Documentary: How Rockefeller Destroyed US Healthcare
Although Hippocrates, reportedly the founder of Western medicine, said, “Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food”, medical schools now provide almost no information about nutrition.
By Neenah Payne
Although Hippocrates, reportedly the founder of Western medicine, said, “Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food”, medical schools now provide almost no information about nutrition.
In the Shadow of Flexner is a groundbreaking documentary film by Justin Smith that exposes the century-old corruption that forever altered the trajectory of healthcare. At the heart of this riveting narrative lies the Flexner Report, a document published in 1910, the insidious purpose of which was to eradicate all traces of natural medicine from the educational landscape.
In an era when conventional doctors faced public skepticism, the Flexner Report became the tool of choice for industrial capitalists seeking to monopolize medicine. With an intricate web of influence, orthodox physicians and profit-driven magnates embarked on a mission to discredit any therapeutic approach that did not involve drugs or surgery. The fallout of this Machiavellian maneuver was the sidelining of gentle, nature-aligned treatments in favor of a system that prioritizes profit over patients.
While orthodox medicine has undeniably gifted the world life-saving advancements, the documentary sheds light on the dark underbelly of a system where millions have become collateral damage in the pursuit of financial gain. The film explores the paradox of a medical industry awash with unprecedented funds, yet failing to stem the tide of rising chronic conditions globally.
Through compelling storytelling and jaw-dropping revelations, “In the Shadow of Flexner” takes audiences on a gripping journey through the annals of medical history. It challenges viewers to question the ethical foundations of a health care system that, despite its triumphs, has left countless individuals in the shadows of profit-driven decision-making. As the world grapples with escalating health care costs and an alarming surge in chronic illnesses, this documentary serves as a poignant call to reevaluate the priorities that shape the future of global health.
Flexner Report: The Rise of Big Pharma
Preview: In the Shadow of Flexner.
Watch the documentary on Epoch TV for $4.99 (Subscriber discount: $2.99).
The Fascinating History of Supplements! shows that The Flexner Report radically altered medical education and practice in North America. Dr. Daniel Nuzum discusses the impact of the report — a study of medical education in the United States and Canada written by Abraham Flexner and published in 1910 by the Carnegie Foundation.
Many aspects of today’s American medical profession stem from The Flexner Report. After The Flexner Report, the focus shifted from things that help people heal naturally like exercise, good sleep, and good nutrition. Instead, the focus was on drugs and surgeries. Until the report, most of the medical schools taught homeopathy. However, the report ended the homeopathic movement because the funding of medical institutions that weren’t teaching the use of drugs and surgery was stopped. So, 40-50 medical institutions closed. Within five years, only two of the 17 naturopathic medical schools were left. A similar thing happened to osteopathic schools and chiropractic schools.
Funding was cut for anything that was not drugs. There was no more funding for herbal remedies. Cannabis and other remedies became demonized. Drug companies threw supplements out the door. The drug companies funded the medical schools and got positions on the boards. So, the drug companies were able to slowly push out what had been standard medicine – which is now called “alternative medicine”. They presented their drugs as the only solution.
The Cleveland Clinic in Ohio was originally a homeopathic university and hospital. However, after The Flexner Report, the word “homeopathy” couldn’t even be used in the clinic!
Fortunately, that is changing now! The Cleveland Clinic For Functional Medicine is part of the growing reversal of the trend begun by The Flexner Report! The site says: “Cleveland Clinic’s Center for Functional Medicine is a collaboration between Cleveland Clinic and the Institute for Functional Medicine (IFM), led by Mark Hyman, MD, Chairman of IFM, founder of The UltraWellness Center, and New York Times best-selling author.” In the 2017 video Two Years In: What’s Happening at Cleveland Clinic’s Center for Functional Medicine Dr. Hyman explains how the collaboration began and is accelerating across the country now.
Flexner Report And The Rise Of Big Pharma: FLCCC Weekly Update (video)
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What a great discussion we had last night (March 20, 2024) on the pivotal ‘Flexner Report’ and its profound impact on how ‘Big Pharma’ gained control of Western medicine. Dr. Paul Marik and Dr. Joe Varon were joined by Independent filmmaker and author Justin Smith to discuss the Flexner Report and his new documentary “In The Shadow Flexner”.
Watch and learn how to address this delicate subject now!
Flexner Report And The Rise Of Big Pharma: FLCCC Weekly Update
John D. Rockefeller’s Father Was A Cancer Quack!
A Brief History of Modern Medicine shows that John. D. Rockefeller’s father was a cancer quack. “Before the Civil War….John D. Rockefeller was just a boy and his father ‘Big Bill’ Rockefeller was a quack physician selling bottles of creosote to cancer patients for 25 dollars apiece.”
However, after The Flexner Report, Big Pharma would label naturopathic doctors “quacks” for not pushing expensive drugs and surgeries! Yet, medical errors are now the third leading cause of death!
Canada’s Growing War on Supplements
The video below shows that Big Pharma wants to deny people access to vitamins and supplements. This is at the same time there is a growing war on food!
Exit & Build Land Summit IV - Online And In Person
In The Canadian Government’s War on Supplements, Del Bigtree, Emmy Award winning host of The Doctors TV show, founder of the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) director of Vaxxed: From Coverup To Catastrophe, and host of The Highwire, interviewed Shawn Buckley, LLB, Constitutional Attorney & President of the Natural Health Products Protection Association in Canada. Buckley discussed the Canadian government’s war on vitamins and supplements via the introduction of extreme regulations designed to restrict access and raise the cost of natural products.
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