Ron: The Jewish junta controlling the Ukraine seek a Talmudic “bolt hole”, after having fouled their nest in Palestine & failing to turn it into “a land without a people” they now seek to do it all again in the Donbas. THAT is why they are forcing the Ukrainians to fight Russia “to the last Ukrainian” & thereby depopulate the Ukraine.
This video presentation explains why the Jews want the highly developed Donbas with its rich natural resources. The geology speaks for itself. No doubt the Jews hoped to have the stupid indoctrinated Western Ukrainians kill and evict the Russians who built the thriving Donbas economy, with sufficient number of Western Ukrainians surviving the conflict to work the mines & factories to enable the Jews to enjoy the lifestyles they have become accustomed to in Israel living on the backs of the Palestinians.
The Russians in Donbas & mother Russia have other ideas … & long memories. They remember the Bolshevick Revolution, the Red Terror, the Holodomor in which Jews like Lenin, Stalin & Kaganovich genocided 66 million Russian Christians. They also remember how Russian oligarchs pillaged Russia in the I990s causing 7 million unnecessary Russian deaths.
So this time it isn’t going to happen. See eg:
Ron: Arguably the geology of the Donbas isn’t the reason for Russia mounted the SMO but it is a substantial part of the reason for the Jews wanting to turn it into “a land without people for a people without a land.”
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