Ron: clif high highlights a major reason why the population of this planet that doesn’t have a minimum spiritual orientation of 51% service to others more than self needs to be evacuated from Gaia to other planets and places before the dissemination of advanced technologies can be effected. Presumably that is a major reason why the 6,000 patents suppressed by the Khazarian Mafia (KM) controllers have not yet been generally released globally by the Alliance.
The proliferation of wars and terrorism in the last one hundred years using existing lethal technologies has caused much destruction and bloodshed. Once information about zero point energies and anti-gravity levitation vehicles and other advanced technologies becomes generally available the potential for individuals and small groups of people to develop weapons that could cause devastating damage and loss of life and hold communities and nations hostage will grow enormously.
The removal of the Khazarian Mafia (KM) and their minions, enablers and enforcers will not, in itself, eliminate the egocentricity and irrationality of the bulk of the global population nor will it automatically upgrade their spirituality. Accordingly the tendency to misuse advanced technologies for irresponsible and/or evil purposes will escalate as knowledge of those technologies spreads. THAT necessitates that everyone whose level of spiritual development is below the minimum standard of 51% service to others must be removed to environments more suited to their level of spiritual evolvement during the coming changes that will enable Gaia and those with her to continue their journey through 4d into 5d.
Deep Fear!
The sub set of the military that is really into ‘thinking’, and thus also really into analysis, is afraid.
They are afraid of the future.
Well, not really the future, so much as they are afraid of what the future is bringing them. And how rapidly it is arriving.
This is why they study, and analyze, so that they can better predict the future. Because it scares them. And they can see it coming. Even now.
These military guys, the ones who do the deep thinking, are afraid of the inevitable gap that will exist between people within a technology based social order. No, not our current technology, nor our current social order, but rather the ones that are manifesting now.
These military guys know that there are people, out and about in the civilian population, who are potentially a real danger to their, and government in general, claiming to be ‘authority’ for our civilization.
These people that they fear, are actually much like themselves, that is, they are ‘tech minds’. These people that they fear get a real mental buzz playing around with tech. These people that they fear have knowledge of AI, 3d printing, self-correcting design methodology, iterative reform testing procedures, and are inventive, creative, and intrigued by the technology itself. They get a real charge out of it all.
A dangerous combination for statists, especially in a Shift of the Ages into Aquarius. These military guys pay attention to all kinds of inputs. They fear what they know is coming, and what they cannot prevent.
The Great Awakening sweeping through Humanity is powered, in large part, by the shift of the Ages, and the introduction of new energies into earth’s noosphere from the center of our galaxy. The military analysts recognize this. They see the inevitable progression coming towards the control structure that they serve.
They fear the techies. They fear the subset of humans who are enthralled with tech. Even now these people have weapons such as rail(coil)guns fabricated with 3d printers, plastics, and copper wire, and a few chips. These weapons are rapidly approaching the capabilities of old fashioned cartridge guns whose ammo is propelled by gun powder explosions, rather than electric charged magnetics. Further, as with most technical advancements, beneficial side effects are produced. With railguns, the techie can make their own ammo; even invent new forms. Further, requiring only electricity, and being very nearly silent, these weapons are definitely scary for ‘authority’ figures. No muzzle flash, no recoil to spoil your aim, and no reverb to be able to triangulate the weapon from it’s discharge.
These military guys, to some level, mostly due to the emotional effects of the cultural revolution on-going against the Western republics by the Elohim worship cult (the mother WEFfers et al), are correct to worry a bit about the technology available to the general public. Not that they have any options to control it. They are never going to achieve control over it. Rather the best that they can hope would be to achieve a state of balance of progress versus risk. They have that now, more or less.
What is really frightening to these military fellows, is what is coming, that is, the release of Zero Point Technology into the public sector. Or rather, more accurately, the leaking of the ZPT from the corporations who have already succeeded with it, into the more general populace.
It’s the general populace, hosting all those techie minds, that really scares the shit out of the military when ZPT is brought into the picture.
They fear the techies working at the corporations that have all this really cool tech will be telling their techie buddies off site. Next thing you know, there will be UFO building clubs popping up all around the country. And the real problem for the military, all of them, is that a group of 4 or so techies, with an ARV, and ZPT, would be more powerful than a mid-sized nation-state.
Gnawing on our situation it is possible to see many avenues for the progress of ZPT into, and through Humanity, that does not result in massive destruction, but, that noted, there will necessarily be some destruction as the old power complex crumbles.
Power will spread out, in a huge decentralized manner, as ZPT moves into the Populace.
The military guys are blinded by their roles, and circumstances to a very narrow range of views of the possible paths of ZPT within our social order. In their world, given the command and control structure, they are very correct to have deep fear about techies, and the leakage of ZPT from alien reproduction vehicle efforts in the corporations. Their fears for their control structure are valid. There is absolutely nothing that they can do about the situation.
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