Declassified CIA report from I953 reveals that Zionism is imperialism. DUH... Zionists & Talmudists have always been imperialists, by definition & action.
Ron: Zionism is just another word for Talmudism. Both ideologies preach that Jews own this world & everyone & everything in it so saying Zionism is imperialism is hardly news. Ask the Palestinians.
Ron: All sociopolitical ideologies are imperialistic because they have been created by Talmudists for the purpose of manipulating, controlling & exploiting the rest of humanity and the planet. Talmudic imperialism has controlled our world for centuries. Ir’s primary control mechanism is the money meme.
The fundamental ideology underpinning all current political ideologies is the money meme. It is the basis of all thought that distorts human thinking about life, the universe and everything. Think about it. Imperialism, Capitalism, Communism, Socialism, Bolshevism, Fascism, Nazism, Maoism and even Feminism & Wokeism have been created by Talmudists and are essentially rooted in control of money, and the power and control it provides.
Our world is full of clever commentators who do their utmost to focus attention on the past rather than the future. They fight the last war not the next one and fail to see the wood for the trees. Presumably they do that because, either they are shills for the Talmudists OR they suffer a mind lock that prevents them thinking “outside the box.” Either way they clog up debates with erudite irrelevances.
For instance back in 20I2, some allegedly deep thinking critics of Ellen Brown’s advocating the creation of local community (state) banks to replace the Jew’s fictitious money supply and fractional reserve banking monopolies reckoned that:
‘the answer is not yet more public involvement and laws banning "usury." The answer is a freer market and more money competition.’
In other words, they advocated more of what has caused our global dystopia.
The joke is that Talmudic Jews control virtually all markets via their fraudulent ‘pretend’ money creation and usury and that is the core of the problem so advocating ‘more of it cannot actually solve anything. Nor could it even pretend to grapple with the devastatinly negative spiritual, psychological & societal effects of the money meme upon human society.
Money is an illusion within a wider illusion - the holographic universe in which we seem to move and have our being. Money is an idea vivified by human consciousness; human group think. It is therefore possible to unthink it. But why would humanity want to do that?
Well, we are told that money is a needed societal tool for exchange of goods and services, but it isn’t. It is actually a socially engineered mechanism for mental & physical enslavement. Humans have been programmed from cradle to grave to equate having money with personal identity and self worth. It isn't. Sooo, in order for humanity to live free and BE healthy, that Talmudic social engineered idea inculcated into human consciousness must be reversed.
Arguably money meme ideology is a central mind control mechanism used to enslave humanity mentally and physically. It creates artificial distinctions between sovereign fragments of the ONE Creator. It SEPARATES us from each other, isolating us psychologically from others and spiritually from Creation. That psychic isolation is in our faces all the time because it results in physical separation in all aspects of life as well as spiritual estrangement.
I suspect that one reason we are still waiting for the EBS & substantial revelation of our history & the evils perpetrated upon humanity by demonic entities is that Western “civilisation” really HAS to have the shock of experiencing life AFTER the banks shut down. Until that happens most people will not even contemplate the problems created by the money meme.
Learned economists and commentators keep mouthing platitudes like: ‘we just need freer markets and more money competition’ - whatever that means. And even New Agers who like to say all are One, cannot seem to grasp the possibility of living without money or at least marginalising the need for money in any REAL (i.e. loving) community.
A real community is or should be, typified by the family structure. Is it not absurd to argue that mothers, fathers, children and grand parents et al should only provide goods and services to each other for money? And if they did, would such families & communities expect to pay income taxes on such transactions to the IRS or other equivalent third parties? If we do not expect to subject all family activities to the money meme, why do we automatically expect that local & national communities should subject their members to the tyranny imposed by the money meme and its creators?
Arguably the main reason most modern societies have lost any real sense of community is that their members have totally embraced the money meme. That situation can only be addressed by closely examining the nature and effects of the money meme on humanity and seeking to modify or eliminate it. In that context, the various ideologies promulgating political & economic systems based on the concept of money rather than the real nature of humanity are distractions and misdirections.
In my opinion the first requirement for undoing the mind lock imposed on people by acceptance of a money based society and economy would be to have each relevant community come together to abolish private corporations that PRETEND to create the money/currency supply while demanding that whole nations pay them those fictional monetary amounts using the real fruits of the nation’s labour, PLUS interest, until the said fictional loan(s) is/are paid. That is highway robbery because the banks that pretend to lend us money actually obtain the money they pretend to lend to us, FROM our Cestui Que Trust account in our local government Treasury. In other words, governments automatically create money/currency in a national Treasury trust account for every citizens when s/he is born. That money/currency is created based on the full faith and credit of the nation’s labour and natural resources. In that sense it is not fiat. See eg:
‘Democracy, Deception, Deceit - they're all the same’:
An Investigative Report From the desk of Barton Albert Buhtz:
The criminal fraud operated by banks in cahoots with governments consists in governments licencing banks to pretend to create & lend money/currency themselves while actually merely requisitioning it from clients’ Treasury trust accounts. See eg:
In this context, bank usury is used to provide some icing on the cake for the greedy bank owners and controllers BUT its main function is to distract the attention of the general population from the real issue which is blatant bank fraud and theft.
