Donald Trump speaks at the RNC: FULL SPEECHthe RNC: FULL SPEECH
Former President Donald Trump spoke for the first time at the Republican National Convention since his attempted assassination.
Ron: This is a sober speech but typically political & US-centric.
I assume that blaming Russia for attacking Georgia & the Ukraine; & “annexing” Crimea, is done tongue in cheek & for consumption by the stupid jingoistic US audience BUT I still find it irritating since ALL of those events were caused by US & Israeli aggression & forced on Russia.
Around the 30 minute mark there’s a remark that could be construed as an oblique reference to Med Bed technologies.
The claims that the US has the most oil in the world & will supply the world seem to be an unnecessary exaggeration in view of the fact that the zero point energies suppressed by the US for a century will be released after existing governments are removed.
Also, given that the US military is largely in control of the US and the whole Biden pretendency is part of an elaborate ‘movie’, I find a lot of the rhetoric a bit irritating even though the situation would be much worse if the KM & its minions were really in control.
I also wonder just how USans who believe all the MAGA hype & jingoistic bullshit actually benefit from having their illusions & delusions massaged.