooter corrected his aim and the second round hit Linda White in the arm, just to the right of the heart target area, The third round killed the engine and stopped the vehicle."
"In this his ultimate demonstration of combat shooting skill the shooter fired one sighting shot at a fast-moving target [vehicle] of unknown speed from an unsupported free-standing firing position, the most difficult of all; instantly and accurately compensated for vehicle speed and weapon recoil with the same blinding speed as the computer gunsight of an F14 Tomcat, then disabled both driver and vehicle with shots two and three. This man might have been an indispensable asset stopping speeding car-bombers in Beirut, but his professional skills were far too conspicuous for Port Arthur."
In the view of this author [Vialls] these were the last shots fired by the professional before he (or they) smoothly extracted from the Tasman Peninsula and then from Australia, leaving the patsy Martin Bryant down the track at Seascape holding the baby.
The trail to Seascape Cottage had been meticulously laid. In Martin Bryant's car at the tollbooth was a combat shotgun, a bag of ammo for the Belgian FN and, very conveniently, Martin Bryant's passport. Then there was Linda White's disabled four wheel drive on the Arthur Highway and a stolen BMW burning in the grounds of Seascape to mark the way, and just in case all these clues were not enough for the Tasmanian Police, an anonymous caller to police headquarters in Hobart advised the authorities that the man holed up in Seascape was probably Martin Bryant. Short of erecting a pink neon sign reading "THIS WAY TO PATSY" the professional or professionals seem to have thought of everything.
There were no eyewitnesses who could positively identify Martin Bryant at Port Arthur because an Australian newspaper circulated his photograph nationwide, thereby totally corrupting any and all police lineups, photo boards, or controlled shopping mall parades.
All the eyewitnesses could legally claim was a "tall man with long blonde hair", which was no impediment to the media who tried and convicted Martin Bryant in less than two days, in one of the most blatant and disgusting displays of media abuse ever seen.
So Bryant the patsy was firmly in place and Seascape was swiftly surrounded by armed police from Tasmania and Victoria, most of whom must have been very puzzled as the siege continued through the night, If we are to believe media reports (difficult, I know) Martin Bryant fired 250 rounds during the siege period but hit nothing at all, which is exactly what one would expect of someone whose prior experience was limited to a Webley Osprey air rifle.
If the professional shooter had fired 250 rounds from Seascape Cottage during the siege, his awesome killed-to-wounded ratio would have resulted in a police funeral cortege stretching from the Tasman Peninsula to Hobart.
It is beyond doubt that many of the armed police noticed Bryant's wild undisciplined performance at Seascape bore absolutely no resemblance at all to that of the deadly shooter at port Arthur and some must have told their senior officers about it, though it seems they were ignored or simply told to shut up. The media had its man, the feeding frenzy was in full swing and the police were not going to be allowed to spoil a lucrative politically-correct story by telling the truth.
In order to present even a shell of a case against Martin Bryant the prosecution needed valid identification by witnesses, but all eyewitness statements were corrupt. In addition they needed the weapons used in the massacre ballistically, cross-matched to bullets found in the victims at Port Arthur, either in Martin Bryant's possession or bearing his fingerprints. They had neither.
Nor were Bryant's fingerprints found at the Broad Arrow Cafe where he is alleged to have eaten lunch immediately before the massacre.
despite the severe disadvantage of his intellectual impairment, Bryant kept to his story in the face of tremendous pressure from police interrogators and psychiatrists to admit the enormity of his alleged crimes. He continued to refuse to do so and at the formal hearing on 30th September 1996 pleaded not guilty to all seventy two charges.
At that precise point in time the prosecution knew it had a very serious problem. Martin Bryant was refusing to roll over and there was absolutely no hard evidence at all linking him to the murders at Port Arthur, a fact that would very quickly become obvious if the case was allowed to proceed to trial in front of twelve alert Tasmanian jurors. About the only thing that might save the day was a false confession of the kind beaten out of the Birmingham Six and the Guildford Four by the British police, but by then Bryant was in prison where his screams might attract attention. With the media pack outside its doors baying for blood, government had to do something but had few options. Perhaps heavy pressure could be exerted on a third party to extract a confession from Bryant?