The constant bullshit by governments, banksters, economists & the MSM about interest rates and the alleged need to use interest rates to control inflation is not only a LIE, it actually totally reverses the reality because bank interest rates are the primary cause of inflation. WHY? Because banks never even purport to create the money needed to pay the interest they charge on bank loans and national Treasuries do not issue money to pay it either. That means there is NEVER enough money/currency in circulation to pay the interest the banks charge.
The only way that any usurious fiat money banking system can continue to operate at all is if the banks continue to purport to loan ever greater amounts of money/currency so that some of it can be used to pay off the interest on existing loans. Accordingly the volume of money/currency in the economy MUST continue to grow exponentially, which automatically DEVALUES all existing money/currency making the problem worse. That is why these fiat money systems only last 50-55 years before the collapse. The current system commenced in I97I.
The never ending controversy about interest rates is thus essential to conceal the truth & to deceive the general population into thinking that the banks are only taking valid interest payments from them when the banks are actually stealing those interest payments AND all of the supposed loan monies as well. The banks therefore extract almost all of the productivity and wealth of entire nations leaving almost everyone scrabbling to live.
Incidentally, another”IN” joke among banksters is that the word “inflation“ INVERTS the truth. The word “inflation”is a LIE. When banksters say they want to keep “inflation” at 2% p.a. they mean that they want to REDUCE the value of money/currency in circulation by 2% p.a. When banksters say that “inflation” is too high & they want to reduce it by INCREASING interest rates they mean that they want to increase THE COST OF MONEY/CURRENCY and therefore EVERYTHING in the economy, i.e. they want to make the cost of money more expensive (giving them MORE profit) and the possibility of foreclosing on loans & thus acquiring properties at a discount and making even more profits.
When Central Banks increase interest rates to reduce “inflation” what they are actually doing is REDUCING the quantity of money/currency in circulation (causing recessions & depressions) BUT increasing the cost of loan monies & thus bank profits. The banks make more profits extracted from everyone else but especially borrowers with mortgages while pretending they have to do it. BUT inflation is caused by the banks themselves charging interest on faux loans to us of our own money/currency and any increase in interest rates MUST INCREASE INFLATION i.e reduce the value (purchasing power) of the money in circulation.
In the absence of the fraudulent banking extortion racket system which governments actively collude in creating & operating, all nation’s populations would retain the product of their labour & wealth and life on this planet would be prosperous & free of poverty, scarcity & want.
The solution is simple. Prosecute & imprison the complicit & criminal bank owners & controllers & their government accomplices. Then ensure that government Treasuries continue to create AND directly issue to citizens, sufficient money/currency to enable entire populations to live & work productively utilising all available labour and physical resources. Incidentally, this will be done under the QFS system after the existing corrupt governments & banking systems are removed.
This solution requires that each national community must ensure that its Treasury controllers are honest & do their job. That requires that they ensure that government & Treasury officials are honestly & transparently appointed, supervised, audited & controlled and are held directly responsible to the community for what they do; AND not to the owners of private corporate governments as is currently the situation in the US, Canada Australia and most other countries.
Be aware that today governments are private corporations listed with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (which is also a privately owned corporation) BUT the actual creation, supply and setting of interest rates for money/currency is in the hands of yet other private (for profit) corporations that have been given monopoly licences to pretend to create money out of thin air and to charge AND VARY, interest on that fictional debt money at whim, and totally without audit or scrutiny.
What could be more absurd?! It is the refusal of most people to contemplate, let alone seek to deal with these matters that has led humanity to its current crisis situation. Sooo, the choice is: make the mental and emotional effort to understand the money meme and then to reject it; OR continue to exist in a growing shower of shit created by the banksters AND justified by their bought and paid for governments and the mainstream media; and erudite minions and henchmen.
Those who think they cannot live without money; or even to make the effort to force their governments and money creators and suppliers responsible for what they do, are slaves and will remain so.
Those who cling to the old money paradigm need to realise that at the core of our so-called Capitalist global economic system are two mechanisms. First, the fraudulent bankster money creation cum government EXTORTION RACKET enforcement mechanism; and, symbiotically co-dependent with that meme mechanism, is the labour for income enslavement mechanism under which human beings SELL themselves and their energy to the highest bidder. The global economic system is based on human beings selling their labour as a commodity in the open market so that they can then buy and consume the production of that market.
