Ron: Ensouled humans are the guardians of this planet & of all of her inhabitants including flora & fauna. We are on the brink of being freed from the enslavement exercised by Talmudic banksters & governments. That will result in thousands of labour saving suppressed technologies becoming available to remove the work & drudgery currently required to sustain our lives & societies. That will give us plenty of time & a great capacity to properly perform our responsibilities as planetary guardians.
Far from being ‘at a loose end’ because we will no longer be wage slaves and free range serfs scrabbling for existence under the oppressive control of Talmudic slave masters, we will become genuinely free agents able to choose how to live & what activities we wish to perform. Restoring Gaia’s body & flora & caring for her fauna will become major activities for many of us.
There will be plenty to do and our work will be enjoyable & rewarding. Bring it on.
1,224,983 views Jul 16, 2024 #blindcat #straycat #rescuecat
Thank you all for watching my video, Like, forward, comment, Let more people pay attention to stray animals🙏🙏 I regularly share stories about rescuing stray dogs, Please don't abandon your pets. Thank you for your encouragement and support💖💖💖 #rescuecat#straycat#animalrescue#blindcat
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