Shortly afterwards, according to Tasmanian reporter Mike Bingham, Martin Bryant's mother Carleen, unable to face the stress of a public trial, paid a visit to Bryant at Risdon Prison and told him that if he did not plead guilty, she and his (Bryant's) younger sister Lindy would commit suicide and he would never see them again. Bingham later wrote that he doubted this was the reason for Martin Bryant then changing his plea to guilty on all charges, but who does Bingham think he is kidding apart from himself? Later, when she understood how she had been manipulated, Martin Bryant's mother Carleen, tried to uncover the truth and help her son but to no avail.
Bryant's mum and sister were probably the only people in the world who would still talk to him, and he had just been told that if he didn't plead guilty they wouldn't be talking to him ever again, and furthermore he would also be directly responsible for their deaths, Carleen Bryant's threat achieved in days what the police interrogators and psychiatrists had failed to achieve in months. Martin Bryant loved his mum and sister and wanted to see both of them again, something that would only happen if he could stop them committing suicide. Clearly Martin Bryant pleaded guilty to save the lives of his mum and sister.
If Bingham's claim is correct, applying such enormous psychological pressure was mental cruelty, every bit as coercive as the physical abuse handed out to the Birmingham Six and Guildford Four by the British Police. But because Martin Bryant was a registered invalid with impaired intellectual functions, the way that psychological blackmail was used to force a false confession out of him was almost certainly as illegal as the physical methods used by the British police, leaving the way open for Bryant to withdraw his false confession and lodge an appeal.
… If Seascape had been located in California or Texas, Martin Bryant would unquestionably have been shot dead the split-second he left the building. It was only the iron discipline exercised by the Tasmanian and Victorian police special operations groups at the scene which allowed Martin Bryant to be taken into custody alive. All of those armed officers deserve the highest praise for their restraint in what must have been perceived as an extremely dangerous situation.
… Logic indicates that a limited number of Australian citizens or residents colluded in the massacre, if only in terms of forward reconnaissance and setting Martin Bryant up for the professionals.
Found at:
Joe vials concluded:
‘nineteen of the twenty dead in the Broad Arrow Café were killed with single shots to the head fired from the gunman’s right hip. [Ron: Martin Bryant was left handed]. In total only 29 rounds were fired in the Café, killing twenty and wounding another twelve. This was a staggering technical achievement, a feat so far beyond the known capabilities of an intellectually impaired invalid like Bryant, that it beggars the imagination.
Compare this deadly accuracy with the performance of experienced Irish Loyalist gunman Torrens Knight, who in company with one other, used a total of 120 rounds to kill eight and injure another eleven in the Catholic Rising Sun pub at Greysteel, Northern Ireland, during 1993. Only two of the victims were hit in the head, and most of the rounds missed completely, burying themselves in the furniture and walls.
Anyone deluded enough to suggest that intellectually impaired Martin Bryant was three times as accurate as two of the top Loyalist shooters in Northern Ireland, should probably make an appointment with his or her psychiatrist as a matter of urgency.’
The Australian and USraeli state terror organisers learnt a lot from the Port Arthur Massacre. The most important lesson was that the patsy MUST die at the end of the massacre. Had Martin Bryant’s mother realised the truth, which she subsequently did, she would not have assisted the perpetrators to force a false confession from Bryant and that would have brought this government terrorist conspiracy undone.
In addition the state terror perpetrators realised that it is vital to prevent any accurate information about what actually happened becoming public knowledge. That is achieved by cordoning off and quickly concealing or destroying relevant crime scenes and removing and concealing or destroying all evidence. For instance the scrap steel from 911 was removed and sold overseas to China within three weeks and the debris following the micro nuke Bali Bombing was collected and dumped out at sea within three weeks of that bombing.
Such evidence has to be removed without proper forensic examination for obvious reasons. For instance who would accept that cave dwelling Muslims used micro nukes to pulverise huge buildings on 911 or that average Indonesian artisans had constructed the micro nuke needed to create a huge crater and pulverise concrete reinforced buildings in Bali.To maintain the pretense that those bombings were within the capabilities of the designated patsies all contrary evidence had to be hidden or destroyed.