The reason the banking matrix controllers have concealed the true meaning and implications of the rapid uptake of mechanisation, automation, computerisation, electronics (robotics) and AI in human workplaces & society generally in the last century is that the steady decline in available paid employment for people heralds the end of the fictional fiat money creation and usurious fractional reserve banking systems that have held humanity in thrall and enslavement to the matrix controllers for centuries. But the future is here. See eg: Artificial intelligence – can we keep it in the box?
See also: And: And: And:
If people do not have the option to work for a living because paid employment is unavailable, then the monetary system as we know it, is finished, and the capitalist economic system based on it must implode also. No one can buy goods if they don’t earn money or get given money from “the Welfare State”. Similarly, companies and businesses cannot afford to produce goods and services if consumers have no purchasing power to buy them. Lastly, governments will cease to be able to collect income, sales and other taxes and charges sufficient to continue the Welfare State if only a minority of people are working, earning money, paying taxes and consuming.
Sooo, as the need for workers declines below the “tipping point” at which the state ceases to be able to take enough money from those in paid employment to provide adequate “welfare” payments to the unemployed and their dependants, this jerrybuilt system breaks down. As that happens those who control the corporations that own the robots and machines will decide who lives and who dies and whether the process will be quick or not. This situation underlines the matrix controllers’ desire to eliminate the bulk of the human population of the planet. Billions of human workers are no longer “needed”. That is why the banksters organised the COVID-I9 scamdemic & the lethal “jabs” and are currently arranging the collapse of the global economic system.
THIS scenario is WHY you hafta examine these issues and decide what YOU are gonna do about them Pilgrims.
Once you’ve digested the fact that the old employment for money syndrome cannot be sustained and is on the way out VERY SOON, because machines will do the work, have a look at the positive technologies that will become available as soon as there ceases to be a monetary advantage in suppressing them. For instance Nikola Tesla’s power generation & transport technologies & Med Bed Tech will transform our world virtually over night.
For example, think about the fact that zero point (free) energy devices will all but eliminate the cost (and human effort) involved in creation of electrical and other power supplies including the power needed for transport modes. Once the free energy systems are up and running and freely available, there will be no need for power grids, power poles down every street, smart meters etc. The bulk of the construction, operating and maintenance crews currently needed for those tasks will be released to do more productive and enjoyable activities. Ditto for the administrative, sales and billing staff of the power, transport and oil companies etc and so on.
Similarly, no trucks, trains, ships and pipelines will be needed to transport oil, coal and gas etc all over the world. That will also eliminate the specious alleged need to make war on countries that have lots of oil, and/or coal or gas. THAT would save the trillions of dollars spent on bombing countries back to the Stone Age and invading and occupying them. It would also eliminate the work required to rebuild the infrastructure destroyed in such processes.
Similarly, there would be a big drop in the need for surgeons, doctors, therapists etc for those wounded or injured mentally or physically in bombings and wars. In any event, Med Bed technologies will eliminate the Rockefeller allopathic medicine and Big Pharma illness industries.
The inertia and cognitive dissonance experienced by many people (especially those who feel they are currently living comfortably off the current system) confronted by this prospect, is the single biggest impediment to humanity making the leap into higher consciousness needed to enter the new Golden Age. It isn’t the banksters that are holding us back Pilgrims, it is us! Our own inertia, insecurity and fear of change.
Also, think about all the unnecessary work created by the money economy. For instance most work in banking, financial services, accountancy, financial law, court cases over money, wage tribunals, marketing, and merchandising, advertising (ie lying propaganda), taxation, policing of taxation and other crimes relating to money, insurance and so on would all be unnecessary in a money free economy. Such activities do not contribute anything to real productivity and abundance.
IF those functions are eliminated a huge number of people would be freed up to do productive work and private projects, and that would increase both personal and general welfare. Gardening and being “in nature” would be much more frequent and satisfying activities. Moreover, eliminating the stress, pain, angst and misery relating to existing commuting and negative work activities would reduce the workload on healthcare providers, psychologists, therapists, clergy and everyone currently needed to minister to those now suffering from the effects of those activities. If nothing else, nations could close most hospitals and health facilities.
What all this means is that we must get a grip on the new reality in which forced, full-time and/or multiple part-time employment will be no more; and only a relatively small, select cadre of specialist planners, designers, engineers, technicians, supervisors, administrators, scientists, theraphists and such, will be needed to perform construction, industrial, infrastructure, horticultural and services "work" etc on a sustained basis. Those performing that work will choose their occupations and be suitably equipped to perform them and ordinarily such work could be undertaken on a part time basis if desired. As a result, most people will be free to provide domestic, therapeutic, artistic and human services to their families and others while still having plenty of free time to spend doing research or study and following personal pursuits that are considered to be of benefit to society or at least not detrimental. In that environment cultural activities like “The Arts” will come into their own. In such a society the readily available abundance made possible by AI, robots and technology will ensure that everyone has all their basic needs met. You have nothing to fear but fear itself Pilgrims.