Jack Waterford says “Corrupt conduct is not always criminal” (CT 29/6/24, p. 32).
Criminality is a socially harmful act or omission that breaches the natural laws governing the rights & interests of humans, the planet, & all her inhabitants. Whether those natural law rights & responsibilities have been breached are issues for determination by SOVEREIGN beings not corporate governments & judiciaries.
Whether “corrupt conduct” is criminal thus depends on whether it breaches the natural law rights and responsibilities of sovereign individuals or the planet or her other inhabitants.
Election of a group of politicians to represent the interests of others does not bestow on them the intrinsic right to legislate or otherwise impose on anyone any laws, rules or 'mandates' etc that curtail the natural law rights of their human electors or anyone else. Decisions potentially affecting the natural law rights & responsibilities of the general population need to be considered & decided by properly conducted referendums.
The fundamental flaw in our system of governance is that Parliaments & other local government bodies are only elected to implement & manage projects & services agreed to by electors but they presume to have the authority to make & impose laws that infringe upon the natural law rights & responsibilities of the population. They DO NOT have the moral or lawful right to do that. They do not have the right to legislate how electors may live their lives or expend their resources, BUT they presume to do that and moreover they do it with menaces, force and violence.
Similarly, elected bodies & government corporations do not have the right to impose taxation or expend monies & resources except with the explicit permission of those who provide the funds & own the resources. That is one of the fundamental flaws in the BOGUS model of “democracy” used to misgovern Australia & other Western nations.
Parliaments & governments unlawfully arrogate to themselves the right to make laws about how the general population may live & what constitutes criminal behavior.
Intrinsically, the general population is sovereign and has the authority to decide all issues related to the natural human rights and responsibilities of its members & to adjudicate upon what constitutes criminal conduct; BUT such decisions must be guided by the dictates of natural law NOT the collective whims of legislators or judiciaries.
The idea that Parliaments & governments can legislate and/or empower themselves, judiciaries & bureaucrats to make laws & decide what is and what isn’t criminal conduct is BOGUS.
Determination of what constitutes criminal conduct is a matter for a jury of peers of the accused who ordinarily should be prosecuted personally by one or more community members adversely affected by the alleged criminal conduct. The accused should be required to defend against the accusations in person in front of a jury of peers who decide the matter. The proceedings should be convened by a member(s) of the community in a public place open to everyone and NOT some government building controlled by some corporate government or judicial entity. Moreover, no government or other corporate entity should conduct the proceedings and TELL the jury what they may KNOW or DO.
The false government doctrines that reserve the right to decide what the laws are and what criminal conduct IS; how it must be determined; and by whom, needs to be abolished. The individuals constituting the general population are SOVEREIGNS, they may not be lawfully told, coerced or directed as to how they must conduct proceedings to determine possible criminal conduct.
Currently the Australian population is controlled by corporate government & judicial employees unlawfully, albeit covertly, appointed and controlled by the owners of private government & judicial corporations who are not accountable to anyone.
Natural law requires that humans cannot be legitimately enslaved or penalized by man-made laws without their explicit consent. Similarly, all humans are subject to a requirement that they accept responsibility for everything they say & do. No legislature, judiciary or other corporate authority can legitimately remove that responsibility. Moreover, decisions as to whether conduct has breached natural law is a matter for decision by juries of human peers of the accused.
Many of the problems complained of as regards so-called social legislation & criminal activity are caused by illegitimate laws and/or their inappropriate, inconsistent or biased enforcement.
IF our societal governance followed & adhered to natural law there would be no need for the ridiculous proliferation of laws, rules, regulations & 'mandates' etc that drown our society in a sea of made-up restrictions, penalties, criminal activities and enslaving policies.
Australia is still a penal colony ruled by usurpers operating unlawful belligerent occupation governments who purport to tell us what is and what isn’t criminal conduct. That is absurd given that all of our governance arrangements are unlawful, unconstitutional and hence illegal and criminal.
Debating whether corrupt conduct is or isn’t “criminal” merely fosters confusion and misdirects community attention away from the intrinsic flaws in our system of governance & law. Such debates divert attention & skew popular opinion thus keeping people from realizing they live on a totally unlawful, human farming, national plantation the basis for which is a BOGUS “rule of law” matrix that pretends that Australians are incapable of deciding for themselves what IS and what ISN’T criminal conduct.
Such debates treat Australians like children, incapable of discerning for themselves whether corrupt conduct is harmful to community welfare or not. It constitutes a continuation of the infantilization of the population which the government dictated schooling system inculcates in everyone in the first two decades of life.
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