The Amu Darya river must be a very substantial river. I can’t imagine any river in Australia providing so much water as a partial side flow. Perhaps if the Burdekin, Fitzroyor Ord rivers flowed out of mountains the size of the Himalayas they would. As the use of the Amu Darya for irrigation further down stream caused the Aral Sea to disappear this river diversion could have drastic future consequences for Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.
1,792,513 views Aug 5, 2023
Afghanistan is trying to tackle it's water problem by building Asia's largest artificial river in the desert. This gigantic mega project is already under and costs a staggering $500 million dollars. Why is Afghanistan trying to build this giant artificial river mega project, what will they use it for and how exactly are they going to build it? Today we look at the insane engineering behind the project and if it will actually work.
Incidentally, Afghanistan is the largest exporter of steam boilers
Ron: Clearly the Afghanis have managed to find a use for all the used US weapons of war and the detritus of battle, turning them into culinary cooking items.
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