God Poet Transmitting.......
An angel of God said to me a couple of weeks ago. I want you to do something for me. It's for yourself as well, but I want you to do something that is going to prove to be of immense importance and great value to you, though you might not see the wisdom of it yet. While you are sitting at your desk, I want you to take two minutes... five minutes... whatever feels right, and stop what you are doing, and close your eyes and enter into a meditative state and celebrate... enjoy... being aware of my indwelling presence.
In your case, you know I am here and we interact all through the day, but this is only celebrated at certain points, four or five times a day. I would like you to do this more often than that so that it becomes a fixture all through the day. Something is going to happen inside you that is going to be more than you ever imagined to be possible, simply by checking in with me at regular intervals throughout the day.
I want you to build your existence around my presence, and... conversely... I want you to see everything external to you as also being me in a stage of endless transition while presenting in a temporary... stationary form. I want every aspect of existence to come alive for you. I want you to see everything as something concealing me in the form of an appearance, and further... I want you to see everything as frozen and congealed sunlight; light in extension.
The conversation has been more detailed than that, BUT... as with everything... the more you focus on it... the more is revealed to you. This is one of the key secrets of Yoga. The more you bring your attention to bear on any specific thing, the more you learn. Then there is the matter of sleep processing. Every inventor and problem solver has had an experience where they go to sleep with something on their mind and then wake up with a solution. That is where the saying, I am going to sleep on it comes from.
So... I wanted to point out this peculiar interaction to the reader because I know... by now... that most of what I am told is meant to be transmitted to you, BUT... it is also for me as well, and that is something I have often overlooked because... due to the self-obliterating experiences I have had... largely due to the Kundalini activity that is always present with me... I don't have much of a sense of self, and I often forget that I exist at all. That may be hard to understand but it is even harder to put into words.
Anyway... I am starting to see the point of what I was told... about taking a moment at times all through my day... brief respites in which I contemplate the presence of God in my heart and mind, which are... simply... two aspects of the same thing. The Mind is always flitting from one thing to another... very much like an agitated monkey... in a constant state of excitement... over the discovery of meaningless shit.
The Mind... the ego/personality and The Desire Body are engaged in a relentless conspiracy against The Indwelling. They refuse to be still and exist in a constant state of distraction, due to the rampaging stimuli of a culture in a state of advanced Materialism.
What Materialism has done is to morph The Divine Feminine into a state of disordered hysteria, while turning the male aspect into a prancing bitch. We see examples of this in urban locations around The World where people are pressed up against each other. Here is a synopsis of an article by Tom Wolfe, entitled... Oh, Rotten Gotham Sliding Down into The Behavioral Sink.
The conditions that came out of this experience with rats are near perfectly mirrored in present human conditions in the cities.
This is the age of the celebration of perversion and mediocrity. It is because of The Diversity Aspect of Materialism that has invaded and bewildered the female portion of humanity that we have all these sexually confused children. So... on the one hand, you have the blind female part that feels and cannot see. Then you have the male part that thinks but cannot understand, and neither side has any clear recognition of the other because everything is a contract being completed on the surface so that... meaning is lost.
When there is no meaning, there is no point.
Everywhere you see a trans child, you also see a hovering mother, basking in and sucking up the attention that she gets for having a special offspring. We all know what it means when you are, 'spechul', yes? It's a weird modern expression of Munchhausen Syndrome. It's a kind of vampirism... where the childhood is stolen... so the parent can act out through it. Materialism and Satanism are completely interchangeable. The only difference is that one... is a blind and driving force... that elevates externals to a state of the greatest importance, and with the other, it is turned into a form of worship. It's basically the same thing, and I could go into more detail, BUT... I don't feel like it.
It is the same thing with homosexuality, where the mother replaces the child's personality with her own. The Family Unit is the building block of civilization and The Mother is the central core of it. This is why Communism and other forms of government that are directed toward a nihilistic dystopia... always work to destroy The Family Unit... so that the government can become the parent... the all-seeing eye... or whatever the adapted pyramid symbology may be... that puts a small self-selected group at the top... and then cuts deals with the middle ground to ensure a tyrannical band of overseers who maintain ORDER.
I don't want to get too deeply into this (pun intended) rat's nest of complexity. It's not my area of interest or concern. I can see it for what it is, BUT I am not the best cataloger of the offenses of perverse systems. It is always the same animal in a different state of coloration, adapted to what is needed... to delude and deceive the people watching it dance around in front of them... while its henchmen pick their pockets.
Inevitably... as Oswald Spengler... George Orwell... Franz Kafka... Albert Camus and a host of others have shown; (let's throw Aldous Huxley in there for good measure) certain systems ALWAYS lead to predictable results, which is why I am a Trends and Patterns guy.
There are only so many outcomes you can expect from where we presently find ourselves, AND... I think we are going to see examples of every single one of them in one location or another. Fundamentalist religions are going to account for dark authoritarian pockets of fear-driven fanatics. Wealth is going to create temporarily protected enclaves. New systems of order are going to evolve out of the failures of their predecessors. Large groups of people are going to die off... or be killed off by the people in the temporarily protected enclaves...
...a whole lot of people are going to wake up, and the force of their collective mental unity and spiritual resonance is going to build a new world behind the power of The Avatar who is driving it.
What I see... when I look close up and at a further reach... is a whole lot of basically decent people, who vastly outnumber the screw-ups and the psycho and sociopaths who have gained the upper hand... through the accumulation of wealth and the corruption of existing systems that now only work the way they want them to work. That is all changing BECAUSE... this force I was talking about at the beginning of this post... is present in every single one of us. A very few of us are in contact with it or... trying to come into greater contact with it, and the rest have pushed it aside because of personal agendas, which are amplified by the force of Materialism.
This presence that exists in every one of us, and without which... we would not even be alive, can act as it pleases to at any time it pleases to. Most of the time it just lets the dramas continue because it has set inviolable laws in place that control the outcomes of every action. Existence is sewn up tighter than most of us imagine is possible. However... now and then... this force will send off an impulse. It is a regulating force that appears whenever things get out of balance, and... it restores balance... no matter what other forces may think or try to do about it.
This impulse it sets off is one of endless variations upon a theme, which is Love... embodied in a single entity... that is the first emanation of this force. It ALWAYS does its job and it has been sent forth because whenever imbalance reaches a certain level... the reaction is automatic.
I don't care how powerful any individual or group of individuals fancies themselves to be. I don't care how much money they have... how powerful their armies are... they amount to less than a fart in a hurricane by comparison. There is... in fact... no comparison, and it is all part of an endless ebb and flow that is under the serene command of a single inexplicable... incomprehensible... and indefinable something; get with it or get plowed under. There is no third option.
So... for me... I have been advised to visit with it all through my every day, and that has been going remarkably well. I am getting an idea of what is intended with this, and I find it to be most agreeable with my own intentions and aspirations which amount to always seeking to be closer to it, and more in harmony with it, and that's pretty much all I care about; all other cares being a secondary extension of that, and...
... one last thing.
Hmm... how about two similar last things?
End Transmission.......
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