Other obfuscation techniques that have become very common include preventing relevant witness statements from being published or available, and issuing multiple conflicting reports about massacres such that it becomes nearly impossible to know what is genuine and what is concocted.
When concealing and destroying evidence is considered insufficient the Police and government authorities make it a crime for anyone to report anything publicly other than what the police have said. See eg:
I wonder whether this policy will be made retrospective and applied to 911, the Oklahoma City bombing, WACO and all the rest?
End Note 1
Articles on the Port Arthur Massacre
Port Arthur Massacre. See:
Oslo and Port Arthur-Massacres-Sold-by-the-Jew-Media-as-LONE-NUT-events See:
And: Australian Officials Recklessly Endanger Martin Bryant’s Life
End Note 2
Some of the unexplained discrepancies in the Port Arthur case include:
1 Whoever was on the trigger that fateful day demonstrated professional skills equal to some of the best special forces shooters in the world.
His critical error lay in killing too many people too quickly while injuring far too few, thereby exposing himself for what he was: a highly trained combat shooter probably ranked among the top 20 such specialists in the western world.
2 There was lack of forensic evidence at Port Arthur. There were no tests that matched Martin Bryant's guns and no fingerprint comparisons from the Broad Arrow Cafe.
3 Both the guns Martin Bryant supposedly used were damaged to the point where forensic tests to match cartridges to guns weren't possible. The damage to the guns could have occurred in either of two ways.
(1) A cartridge blowing up in the breach which would mean the user would have a damaged hand which Martin Bryant didn't have.
(2) Deliberate use of explosives remotely detonated, which is a trick learned by special forces to avoid making positive identification possible. This must have been done somewhere other than where the guns were found at Seascape because, despite a thorough search of the area, some gun parts were never found. The guns shown to the MSM were a reconstructed version with missing pieces supplied from police weapons archives, a fact which was never mentioned in the mass media.
4 No legally valid eye witnesses to the massacre. Out of the few survivors of the massacre who were able to identify the shooter, non were called on to identify Martin Bryant as the shooter. It was explained that these people had been put through enough trauma and their evidence would not be required.
5 Martin Bryant was left handed, the shooter was right handed.
6 Police decoyed away from scene just before shooting began on a "first time in history since records began" hoaxed call to pick up some heroin which turned out to be soap power.
7 Descriptions of the shooter didn't match. Eye witnesses to the shooting describe the shooter as being around 20 with golden blonde hair a few inches below his shoulders which was straight, with rat tails and a heavily pock-marked face.
Martin Bryant was 29, had whitish blonde, slightly curly hair which was just above shoulder length and a clear complexion.
8 Martin Bryant had an IQ of 66 (average IQ 90-110), making it hard to believe that he could have planned and executed the massacre with any degree of efficiency.
9 A refrigerated hearse large enough to hold 22 people was bought before the operation which was considered strange. After the massacre it was disposed of.
10 Martin Bryant underwent trial by media, assumed guilty, human rights abused.
11 Is it significant that no Jews nor Freemacs nor Politicians and their relatives 'were amongst the dead'?
12 Faked "first time ever" video showed overcast sky when the actual massacre happened when the sky was clear.
To this day efforts are still being made to prevent anybody getting a photo of Martin Bryant to compare with the video.
13 The very fact that his back was on fire when he exited Seascape Cottage, and the fact that he came out unarmed, and that he said "Don't shoot, I am the hostage", should have received immense scrutiny.
14 ASIO were on the scene too quickly making it look like they had fore knowledge. How soon was ASIO on the scene after the incident? What is meant by 'ASIO screened out some people'?
15 What Hobart logs of departure were falsified? enroute Melbourne CTR logs, Bankstown secondary arrival log falsified?
Various airport departure and arrival logs were falsified which points to a well co-ordinated escape strategy for the actual shooter and his accomplice.
16 30 year embargo on evidence
Anyone wishing to pursue the matter beyond this point should read the item "Port Arthur - What Next?" printed alongside Joe Vialls' report.
17. The Seascape Siege lasted throughout the night
Martin Bryant said he was the hostage, yet there were two people firing from Seascape. How did these two other people escape from Seascape?