GO ORGANIC: Either grow your own food or get it locally, preferably from people you know.
Ron: Those proven to have deliberately poisoned food or water with intent to harm people needto be prosecuted & punished in the same way that the perpetrators of COVID-I9 & the "jabs" must be punished
Governments & the MSM endlessly bombard the population with the details of individual crimes of murder & injury by individuals to individuals in order to conceal their own genocidal crimes & similar crimes by Big Pharma, the medical profession & food distributors et al.
The reason that most people refuse to see this reality is a combination of FEAR & stupifaction due to lifetime of schooling; constant babbling Bernaysian mind controlling advertising by the MSM; & lying government propaganda. The “IN” joke for the perpetrators is that the general population pays for it all ( i.e. their own sickness & death); attacks anyone who mentions the truth; and is grateful for their own demise.
The situation IS funny, if you’re a psychopathic killer.
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